04/28/19 09:24PM
Open Fundraiser for a KH Hypno/TG Series
Me and a few friends (Including Hub user aqualover92) just started work on a commission series from Oo_Sebastian_oO: "KH Hypno Slaves Redux

Some of you might recognize this as being a spiritual sequel to an older series Seb did, commissioned by HookDaddy

As mentioned, this was a group effort (About five people contributed the funds to commission these first two pics, aqua and I included) and, as a "may as well" mentality, I have decided to shamelessly set up an open fundraiser for anyone who would like to help continue this series.

The previous Hypno Slaves series featured Sora, Kairi and Riku being turned into hypnotized bimbos by anonymous Organization XIII members within Castle Oblivion; the plan for this new series is to include all of the human characters in the recently released KHIII (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Axel, Aqua, Ventus, and Roxas, though should we get enough money I would be interested in adding Naminé into the mix) being matched with specific Org members (At the moment, we're planning on Terra and Xion being among their ranks, but again, should resources become available, I would be inclined on adding them into the good guys to be the ones to be entranced and changed) against the backdrop of the Keyblade Graveyard. At the moment, Seb's commission guidelines state that he will only be doing pieces with two characters at a time, but should that change I have a big orgy piece in mind featuring all the involved characters, should we succeed in tackling this series in full.

At time of writing, Seb has closed his commissions yet again. But if you are at all interested in helping out this series continue and possibly get more than one entry per commission opening, feel free to message either me or aqua here on the Hub. We will keep you in mind and when Seb does reopen his list, I will contact him so we can get on his worklist while I get back to everyone who will be involved. I will calculate and split the payment for the commission between however many people are involved and will also give a general pitch for the next entry (Which character is getting changed, which Org member are they getting paired with, what is the action happening in each page, etc). This is a group effort, so I will readily accept and consider suggestions and input, so long as we're all respectful with one another and adhere to the overall guidelines of the series as described above. Aqua has recently set up a group DM on Discord in regards to the development of the series, so if you have an account ask either of us about it.

Seb is somewhat stingy when it comes to payment, and I also recognize that some people are protective of their online identity. I have two plans for how payment can work: Either send me your share of the funds when the time is ready and I will send the bulk of it to Seb, or send your installment to Seb individually. In both cases, I would ask that you pay in Euros (It just makes the currency transfer less of a headache) and leave a non-descript note in the payment so we all know where it's coming from. And if you choose the latter, I would ask you hold off on paying until an appointed date and time when all the money is gathered and ready; Seb prefers getting the full payment at once, so getting the full thing in installments around a close period of time is the best compromise to such a situation.

That pretty much does it for now, I'll leave you all to it. Thanks and take care:D
04/28/19 09:31PM
For now we're just gonna be in the planning stages to see how the rest will play out which means there's plenty of time for anyone wanting to join in on this endeavor of ours!
05/02/19 01:40AM
I'm glad to see someone looking to continue this. I can't get on here often due to changes in life but supper happy to see you all getting more awesome work from Sebastian. Gotta support the awesome art and silly/crazy KH ideas.
05/03/19 08:48AM
MysticSpyral said:
Me and a few friends (Including Hub user aqualover92) just started work on a commission series from Oo_Sebastian_oO: "KH Hypno Slaves Redux

Some of you might recognize this as being a spiritual sequel to an older series Seb did, commissioned by HookDaddy

As mentioned, this was a group effort (About five people contributed the funds to commission these first two pics, aqua and I included) and, as a "may as well" mentality, I have decided to shamelessly set up an open fundraiser for anyone who would like to help continue this series.

The previous Hypno Slaves series featured Sora, Kairi and Riku being turned into hypnotized bimbos by anonymous Organization XIII members within Castle Oblivion; the plan for this new series is to include all of the human characters in the recently released KHIII (Sora, Riku, Kairi, Axel, Aqua, Ventus, and Roxas, though should we get enough money I would be interested in adding Naminé into the mix) being matched with specific Org members (At the moment, we're planning on Terra and Xion being among their ranks, but again, should resources become available, I would be inclined on adding them into the good guys to be the ones to be entranced and changed) against the backdrop of the Keyblade Graveyard. At the moment, Seb's commission guidelines state that he will only be doing pieces with two characters at a time, but should that change I have a big orgy piece in mind featuring all the involved characters, should we succeed in tackling this series in full.

