05/28/19 03:18AM
Tailored adverts?

Just wondering if this ad was requested to be on the site because I've never seen a hypnosis related advert on the hub before.
05/28/19 03:23AM
Sleepyhead97 said:

Just wondering if this ad was requested to be on the site because I've never seen a hypnosis related advert on the hub before.

hey at least it aint malware or cp this time. also if we're big enough custom ads are being requested, thats good. also its a custom one because its a simple image this time it seems, no normal adblocker filter hits it
05/28/19 04:35AM
crazyman said:
hey at least it aint malware or cp this time.

This is the important part. Getting rid of those shit ads is what makes me happy, this new one is just a nice bonus.

Is anyone getting an ad besides this one, or is it all that shows right now?
05/28/19 04:36AM
DannyS said:
This is the important part. Getting rid of those shit ads is what makes me happy, this new one is just a nice bonus.

Is anyone getting an ad besides this one, or is it all that shows right now?

It's the only one I ever see, now. I've come back to the main page from various other pages many times, and it's the only one that's there.
05/28/19 04:42AM
I really hope this is actually paid advertisement and not some stupid LARPing, like an admin was 'hypnotized to put it there' because that would, without a doubt, end up turning into some sort of dumpster fire.
05/28/19 06:59AM
JaoShingan said:
I really hope this is actually paid advertisement and not some stupid LARPing, like an admin was 'hypnotized to put it there' because that would, without a doubt, end up turning into some sort of dumpster fire.

pretty sure the entire hub would tear this guy a new asshole if that was the case
05/28/19 07:12AM
crazyman said:
pretty sure the entire hub would tear this guy a new asshole if that was the case

Pretty sure? The hub would invent a new weapon by smashing and gluing various guns and knives to make something that would obliterate the guy's asshole leaving nothing in it's wake. Then they would call it something hilariously stupid like "The Asshole Annihilator 6009"
05/28/19 08:35AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
Pretty sure? The hub would invent a new weapon by smashing and gluing various guns and knives to make something that would obliterate the guy's asshole leaving nothing in it's wake. Then they would call it something hilariously stupid like "The Asshole Annihilator 6009"

TBH I think that'd be funny to watch... front row seat with some snacks...
05/28/19 09:02AM
If i could make a advert. (ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ)
05/28/19 09:51AM
crazyman said:
hey at least it aint malware or cp this time. also if we're big enough custom ads are being requested, thats good. also its a custom one because its a simple image this time it seems, no normal adblocker filter hits it

Yeah, fuck that. I hate banner ads at the top of pages. I can deal with them at the bottom. Having to manually remove it each time the page loads is aggravating. If we absolutely have to have an unblockable ad, move it somewhere else on the page.
05/28/19 11:06AM
EoD said:
Yeah, fuck that. I hate banner ads at the top of pages. I can deal with them at the bottom. Having to manually remove it each time the page loads is aggravating. If we absolutely have to have an unblockable ad, move it somewhere else on the page.

Assuming you use uBlock Origin you can add[href^="/advertisements"]

to your filters.

Edit: Thanks to EoD for motivating me to come up with something better than simple filename-based image blocking.

Edit 2: I forgot that I could just match by url instead of alt text, oops. [spoiler=Bonus], ExoLoader), getexoloader)
05/28/19 12:23PM
I hate having to do this for sites I enjoy and want to support, but yeah. Cringey banner ads in my face are a no-go.
05/28/19 01:46PM
Personally I have never had any issue with the ads on the hub - I don't like them, but I understand the site needs to be paid for somehow. This new specific ad, however, really rubs me the wrong way. Not only is it aimed at RPs, which not everyone is a part of (to me it's sorta cringey, but I fully respect it as everyone has their own thing), but I also think it can be irritating if you aren't attracted to men or maledom. I'm ashamed to say it, but it averts me so much I had to enable adblock for the site to get rid of this one. It just feels way too intrusive and in-your-face, sorry.

Would've been awesome if you could put banners like this one at the bottom of the page or limit them to specific pages, at least. It'd still have exposure, but would no longer be a constant eyesore for those who really aren't into it.
05/28/19 03:19PM
His whole business-model seems kinda ridiculous to me tbh. I am very unsure wether there is a market for paid male erotic Hypnotists.
05/28/19 05:34PM
bugmenot said:
Assuming you use uBlock Origin you can add
to your filters.[href^="/advertisements"]

Edit: Thanks to EoD for motivating me to come up with something better than simple filename-based image blocking.
Oof, that's a costly filter rule.

The "has"-selector cost a lot of progressing power since the use of it relies on uBlock Origin itself, instead of uBlock Origin could rely on the functionality of the browser.

Protip: Does the filter really need to be that explicit?

And no, I'm not sharing my designated filter rule, because I welcome this kind of advertizing. I rather opt for this than those average pron ads. It's logical that it's put at the top of the images, since it'll get the most attention.

Morgoth said:
His whole business-model seems kinda ridiculous to me tbh. I am very unsure wether there is a market for paid male erotic Hypnotists.
Well, AFAIK there isn't such a thing as a certification quality mark for hypnotists, so you'll have to rely on the rules of supply and demand to figure out if the hypnotist is good or not.

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