06/04/19 07:05AM
Poker night at the hub.
So I've been watching a shit ton of poker night at the inventory in mourning for the only virtual gambling game I'd ever want to play. And it got me thinking. If hypnohub had it's own little poker tournaments, how would your characters play? How much would they talk and about what.

And then I made this forum on impulse. So yeah. Talk about how your oc would play, maybe include theoretical quotes. And other bits about this theoretical idea that'll probably just stay in this forum. And remember, while character accurate, you can't just say "they hypnotize the player into forfeiting", because that's no fun
06/04/19 07:42AM
The OC I had in the MC Tech roleplay, Evan Parson, I think he'd be the conservative type. More checks, small bets, and folds than average to play the long game. Also an inventor by trade. Or ambition, since it was a college setting.

(After winning a large pot) "I never thought gambling could be a viable source of funding!"

(Winning streak) "If I could channel this string of good luck into my newest design, it'd be a smash hit!"

(Folds) "Could nanomachines construct new cards over these...? Wouldn't be worth it."

(Repeat fold) "Again? This is like buying a bad box of bolts. [blinks] Didn't intend the alliteration..."

(Bet) "Let's modify the pot a little." / "Let's stress test this game, shall we?"

(All in) "Either I've gone mad or I learned what makes this game exciting!" / "Sometimes you have to risk it all to innovate."

(All in response) "You cannot be serious." / "Is that wise?"

(Check response) "Oh, that reminds me! I need to check on my metal stock when I get home."

(Showdown loss) "I've made a terrible mistake..." / "No no no no no!"

(Showdown win) "I... won that?!" / "My nanomachines almost shut down there..."

(Loses a hand) "Everything's trial and error..."

(Wins via bluff) "Doesn't feel right to win on nothing but lies, but I'll get over it."

(Returning to a dialogue after being interrupted) "I had a thought... ah." / "Returning to the topic at hand," / "Ahem." / What was I saying before? Oh, right."

(Eliminated) "[Groan] If you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and do something I'll ENJOY tonight..." / "If I lose like that again, they'll probably revoke my grant."

(Towards Kaa'lin) "I... I'm sorry, but don't establishments like this have rules against public nudity?!"
06/04/19 08:26AM
The OC is Ryan Corvus, beleaguered office worker in awake san's company Plays similarly to a mix of Tycho and Max in the first game. With more obvious negative tells. Defensively at first. Until a player is removed, then he grows more and more unpredictable as his desperation grows (he needs that ticket out of awakesans employ but too proud to be someone's hypnotized toy

"Check and double check." -checking

"Something I desperately need." - when raising

"I'll probably regret this in"

"Oh nice, just keep folding like that....please, I am literally begging you." -winning hand via everyone folding out.

A lot of lose quotes for him are less quotes and more just him sputtering with rage.

"Devil take the hindmost! All in."

"Due to my taste buds getting dulled by my boss force feeding me freshly brewed black insomnia my sense of smell has strengthened. And that is some rancid bullshit you're pulling" -calling out a bluff

"CAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS!!!" - after a series of consecutive folds due to bad hands

"Oh thank GOD you fell for that. I had absolute garbage!" -Winning via bluff

"One win closer to freedom from that hopped up Tyrant!" -winning the hand.

" anyone else see the black bars? or am I suffering hallucinations due to lack of sleep?" -conversation starter with Kaa'lin

"Wow. I words actually can't describe how furious I am over this. through gritted teeth Good Game..." -When knocked out.

"Yes! Oh thank you all for letting yourselves get stomped! You've helped someone free themselves from a caffiene addicted psychopath for a boss!"

"Well. It should be obvious I'm desperate for funds since I'm here. And since that still applies... I'll have to buy in with this." - offering up his bounty item. A top of the line Keyboard

if you beat him with his bounty challenge he'll scream in anger and pick up the keyboard with the intent to smash It on the table. Only to pause. then set it down. He then turns to Nuua and joins her. Muttering

Background events include him nodding off in a booth only to fall face first on it and wake up, crying over his loss in the arms and coils of his friend and neighbor, the lamia Nuua. And answering a phone call only to hang up after a second of awakesan screaming in his ear.
06/04/19 10:41AM
HiddenAgenda said:
The OC I had in the MC Tech roleplay, Evan Parson, I think he'd be the conservative type. More checks and folds than average to play the long game. Also an inventor by trade. Or ambition, since it was a collage setting.

Evan: (After winning a large pot) "I never thought gambling could be a viable source of funding!"

(Folds) "Could nanomachines construct new cards over these...? Wouldn't be worth it."

