05/08/19 01:55AM
What is considered low effort?
So, it seems a number of my posts are being flagged for low effort, again. Last time I heard, if spiral eyes were added into the image and nothing else is changed, then it is considered low effort. And having no context to the image, but I noticed that a number of manips weren't deleted during the last purge that should fall under these conditions. Also, why are three of my text manips flagged for this reasoning. None of my previous text manips were affected from the last purge, so why now? Basically, what I'm trying to say is that saying something 'low effort' says vague. Especially when I try to make the spiral/heart look transparent as well as adding a glow effect to them. This sort of action seems inconsistent.
05/08/19 02:11AM
Wow, so you're telling me this is a subjective measure of quality that can never be consistently applied and should never have been adopted in the first place? Color me shocked.
05/08/19 02:19AM
I said it somewhere in a post already:

I think it means "low effort manip"

My hypothese is that the flaggermodadmin thinks the manipper uses one spiral and "paste" it on both eyes. And it looks like that though, as you compare her right eye with her left, the spiral is very the same.
05/08/19 02:48AM
MaDrow said:
My hypothese is that the flaggermodadmin thinks the manipper uses one spiral and "paste" it on both eyes. And it looks like that though, as you compare her right eye with her left, the spiral is very the same.

Let's see if that holds up.
05/08/19 04:04AM
I don't know if it's a factor the mods take in account but maybe it's something to do with the frequency of the manips posted. Seeing similar manips multiple times on the front page probably makes it seem as if the manips are quickly made which gives the impression of low effort. Again i can't say for sure if that's why they got flagged but it's plausible.
05/08/19 04:09AM
Icontrol said:
So, it seems a number of my posts are being flagged for low effort, again. Last time I heard, if spiral eyes were added into the image and nothing else is changed, then it is considered low effort. And having no context to the image, but I noticed that a number of manips weren't deleted during the last purge that should fall under these conditions. Also, why are three of my text manips flagged for this reasoning. None of my previous text manips were affected from the last purge, so why now? Basically, what I'm trying to say is that saying something 'low effort' says vague. Especially when I try to make the spiral/heart look transparent as well as adding a glow effect to them. This sort of action seems inconsistent.

I'm with Icontrol on this. If posts can be flagged for deletion because they are "low effort" than "low effort" needs to be clearly defined and readily available to the community so that the people making them know this before hand and don't suddenly find all their efforts undone because someone decided it wasn't enough to stay on the site.

MaDrow said:
I said it somewhere in a post already:

I think it means "low effort manip"

My hypothese is that the flaggermodadmin thinks the manipper uses one spiral and "paste" it on both eyes. And it looks like that though, as you compare her right eye with her left, the spiral is very the same.

But how does one decide whether or not that actually count as "low effort"? What is "low effort"? If the survival of someone's work is going to be decided by passing some kind of standard, then the standard should be clearly defined so that the manip-er knows whether or not their post will last long on the site.

For that matter... does the person flagging these even do manips? How do they know if something done is "low effort"? What criteria is it even based on? Do they have an actual frame of reference?

It just seems to me the person flagging these hates spiral eye manips and is using "low effort" as a crutch to get rid of them and assault the creator because "low effort" is just vague enough for the mods to agree with.

Jabberwocky said:
Wow, so you're telling me this is a subjective measure of quality that can never be consistently applied and should never have been adopted in the first place? Color me shocked.

Agreed. On so many levels...

Sleepyhead97 said:
I don't know if it's a factor the mods take in account but maybe it's something to do with the frequency of the manips posted. Seeing similar manips multiple times on the front page probably makes it seem as if the manips are quickly made which gives the impression of low effort. Again i can't say for sure if that's why they got flagged but it's plausible.

A good possibility to raise, Sleepyhead97.

At the very least, I feel like the flagger should give some indication of why they think the post is "low effort" rather than just declare "low effort". Makes it sound too much like an excuse.
05/08/19 04:38AM
This reeks of gatekeeping, and that shit bugs the hell out of me. :(
05/08/19 05:10AM
TamamoHusbando said:
This reeks of gatekeeping, and that shit bugs the hell out of me. :(

Would it help if I said that gatekeeping was actually the explicit point. Literally back when the board moved from a thread on a chan the quality control rules and such were put in because they didn't want just any manip made put on here?
05/08/19 05:22AM
nalak said:
Would it help if I said that gatekeeping was actually the explicit point. Literally back when the board moved from a thread on a chan the quality control rules and such were put in because they didn't want just any manip made put on here?

That's a bit pedantic. Obviously quality control is necessarily gatekeeping, but when people say "this is gatekeeping," they clearly mean, "this is *excessive* and *unfair* gatekeeping."
05/08/19 05:51AM
A "low effort" flag isn't a rule, or a guideline. It's just an opinion, from the person who flagged the post, and it's not relevant to the QCC process.
05/08/19 06:09AM
Yeah seemed like someone butthurt about seeing too many manips on his free porn site, and he just had to take a stand. What a brave soul.
05/08/19 06:16AM
The flagged posts are being looked at with the same quality standards as any other flagged post.
05/08/19 06:49AM
Dreamshade said:
A "low effort" flag isn't a rule, or a guideline. It's just an opinion, from the person who flagged the post, and it's not relevant to the QCC process.

That doesn't sit right with me. If someone can flag and delete a post based on opinions, then what's to stop someone from repeating those actions. And if it's not relevant to the QCC process, then why even bother going through with it. After all, opinions vary from person to person.

Argonis said:
The flagged posts are being looked at with the same quality standards as any other flagged post.

As stated before, what is considered to be a low effort manip? That's the reason they are getting flagged/deleted, correct? No one has given me a direct answer to this question.
05/08/19 06:51AM
People should really stop being upset at flags. Anyone can flag. Maybe once the mods take action then you should air your concerns, but as of now it seems its just a person or a few people that are annoyed with your posts but have no actual power to take them down.
05/08/19 07:02AM
Granddad2 said:
People should really stop being upset at flags. Anyone can flag. Maybe once the mods take action then you should air your concerns, but as of now it seems its just a person or a few people that are annoyed with your posts but have no actual power to take them down.

That's the thing. It's not the first time this has been done. They have previously purge a number of manips, most of those posts being my own, for 'low effort.' Now, they are suddenly doing this again, even going through my text manips for low effort. Heck, one of them was deleted, which doesn't make sense to me because all my text manips were spared from the last purge, so what makes this one different.
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