05/15/19 06:57AM
Terrible news
My fellow members of the hub. I bring sad news to everyone here today. King Cheetah has sadly passed away due to liver cancer. May he rest in peace. Let his art remain here as a memorial for his hard work in life. Farewell, fellow artist. May we meet again someday.
05/15/19 07:00AM
We lost a good man.
05/15/19 07:02AM
Argonis said:
We lost a good man.

We did, man. We sure did :(
05/15/19 07:03AM
Shame to hear but at least he won't be in pain any longer.

He may be gone but his art remains
05/15/19 07:07AM
Imasuky said:
Shame to hear but at least he won't be in pain any longer.

He may be gone but his art remains

Quite right. Just as long as no one deletes it.
05/15/19 07:32AM
Damn man r.i.p., his art was some of the first exposure I ever had to this stuff. It's sad to hear, and kinda surreal, porn artists sorta have an air of anonymity to them, so much so that it's almost hard to picture them as just normal dudes going through the same shit we are.
05/15/19 09:41AM
Hot damn just looked him up and that was indeed good art, delicious things from days past. May whomstever he was rest.
05/15/19 08:47PM
Damn, thanks for letting us know.
05/15/19 08:53PM
Damn :/ So sad to hear. He was one of the first artists I found back when I started exploring online media for hypnosis. So sad to hear, but the suffering is over, now, I suppose...
05/15/19 11:57PM
Very saddened to hear the news, but thank you for letting us know. I read a few of his posts about his illness and he seemed like an amazing guy. He's left a legacy of work that's as unique and fun now as when I first discovered it.

Rest in peace King Cheetah.

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