03/30/19 05:24PM
Images broken displaying only tag list

Recently, I put a comment on an image, about it not loading the image after clicking the thumbnail to access it, and displaying only the tag list in an "image" area.
I thought it was an image issue, but it seems to be worst, based on my experience today.


After several scrollings to follow the story, the image turned black (though the notes area stayed in position).
When I tried to reload, then choose "View larger version", I got the earlier phenomenon: no image, tags displayed in image area, and also the notes appearing very small over the screen (and over the comments).

Does anybody know what exactly cause this, and maybe how to fix it?
This is especially bad in this last example, because even if "Download larger version" worked (didn't check), it would not take the notes, that are a very important element in this case.
03/30/19 05:46PM
hyreader said:

Recently, I put a comment on an image, about it not loading the image after clicking the thumbnail to access it, and displaying only the tag list in an "image" area.
I thought it was an image issue, but it seems to be worst, based on my experience today.


After several scrollings to follow the story, the image turned black (though the notes area stayed in position).
When I tried to reload, then choose "View larger version", I got the earlier phenomenon: no image, tags displayed in image area, and also the notes appearing very small over the screen (and over the comments).

Does anybody know what exactly cause this, and maybe how to fix it?
This is especially bad in this last example, because even if "Download larger version" worked (didn't check), it would not take the notes, that are a very important element in this case.

have you tried refreshing?
03/30/19 06:14PM
For the last gallery mentioned, I said the issue took those exact symptoms when I reloaded.
I also tried restarting the browser, but what didn't work before still didn't work, not even for a moment.

I also tried to "download the larger version" since then.
Trying to view the image at full scale in Windows XP image viewer caused an error, but scaled versions worked.
Could view the image in an image editor software, but of course, without the notes, it's missing something essential.

I progressed into that pool since then, looking at the awful low-res version to advance on the story.
A weird thing is that when I arrived at hypnohub.net/post/show/77293?pool_id=2823 (image 37, while the other was 32), it worked again.
I hope the fact it happen as soon as the nudity vanish is just a coincidence.Would be horrible if it was an online system doing some kind of censorship on biggest contents with porn in it.

edit: now on image 38, broken again.There's nudity on that one.And I checked, the filesize is below the one working, so that would not be the issue.Am I going to turn paranoid?

edit2: phew, the smaller image 44 worked, so I guess paranoia can end, but still it doesn't change many images break.

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