06/14/19 08:00AM
Patreon is purging hypnosis porn.


Think you folks should be aware of this.
06/14/19 08:17AM
I have read an article on that.
06/14/19 08:23AM
Fucking prudes.
06/14/19 08:24AM
Still curious if this applies much to art or if it's mainly MP3s and videos.

Edit: Never mind. Just read the article. Sounds like it's mostly art and videos. But only certain ones they pick at seemingly random? Fuck's sake, Patreon.
06/14/19 08:32AM
Hot damn the article calling us queers themasking for trouble now
06/14/19 08:36AM
Mindwipe said:
Still curious if this applies much to art or if it's mainly MP3s and videos.

from what i have gathered from others it has already effected a few artists as well as non artists that do alternative hypno content so yeah.

This is happening.
06/14/19 08:49AM
Maybe, this makes it extra important to get the name of this site out there.
06/14/19 09:05AM
Things like Pornhub exist because Youtube doesn't allow porn.

I'm sure eventually we'll get "A Patreon for Porn!" (Hopefully sooner rather than later)
06/14/19 11:14AM
Changer Games is starting to curve towards Subscribestar with this in mind, since they have a specifically-marked 'Adult' variant (subscribestar dot adult).
06/14/19 12:46PM
I mean, a lot of it does fall under coercion, especially the stuff here. Trying to pretend the community is entirely focused around RL roleplay is misleading at best.
06/14/19 02:08PM
Sure am glad I never bothered with a patreon back when everyone was saying all artists should have one set up before a deadline. Most of my output would be gone and I dont want to have to deal with another site deciding my work isn't wanted on their platform.
06/14/19 04:54PM
I don't know why patreon relates Hypnosis to sexual violence when those things aren't related unless the author uses hypnosis specifically for it...
06/14/19 06:17PM
Yeah, to be safe it's a good idea to try to diversify. It is hard to move an audience, but it's better to get at least some people onto a platform where you will be safe from censorship and hope the others come if/when the ban hammer comes.

I have no idea if I will be hit, or if I will fly under the radar, or if my games count under the "survivor story and fiction" exception. It is annoying though to say the least how hard a stance Patreon is taking on something which cannot be emulated. real hypnosis isn't like fantasy hypnosis.
06/14/19 06:20PM
IDPet said:
I don't know why patreon relates Hypnosis to sexual violence when those things aren't related unless the author uses hypnosis specifically for it...

Because Patreon, like most of these websites, is moving into an uncomfortable spot where they have to both continue satisfying their "payment partners" as they put it in this link - as in, the people responsible for them receiving and storing cash - and also provide a space for people to actually create and make their bed. Unfortunately, said "payment partners" are generally out-of-touch, money-obsessed companies (or, in some cases, probably don't even have actual human people making these human decisions) that don't understand how the web works, that still live in an age where porn is a niche industry, and that, all in all, don't really know about what actually makes money, but instead take decisions based on outdated perceptions of economy and market, which really don't have much to do with how the Internet actually operates.

Of course, it doesn't help that, as pointed out in the article, Patreon itself and sites with philosophies evolving in this direction are really just interested in moving into the "mainstream" with little regard for their actual customer base, that the majority of people not concerned with Patreon, Tumblr and the like actually just see stuff like hypnofetish like some sort of weird, unwanted weed, and that most of the people actually affected are minorities like LGBT, of which the perception by the general public and companies (and, in fact, society in general), is, to put it generously, medieval. Although thankfully, that last point seems to be evolving a little... though it's no thanks to Tumblr and Patreon, and the suits in charge of them.

In other words, they don't actually care about hypnosis, about fetishes, or about porn in general. They're just moving in a direction where these things are unwelcome.
06/14/19 06:38PM
well, to any hypno patreon owners, I suggest backing up your stuff and preparing to migrate

if Patreon won't treat you right, why stay and risk having your stuff razed; go to those who will care

I really feel for the ones who were affected by both the Tumblr purge and the Patreon culling; getting bounced around like that is never fun
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