All in: "Either I've gone mad or learned what makes this game exciting!"

Towards Kaa'lin: "I... I'm sorry, but don't establishments like this have rules against public nudity?!"

I'll have to come up with some for her of my own later but figured I'd give a reply lol

"Oh I'm sure they do but...I'm sure anyone who would care is long since mindless hmm hmm hmm! Besides don't act like you don't love it."
06/04/19 11:51AM
skullman2033 said:
So yeah. Talk about how your oc would play, maybe include theoretical quotes. And other bits about this theoretical idea that'll probably just stay in this forum.

"Got any 8's?"

"Dude, this isn't go fish, this is-"

"Avoiding the question, huh? Give me those 8's Darren."

"This is why we don't invite you to Poker Night, Chris..."

"*slamming fist on table* I refuse to go fish!"
06/04/19 12:40PM
skullman2033 said:
So I've been watching a shit ton of poker night at the inventory in mourning for the only virtual gambling game I'd ever want to play.

Thank you for reminding me that Telltale is no longer a thing, I'd totally forgotten that was the case and had to quickly check to make sure I could still access my games. Thankfully I can! I loved Poker Night so I'll definitely suggest some quotes. I imagine my play style to be very Strong Bad like, depending on bluffs and misdirection, but occasionally going for a Max-style big bet on an ace and an 8.

(Starting a game) "Hi there! I'm Holly. Wanna play?"

(Losing a hand) "What? Could someone wind my key for me? I think I'm losing energy."

(Winning a hand) "Woohoo! Now I can finish building my castle of chips! I'm the pretty poker princess."

(When folding) "Not even I could come up with a fun game with these cards."

(Going all-in) "I don't want to break up a friendship, so I'll let *all* these chips come out to play!"

(Winning a big hand) "I'm gonna buy so many costumes! Why I might even get a new costume chest!"

(Losing a hand) "I'm really more designed for games like dress-up and tea party, not big girl games like poker."

(Trying to bluff) "I'm just a silly dolly, do you really think I know what I'm doing?"

(Trying to bluff) "I must be wearing my maid outfit, because I'm about to clean up."

(Responding to a check) "Cheque? Are we playing 'Waitress'? I didn't bring the right costume!"

(Responding to a bluff attempt) "Are you trying to wind me up? Because you're supposed to do that with my key, not with lies."
06/04/19 05:25PM

Ah poker night, I need to play it again. Sadly since telltale gone they are gonna disappear.

The character OC world be Luna Sapphirestar. A traveler from the Azim Steppe. She would be a conservative player but gets cocky from winning.

Starting a game : “Hello, another game of cards sure”

Losing a hand : “darn : Seems like the stars are against me.”

Going all in: “begin operation, All in.”

Winning big hand : “Wow. I think Tataru would be proud if she wasn’t so busy.”

Trying to bluff: “the stars must be shining for someone.”

Responding to a check : “Another check. You can’t stop the inevitable.”
06/05/19 06:17AM
mariosonicfan said:
I'll have to come up with some for her of my own later but figured I'd give a reply lol

"Oh I'm sure they do but...I'm sure anyone who would care is long since mindless hmm hmm hmm! Besides don't act like you don't love it."

Hopefully kaa'lin is a good enough sport not to use her gaze to cheat. I'm not saying she would, I'm just saying I could see her doing so.
06/05/19 07:06AM
how i would play. id be quiet and observe, play safe until the end

starting: "i havent played much but im told alex has the best poker face"

lose hand: oh well, lets try this again

folding: "we cannot find a viable strategy with this"

all in: "i put meaning to my words, like these chips to my cards"

big hand win: "oh my, im goo- keep your cool zach"

big hand lose: " i swear im going to win or none of us will leave alive"

bluff : "hmmmm... what to do with this"

check response: " are you gonna cash those?"

respond to failed bluff: "me and alex see through all lies"
06/05/19 07:24AM
Since Jaclyn is literally just "ME" I'd bet high on bad hands and doing alot of fake-outs. and my special steam Item would be my Bomber Jacket. (when I lose I'm mad because of its cold out). The closest personality wise would be Max.

I like to think that my dialogue would consist of me talking about what it's like living with the HH star Crimson.

Other :"So what's it like living with Crimson?"

Me: "Well between all the random folk who Hypno her it kinda gets annoying."

Other: "How so?"

Me: ever wake up to a random stranger in your bed? Well, it's like that but a random person and my sister turned into god knows what. she turned into a robot, a latex-clad mindless drone This one time I walked into the kitchen she was turned into a Xenomorph.

