04/22/19 08:21PM
Another Year With The Hub, I love you guys
I turn 21 today folks, and before I even get one drink inside of me, I wanted to say something from the bottom of my heart.

I love this place. Really, I love the hub, it's a great place, with a great community.
I have made so many friends here, and while I have also managed to get on a few people's bad side, by and large I really do love you guys. You all are a pretty great group of artists, storytellers, manippers, or hell even just viewers. I consider this place my home on the internet, and in a way, you're all my family, and damnit, I love you guys.

I don't need nothing for my birthday, I don't even care if you wish me a happy birthday, I just want you all to have a great day, have fun, and be happy.
I love you guys, and have a great Earthday!
04/22/19 08:25PM
so true, and we love you too
04/22/19 08:34PM
Happy 21st! I feel quoting "21 Guns" might be a little too sappy and passé at this point, but happy birthday nonetheless, even without any quotes!
04/22/19 09:35PM
Happy Birthday MissCass ^__^
04/23/19 01:00AM
MissCass said:
I turn 21 today folks, and before I even get one drink inside of me, I wanted to say something from the bottom of my heart.

congrats, you now have acces to the most underwhelming part of adult life; alchohol!
04/23/19 02:23AM
I turn 21 this year, myself.
Happy birthday and enjoy that drinking.
04/23/19 05:49AM
Maybe too late, but be sure to drink a glass of water for every drink you've had tonight! It'll help the hangover.

Happy birthday :)
04/23/19 06:32AM
Happy birthday!

I'm so glad this has turned out great for you.
04/23/19 07:13AM
To all of you who commented, thanks, I really do appreciate it, and I am looking forwards to continuing to interact with you on this site, Love ya!
04/23/19 07:15AM
Hope you have fun! Don't get too drunk just because you can lol :D
04/23/19 07:17AM
mariosonicfan said:
Hope you have fun! Don't get too drunk just because you can lol :D

*Looks at the empty bottles, and the half empty one in my hand*
I'm on my way to disappointing you
04/23/19 08:12AM
MissCass said:
*Looks at the empty bottles, and the half empty one in my hand*
I'm on my way to disappointing you


Also happy anniversary!
04/24/19 12:31AM
Little update, I love Watermelon flavored alcohol but now I have a hangover at work.
04/24/19 01:18AM
MissCass said:
Little update, I love Watermelon flavored alcohol but now I have a hangover at work.

Wait wait wait wait wait, fucking wait. There's watermelon flavored alcohol? ...the reltm of possibilities that just opened up...
04/24/19 05:41AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
Wait wait wait wait wait, fucking wait. There's watermelon flavored alcohol? ...the reltm of possibilities that just opened up...

There is a BUNCH of watermelon flavored alcohol. The ones I had on hand was Jack Daniels and Reds Apple Ale
1 2>>>

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