06/06/19 10:36AM
Memetic Control (tag) should be Renamed
Noticed the {{memetic_control}} tag today, and I don't believe it's accurate to the meaning of memetic. The tag should be renamed.

The current memetic_control tag applies when a "subject is controlled to control others in a self-propagating fashion," according to its wiki page [[memetic_control]]. This tag seems to be used often when a dom transforms the sub into another dom, who can then transform more subs and so on. While this isn't too far off of the true meaning, it misses the mark.

The word memetic doesn't have anything to do with <<hypnohub.net/post/show/728/|the viral spread of people being turned into robots by existing robot doms>>. 'Memetic' and other similarly derived words have to do with information (sometimes specifically cultural information) and its spread. Thusly, a tag called memetic_control (if used correctly) should apply when a subject is controlled by an idea or the manifestation of an idea like in post #72295. The SCP wiki has a good <<www.scp-wiki.net/understanding-memetics|page>> explaining what memetics means (by my guess, the closest to a formal agreeable definition).

Since memetic_control isn't an apt name for what it describes, the tag should be renamed. Possible candidates could include viral_control or control_propogation (I'm just spit-balling here).

I'm not arguing for the creation of a new tag, accurate to the meaning of memetic_control (as much as I'd like one), only for the renaming of the existing tag so as to more accurately describe the intended meaning.
06/06/19 02:10PM
I agree. "Memetic" always seemed off to me here. However, you should probably have put this in the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/51288|Official Tags Thread>> (which on that note, definitely should be stickied).
06/06/19 02:33PM
In this case the word memetic is being used to mean self propagating. While not a fully accurate description of what memetic means, it does directly reference how memes spread seemingly of their own accord throughout a given population. A memetic source of mind control would thus be able to spread from person to person throughout a population.
06/06/19 03:34PM
EoD said:
In this case the word memetic is being used to mean self propagating. While not a fully accurate description of what memetic means, it does directly reference how memes spread seemingly of their own accord throughout a given population. A memetic source of mind control would thus be able to spread from person to person throughout a population.

That behavior would more correctly be called "viral". Memes can go viral, but so can viruses, vampires, zombies, cyborgs, and other things.
06/06/19 04:56PM
mcfantastic said:
That behavior would more correctly be called "viral". Memes can go viral, but so can viruses, vampires, zombies, cyborgs, and other things.

All of which already have their own tags. In this context the use of memetic implies that the vector of hypnosis itself is memetic, not that an actual meme is the cause of the hypnosis.
06/06/19 05:56PM
....so should I just give up any idea of this being about hypnosis via memes?
06/07/19 02:51AM
TheMadPrince said:
You should probably have put this in the <<hypnohub.net/forum/show/51288|Official Tags Thread>>

Too late now. Should I post a redirect in there pointing to this thread? or copy-paste the original post in the tags thread? ... I'm tempted not to do either as I could see that being interpreted as spam.

EoD said:
In this case the word memetic is being used to mean self propagating. While not a fully accurate description of what memetic means, it does directly reference how memes spread seemingly of their own accord throughout a given population.

In that case, a better tag name would be memetic_spread, as the control is spreading as a meme would, but there doesn't have to be any control by (or even necessarily involving) memes.

EoD also said:
[viruses, vampires, zombies, cyborgs, etc. which can spread in this way] already have their own tags. In this context the use of memetic implies that the vector of hypnosis itself is memetic, not that an actual meme is the cause of the hypnosis.

Ideally, perhaps; however that isn't accurate to the tag. As it is currently worded in the wiki page, the tag could still apply to situations where the vector is simply a virus, for example:

The [[Memetic Control]] page says:
A subject is controlled to control others in a self-propagating fashion.
There should be a strong implication that the sub may go on to control others, who themselves may then go on to control yet others, etc.
This tag can apply when the dom of the image is not under any kind of control, as long as the image strongly implies that the sub will go on to spread control as previously described.

tl;dr An upload involving a type of bacteria that controls people to spread it to others would fall under those categories.

skullman2033 said:
....so should I just give up any idea of this being about hypnosis via memes?

I'm guessing this wasn't meant seriously, but since a meme is technically any piece of (sometimes specifically cultural) information, hypnosis via memes would cover any scenario where a subject is hypnotized by an idea. The <<hypnohub.net/post/show/72295|one post>> I know of that does this I mentioned in the op.

Side note: I came up with another possible rename while writing this, control_cascade or cascading_control.
06/07/19 03:18AM
Polymerq said:
Side note: I came up with another possible rename while writing this, control_cascade or cascading_control.

<<youtu.be/HtWavRpVzDQ?t=43|Whenever I see the word cascade I think of this>>
06/07/19 03:54AM
Argonis said:
<<youtu.be/HtWavRpVzDQ?t=43|Whenever I see the word cascade I think of this>>

I thought of Tetris cascades wierdly seductive announcer
06/07/19 05:36AM
Every time we cascade, I get this feeling...

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