At time of writing, Seb has closed his commissions yet again. But if you are at all interested in helping out this series continue and possibly get more than one entry per commission opening, feel free to message either me or aqua here on the Hub. We will keep you in mind and when Seb does reopen his list, I will contact him so we can get on his worklist while I get back to everyone who will be involved. I will calculate and split the payment for the commission between however many people are involved and will also give a general pitch for the next entry (Which character is getting changed, which Org member are they getting paired with, what is the action happening in each page, etc). This is a group effort, so I will readily accept and consider suggestions and input, so long as we're all respectful with one another and adhere to the overall guidelines of the series as described above. Aqua has recently set up a group DM on Discord in regards to the development of the series, so if you have an account ask either of us about it.

Seb is somewhat stingy when it comes to payment, and I also recognize that some people are protective of their online identity. I have two plans for how payment can work: Either send me your share of the funds when the time is ready and I will send the bulk of it to Seb, or send your installment to Seb individually. In both cases, I would ask that you pay in Euros (It just makes the currency transfer less of a headache) and leave a non-descript note in the payment so we all know where it's coming from. And if you choose the latter, I would ask you hold off on paying until an appointed date and time when all the money is gathered and ready; Seb prefers getting the full payment at once, so getting the full thing in installments around a close period of time is the best compromise to such a situation.

That pretty much does it for now, I'll leave you all to it. Thanks and take care:D

No offensive but starting a fundraiser for the hopes of commissioning Oo_Sebastian_oO to do work for you when his work list is closed sounds like a bad idea. I would be more on board for it if Oo_Sebastian_oO work list was open but it's not. Besides if it dosen't even sound like he would be willing to do the orgy scene anyways based of his 2 character rule. Which is your ultimate goal. There is more artist then Oo_Sebastian_oO that do hypnosis commissions. It's not that I don't like his work but their is a lot of other artist that do great work too. Kingdom Hearts is my favorite franchise and I would love to see more hypnosis art for it as it's my main fetish. Although I can't speak for everyone on here. I'd suggest you put together a fundraiser for more kh art in general. I think it would do better. Not that it's any of my business but If I could put in what I'd like to see though. I'm not into guy getting hypnotized or transformed into girls. I have always been more into the female subs. Not much for turning them into blonde bimbos though. I prefer to see their minds blank and empty or the struggle of trying to resist. If even 1 more kh pic along those lines happens I'll be happy. This is a free country though so do want you want. I just don't see it working out well the way your doing the fundraiser. Who knows though I could be wrong. If it dose work out though I could see other fundraisers staring up probably for poke'mon as it seems to be the most popular on here. Good luck to you though and thank you and aqualover92 for commission the art. I have been enjoying it. Hope I didn't sound to rude. Also I think your forgetting someone from the female cast larxene. We all know that aqua is still best girl though. Hope something comes out of this.
05/04/19 07:21PM
Thank you for your input, Pete. And don't worry, you didn't come across as rude at all.

Seb famously has a tight commissioning schedule, only briefly opening up his worklist at certain times. The purpose of this promotion is to get as many people who might be interested to participate on board so that, when Seb does re-open his list, I can alert anyone who had previously expressed interest to see if they still are and want to assist in the next installment of the series.

You are correct, Seb presently has a strict two-character limit for his commissions, and this series is not ruined if we are unable to make that final spread which would feature up to fourteen to even twenty-six characters all at once. I fully admit that it is a pipe dream than an "ultimate goal." It's on the ideal situation that this series is even able to reach a seven-character installation (Or even extending to that to thirteen, if possible), so it's more of a fanciful thing to tackle when we get there. For now, it's just baby steps. And, for the record, Seb's policies regarding commissions has changed before (There was a period where he refused to do any hypno art, for example), so it's not to say he will never accept any multi-character pieces in the future.

You are correct, there are other artists out there than Seb, a lot of whom primarily or even exclusively draw Kingdom Hearts-related works. But the whole premise of this series was for it to be a spiritual sequel to HookDaddy's original commission from Seb, and it only felt natural to try and get a hold of him to make it. Thankfully, circumstances have aligned where that (so far) has been able to happen, and Seb himself is down with continuing it so long as me and the others involve have the money to back it up. If you would like to do your own thing, set up a pool for more KH work in general, I would certainly try to pitch it. At the moment, I am preoccupied with both this and personal commissions, but I would love to assist such an endeavor on the side any way I could.

If you don't like TG...then you're probably not going to like this series, sorry. As you indirectly pointed out, there aren't a lot of girls in the KH cast anyways, and the original series featured TG in addition to Hypnosis; for me and others, that was as much if not more of an appeal than the hypnosis (It certainly applies in my case). Don't worry, I have Larxene in mind, either as one of the Organization members who transforms a Keyblade Weilder, or will be put under trance should the outline be extended to thirteen, or maybe even both, only time will tell. And I agree with you, Aqua IS the best girl, but since we opened the series with Kairi, I would prefer to space it out a bit before we add her to the list.

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