04/26/19 01:17AM
Daily stuff that reminds you of kink
I'm 100% certain there's probably a thread on this already but I did check to see if there was a recent one so I wouldn't be necroposting.

Anyway, what are things you see in daily life that remind you of this kink?

I saw a shampoo the other day that was literally called "Dumb Blonde" and I had a moment of, like, oh shit, if I were a manipper this would be so choice for some kind of salon thing. Also there's a car wash by my house that is ALWAYS so packed the lines wrap around the block and naturally my mind drifted to hypno while trying to think of why so many people need to use the car wash every day. It's not even the only one nearby but it's the only one that has this many customers.
04/26/19 01:37AM
You definitely live in a neighborhood with some level of hypno and bimbofication going on.
04/26/19 02:04AM
I'm getting really intense tabico vibes
04/26/19 03:37AM
Depending on sociological and philosophical point of view, some would say advertisements in general really aren't much more than a massive mind-control ploy.
04/26/19 07:05AM
I can't help but think about this stuff whenever I go to the dentist.

Spending an hour or so stuck in a chair, unable to talk because of sedatives, with a bright light in my eyes, a plethora of instruments I don't recognize pointed at or stuck into my head, and the near constant high pitched whirring noises that would be perfect to hide subliminals under. All the while, someone I barely know is leaned right up in my face, giving me instructions I've got no choice but to go along with.

All the elements are there.
04/26/19 07:27AM
Any time there's a series or movie or something with hypnosis in it, I'm uncomfortable :p

But also, ticking clocks. I'm not sure how or why, but every time I hear a clock ticking all I can think of is the pendulum swaying from side to side. We got rid of our ticking clock before I found out about the fetish. Now I have a pocket watch (on a golden chain, no less) that ticks just too quickly for you to count the ticks. Doesn't stop me from trying though :)

That and choral singing, especially if it's high pitched voices. Movies, churches, ... If you've been part of choirs singing in churches and the like, your consciousness somehow gets elevated, hyper-focussed, and melded with your fellow singers for a while. If you love it as much as I do, you get the reflex of putting your brain in that focus mode when you hear such songs you know ^^ I've sung in the Notre Dame of Paris like that, maybe 10 years ago. It was magical to hear your voice reflected off the walls..
04/26/19 07:57AM
during winter whenever I put on boots I always think"...slaves like to lick these :P"
04/26/19 08:08AM
Friye said:
Any time there's a series or movie or something with hypnosis in it, I'm uncomfortable :p

To a lesser extent, I hate reading reviews that use the word "hypnotic" to describe their qualities. Something about just makes me think "please stop using that word PLEASE".
04/26/19 12:49PM
Friye said:
Any time there's a series or movie or something with hypnosis in it, I'm uncomfortable :p

Same here. I feel uncomfortable whenever some of my more degenerate fetishes get brought up IRL.
04/26/19 07:24PM
So, uh, this one time, I was starting a new job and one of the things I had to do was store some product on the low shelves in the back room. Which was fine until like the fourth time I did it, and realised I was essentially being trained to kneel properly, sliding into it more easily, back straight (small room), eyes forward (level to the second lowest shelf.) I've never considered myself especially subby, but when that thought hit me I actually got a bit hard.

I think I've been hanging out here too long when just the act of kneeling down with a straight back gets me distracted.
04/26/19 11:00PM
nisantis said:
I can't help but think about this stuff whenever I go to the dentist.

Spending an hour or so stuck in a chair, unable to talk because of sedatives, with a bright light in my eyes, a plethora of instruments I don't recognize pointed at or stuck into my head, and the near constant high pitched whirring noises that would be perfect to hide subliminals under. All the while, someone I barely know is leaned right up in my face, giving me instructions I've got no choice but to go along with.

All the elements are there.

eye doctor is a similar same, the testing equipment attached to the chair there looks like it'd fit in a brainwashing chair
04/26/19 11:27PM
godzillahomer said:
eye doctor is a similar same, the testing equipment attached to the chair there looks like it'd fit in a brainwashing chair

No kidding, also it's for the eyes specifically - I'm always a little puzzled when I think of the lack of optometrist equipment used for brainwashing in media. There's like, maybe one or two examples.
04/26/19 11:37PM
TheMadPrince said:
No kidding, also it's for the eyes specifically - I'm always a little puzzled when I think of the lack of optometrist equipment used for brainwashing in media. There's like, maybe one or two examples.

then you have the various eye drops that get used and various other testing machines
04/27/19 01:43AM
Maybe an easy one but had a very long meeting at work today which included a rather in depth discussion about how should the mind controlled enemies in the latest project should act

All the artists and designers talking about how they could be standing to attention or zombie walking and I'm there thinking "I have strong opinions on this but don't want to explain why"

04/27/19 02:12AM
EdgeOfTheMoon said:
Maybe an easy one but had a very long meeting at work today which included a rather in depth discussion about how should the mind controlled enemies in the latest project should act

All the artists and designers talking about how they could be standing to attention or zombie walking and I'm there thinking "I have strong opinions on this but don't want to explain why"

Hey, you're the expert; They could stand to learn some pointers.
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