05/01/19 12:47AM
Hypnotized Mid-Sleep, Via Dream Invasion.
How often do you think of situations where a sub is not just asleep in the mid trance state, but in the literal state, and a dominating force does something where in the subs dream, they exist as an entity that can shape, or blend in with what might feel like a very normal dream at first. And it is there where they start to shape the sub to their will.

I really like the dreamscape setting, because there's so much you can do with it.

There's dreams that are so realistic that it just feels like an ordinary day, so you don't question anything. to dreams that are crazy abstract and psychedelic, and there's the dreams that shift between both extremes on a dime.

The Dom could just appear in the sub's dreams, and be blatant about what they wanna do to their subject, shaping their environment around them as an all-powerful god-like being, or they could veil their hypnosis and influence through the events of the dream itself, hiding triggers and their corruption through the other characters words and actions within the dream itself.

And maybe while this is going on, the sleeping body might be moving on it's own. Doing as the dom requests, like a puppet.

Will the sub remember the dream when they wake up? If they are still themselves, will the triggers remain active? And how many more dream instances will it take to change them completely if not in the course of one night?

This could also go the other way around, someone might be trying to invade someone's dreams to spread their influence, only to realize that the dreamer is not only aware of their presence, but now has the invader trapped in their subconsciousness, and they hypnotize the invader from their sleep.

I've seen this kind of theme used in some erotic fanfics, but I'm always down to find even more, and even some nice looking fanart/comics that play with this dynamic.

What do you think? If you like the setting and concept I established, feel free to expand on it more, tell me what you'd like to see coming from dreamscape hypnosis~
05/01/19 01:23AM
Welp, another variation of the kink into the list I guess
05/01/19 04:35AM
They did something like that in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic once... One of the later seasons anyway.

The village's dreams get invaded by the Nightmare, a kind of disassociative identity of Princess Luna. They maybe dream a singular dream together? I'm not sure on the details, but the biggest butchest guy of the series was a pretty Princess à la Sailor Moon :p he looked great in that outfit.

I really like the idea of a whole group of people falling under a common spell. When they rest for the evening, their minds or souls get spirited away, at first to dens of lust and then pretty much anything they don't even dare dream of -- the more they give in to the dream and their dark desires, the stronger the spell becomes over them and the longer they sleep. And, it'll only work for as long as you don't admit in the waking world what you've been dreaming of... But the second you question it, your dreams stop. And you'll never again know the pure bliss of the slumber spell~

Oh and then the people? Become part of the Sleeping Army. Like zombies, but without the desire for brains.

*Files this idea under her Evil Overlord plans*
That was a fun exercise ^^

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