Other: O-oh

Me: Ya and some of these tists walk into our place like they own the joint and I end up kicking them out the same day when they refuse to help with the rent!


Me: Ya but I love my big sis to death...But the people she attracts can be real peices of work.

Other That's at least something.

Me: Ya...despite all that she SOMEHOW has time to clean the place bake and prep dinner. Like our place is always spotless!
06/05/19 07:36AM
I don't know how to play poker.

Allison plays poker she'd somehow summon Exodia.
06/05/19 07:36AM
Part two my quotes

(Starting a game) "Oh you are so on!"

(Losing a hand) "Thank god we aren't playing strip poker...we better not be."

(Winning a hand) "Ah Heck ya! This will so go to me and big sis cosplay fund.."

(When folding) "Geez believe in the heart of the cards my ass!."

(Going all-in) "I have no impulse control!"

(Winning a big hand) "Ah ya come to mama my precious chippies. Gonna buy Tiny Cow some new shoes with this!"

(Losing a hand) "Ah well you win some you lose so...WAIT HOW MUCH DID I BET?"

(Trying to bluff) "I don't Need to see my hand DARBY!...actually ya I do oh danm good hand."

(Trying to bluff) "Mmm Can't wait to get that big pile of chips."

(Responding to a check) "Water costs how much?!...oh its free but this is a tab for all the stuff cow I really need to win!"

(Responding to a bluff attempt) "My sixth sense is telling me to punch your face for being a lier. Heck I'll just punch you later just to be safe."

06/05/19 08:55AM
(Raising) Raise the roof! RAISE IT!

(If someone folds) Throwing in the towel huh? Well good thing today's laundry day

(Folding) I wouldn't play these even if you bribed me with a steak.

(Folding) Argh, I fold like a cheap hooker who got hit in the stomach by a fat guy with sores on his face. *Everyone stares confused or disgusted* Oh, I'm out.

(If someone tries to bluff) Boy/Girl, you know better than to lie to your mother!

(Checking) Check. Oh that reminds me, I need to go deposit some check later. Water and electricity don't pay themselves you know.

(Winning with a big hand) HA! Take that RNGesus!

(Splitting the pot due to tie) *sing song voice* Sharing is caring~ It can beeeeee fun~ *Clearly looks like she wants to beat the shit out of you*

(All in) *Stands up and removes her hair pins and lets her hair down* MOMMY SAYS PLAYTIME IS OVER.

(Bust Out) Well... My hubby's not gonna like this one bit...

(Bust Out) Oh well. I'll just borrow money from the next guy I invite to the house. Or Jaclyn. Wait, did I say that out loud?

(Bust out) *hums The Lion Sleeps Tonight and dances away*

(Winning the Tournament) Ha! I just cleaned house, and now I can clean my house better than ever!~

And in Poker Night, occasionally someone will put up a personal item instead of going in with regular cash. So here what I would put up

"Oh uh... I'm sorry but Ami needed the money for other stuff tonite. But.... *sigh* I was hoping I would save this for myself but... *pulls out a hot Beef Wellington from behind her out of nowhere* I hope this will do."


"I knew I shouldn't have let Jaclyn/Ami/Holly borrow my money! Let's see what else I have... *Pulls out a frying pan, a handheld vacuum cleaner, a shotgun, a PS Vita, a toy steamroller, a Greybot collar and finally pulls out a JoJo Stone Mask with the Red Stone of Aja* I hope this is valuable enough"
06/05/19 09:40AM
And in Poker Night, occasionally someone will put up a personal item instead of going in with regular cash. So here what I would put up

"Oh uh... I'm sorry but Ami needed the money for other stuff tonite. But.... *sigh* I was hoping I would save this for myself but... *pulls out a hot Beef Wellington from behind her out of nowhere* I hope this will do."


"I knew I shouldn't have let Jaclyn/Ami/Holly borrow my money! Let's see what else I have... *Pulls out a frying pan, a handheld vacuum cleaner, a shotgun, a PS Vita, a toy steamroller, a Greybot collar and finally pulls out a JoJo Stone Mask with the Red Stone of Aja* I hope this is valuable enough"

Thanks for the reminder of collateral. For Evan...

"This is embarrassing. I needed to restock for a new project of mine and... well, it's only fair that I offer what I used my buy-in on... [places a chunk of slightly glowing blue metal on the table] Cerulleum. The most versatile metal in Blautal."
06/05/19 01:52PM
Argonis said:
I don't know how to play poker.

Allison plays poker she'd somehow summon Exodia.

Oh don't worry, neither do I, I just bullshitted after watching a few of the in game tournaments and looking up the glossary of terms
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