04/03/19 02:34AM
Calypso twins in Borderlands 3
So was talking with a friend who, like me, loves Borderlands and we're both looking forward to 3. But he pointed something out I completely missed. 1) in the release trailer there's a sign early on that reads: "Free brainwashing, bring your friends". And 2) that Borderlands loves referencing Greek myths and when they use names from them its significant. Well the villains of 3, the Calypso twins, are named after Calypso who could enchant and enslave others with her voice.
So I'd say it's a safe bet that the twins, or at least one of them, has some kind of mind control or hypnotic power and we might get to see it in action in the game. But also I was hoping that this would also mean more Borderlands MC content in general, cause to me there's disappointingly little.
Besides that, anyone else excited for BL3? Any thoughts about the Calypsos and brainwashing?
04/03/19 02:58AM
All I know is that if it turns out to be an Epic Store exclusive, then it's a no-buy for me.
04/03/19 03:16AM
pajamas said:
All I know is that if it turns out to be an Epic Store exclusive, then it's a no-buy for me.

Yeah that and a few other things got me worried when I initially was ecstatic for the announcement
04/03/19 04:00AM
I hate the fact Gearbox is run by a dipshit like Randy Pitchford.

Also technically BL2 has some mind control in it; One of Maya's ultimate abilities allows you to brainwash enemies, though it is surprising that no one's really capitalized on this series, especially considering all of the interesting female characters in it + how inclusive it is when it comes to sexual content.

And because people are bringing up the EGS, allow me to recite a r/gamingcirclejerk memes:

04/03/19 04:15AM
Contorted said:
I hate the fact Gearbox is run by a dipshit like Randy Pitchford.

Also technically BL2 has some mind control in it; One of Maya's ultimate abilities allows you to brainwash enemies, though it is surprising that no one's really capitalized on this series, especially considering all of the interesting female characters in it + how inclusive it is when it comes to sexual content.

And because people are bringing up the EGS, allow me to recite a r/gamingcirclejerk memes:


tbh all EGS has is buying out developers and nothing else
04/03/19 04:54AM
crazyman said:
tbh all EGS has is buying out developers and nothing else

And spyware, and lack of basic features, and no email verification... what, you aren't convinced yet?
04/03/19 08:10AM
I'm hoping that the "Epic exclusive" part only applies to PC gaming clients and not just availability in general. As someone who vastly prefers playing on console I'm hoping we still get them.

That said, with the recent trend of once-great devs shooting themselves in the foot I'm expecting that it's going to be literally ONLY on PC via the EGS...
04/03/19 03:05PM
Mindcollector13 said:
I'm hoping that the "Epic exclusive" part only applies to PC gaming clients and not just availability in general. As someone who vastly prefers playing on console I'm hoping we still get them.

That said, with the recent trend of once-great devs shooting themselves in the foot I'm expecting that it's going to be literally ONLY on PC via the EGS...

Same. Been playing BL2 on PS4 via the Handsome Collection recently (as I've been meaning to get through 2 (and maybe TPS and TftBL) before 3 is released and I've been having quite a bit of fun using Axton.
04/03/19 03:07PM
Contorted said:
Also technically BL2 has some mind control in it; One of Maya's ultimate abilities allows you to brainwash enemies, though it is surprising that no one's really capitalized on this series, especially considering all of the interesting female characters in it + how inclusive it is when it comes to sexual content.

Borderlands 2 also has <<youtu.be/xY8HGh3wVL4?t=117|this scene>> which is quite nice
04/04/19 12:13AM
Contorted said:
I hate the fact Gearbox is run by a dipshit like Randy Pitchford.

Also technically BL2 has some mind control in it; One of Maya's ultimate abilities allows you to brainwash enemies, though it is surprising that no one's really capitalized on this series, especially considering all of the interesting female characters in it + how inclusive it is when it comes to sexual content.

And because people are bringing up the EGS, allow me to recite a r/gamingcirclejerk memes:


Actually I think the publisher has more control but I get your point. Sucks but Steam has had a stranglehold for so long I"m not surprised people (publishers) are pushing hard for EGS
04/04/19 01:16AM
ngmez said:
Actually I think the publisher has more control but I get your point. Sucks but Steam has had a stranglehold for so long I"m not surprised people (publishers) are pushing hard for EGS

Where Steam is far from perfect what Epic is doing (spyware cough cough) is illegal. And publishers are only "pushing hard" for Epic because Epic essentially paying them to switch to their launcher, has nothing to do with publishers caring about competition or the consumer.
04/04/19 01:37AM
teso said:
Where Steam is far from perfect what Epic is doing (spyware cough cough) is illegal. And publishers are only "pushing hard" for Epic because Epic essentially paying them to switch to their launcher, has nothing to do with publishers caring about competition or the consumer.

This entire EGS situation makes me glad that I prefer console gaming. Though while I may not need to worry about it, it does suck that PC gamers have to deal with it. And I'm honestly of the opinion that most PC Borderlands fans probably wouldn't be so angry/disappointed at the moment if BL3 was exclusively available on a store with a quality on par with EA Origins or U-Play.
04/07/19 01:33AM
I'm gonna be honest, buying out your competition is literally just what companies do and there's nothing unethical about simply being hosted on a different platform than usual, you should definitely vote with your wallet, but none of this is new.
04/07/19 03:58AM
MingusKingus said:
I'm gonna be honest, buying out your competition is literally just what companies do and there's nothing unethical about simply being hosted on a different platform than usual, you should definitely vote with your wallet, but none of this is new.

Not new perhaps, but also certainly not laudable. If you want my business, get it by having a better service, not by greasing someone else's palms.
04/07/19 04:23AM
pajamas said:
All I know is that if it turns out to be an Epic Store exclusive, then it's a no-buy for me.

You may wanna sit down for what your gonna learn.
1 2>>>

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