07/14/19 03:26PM
Creating new game
Hello guys. I'm creating a new game inspired by this post :
(Thx zko, Great work)

So in this game you will have to write "Programming" commands (It's not actually programming, it's just imitation) and by that Commands you command the character that will be on the screen.
I'm planning on creating few character and commands. If you have any ideas for commands then feel free to share in the comments.

But there's one problem. As some of you know, I'm bad at drawing so if you want to help me out by drawing sprites (It can be 8 bit or high res, it's up to you, I don't mind) then send me a pm.

Few more details :
* The game is going to be free
* When the first Controllable character will be done, I'll release it on the sub
* The game is built on unity 2d
* I'm working on the coding part, I'm have some experience but I cannot consider myself as a pro. But it's enough to create this game.
* It doesn't have a name now. If you have an idea for a name, feel free to write in the comments
07/14/19 03:59PM
Me4X said:
But there's one problem. As some of you know, I'm bad at drawing so if you want to help me out by drawing sprites (It can be 8 bit or high res, it's up to you, I don't mind) then send me a pm.

* It doesn't have a name now. If you have an idea for a name, feel free to write in the comments

I don't think anyone can make up a name that accurately represents the game as we don't know much of the plot or characters, heck we don't even know if the Protag will be male, female or if it would be an option, just "it's a programming mc game inspired by a zko post." Maybe flesh out the idea first before bringing it up publicly.
Also I'm not an artist but I feel like you should say if you're willing to pay or not (since there are people who actually want art made for them without paying a dime and it could be hard to tell the difference sometimes; not saying you are one of these terrible people though)
07/14/19 04:13PM
Hmm, what kind of sprites are you looking for?
07/14/19 05:26PM
IDPet said:
Hmm, what kind of sprites are you looking for?

For this part I'm looking for sprites of a female character. I need a naked version(hypnotized), not naked version (not hypnotized and hypnotized) and I guess 2 more action to do while she's hypnotized. Let me explain how I see the gameplay :
So for the first version, you already have a character. To control it you have to type in something like : "run(hypnosis.exe);" and she's hypnotized now. When she's hypnotized, you can command her to strip, kneel, make silly face and etc
07/14/19 05:31PM
Hypnosis-guy said:
I don't think anyone can make up a name that accurately represents the game as we don't know much of the plot or characters, heck we don't even know if the Protag will be male, female or if it would be an option, just "it's a programming mc game inspired by a zko post." Maybe flesh out the idea first before bringing it up publicly.
Also I'm not an artist but I feel like you should say if you're willing to pay or not (since there are people who actually want art made for them without paying a dime and it could be hard to tell the difference sometimes; not saying you are one of these terrible people though)

Well it's not really a game of plot and characters.
It's more like a game where you are the protag and you control your target (The available characters) through coding (It's not really coding from existing programming language like c#)
If you don't know a command, you could write help in the commanding console or look for the guide txt file
07/14/19 06:21PM
Me4X said:
But there's one problem. As some of you know, I'm bad at drawing so if you want to help me out by drawing sprites (It can be 8 bit or high res, it's up to you, I don't mind) then send me a pm.

For this part I'm looking for sprites of a female character. I need a naked version(hypnotized), not naked version (not hypnotized and hypnotized) and I guess 2 more action to do while she's hypnotized. Let me explain how I see the gameplay :
So for the first version, you already have a character. To control it you have to type in something like : "run(hypnosis.exe);" and she's hypnotized now. When she's hypnotized, you can command her to strip, kneel, make silly face and etc

I would advise attempting to commission people - few artists are simply willing to do this sort of thing for free, especially because Zko's GIF actually seems fairly complex to me. And the number of actions you have would indicate that this is a fairly large number of sprites, not just three or four.
07/15/19 07:51AM
TheMadPrince said:
I would advise attempting to commission people - few artists are simply willing to do this sort of thing for free, especially because Zko's GIF actually seems fairly complex to me. And the number of actions you have would indicate that this is a fairly large number of sprites, not just three or four.

This x 100
While I'd love another "virtual hypnotan" style game, this will probably be something that requires more work than you'd expect from the art side, and I've never met an artist who's *happy* to work for exposure.
07/15/19 08:16AM
As someone who's made their own sprites for a game and had to connect over dozens of animation states, you really need to set up a proper plan as to make them all connect smoothly. Otherwise, it will look very clunky.

So instead of just requesting for some random submissions, either find a partner to work with or commission someone with the animation experience.

Edit: You can also put out a demo to actually show what it would do using some placeholder sprites for free.
07/15/19 12:21PM
Alright, A quick update.

It seems that you don't really believe me or some don't really want to work for exposure, and that's ok. I can try to draw my own 8/16 bit sprites. Whenever the first version will be ready I'll post it here (I'll create new topic of course) and you'll give me your feedback about this game.

Thank you for your time
07/15/19 03:26PM
Me4X said:
Alright, A quick update.

It seems that you don't really believe me or some don't really want to work for exposure, and that's ok. I can try to draw my own 8/16 bit sprites. Whenever the first version will be ready I'll post it here (I'll create new topic of course) and you'll give me your feedback about this game.

Thank you for your time

It's not that we don't believe you, it's that what you're asking for seems unreasonably large for just random contributions. And, if you ask for random people to contribute, then the GIFs risk seeming very disjointed, as RedCollarBlackCollar pointed out - since people will have different styles, as they create things in different ways, your stuff is going to look weird. If someone designs, for instance, Crystal (by ZKO) kneeling, it's not going to look like how someone else designs her stripping, even in 8-bit.

For instance, here:

Me4X said:
For this part I'm looking for sprites of a female character. I need a naked version(hypnotized), not naked version (not hypnotized and hypnotized) and I guess 2 more action to do while she's hypnotized. Let me explain how I see the gameplay :

Having four different sprites for the hypnosis is definitely not enough to emulate the GIF you posted in the opening post. Perhaps I misunderstood and your intention is not to make GIFs, though ; obviously, you can make more of a "slide show" with just a few pics simulating it, but it's not going to be a GIF, or feel smooth.

And then you have this:

Me4X said:
To control it you have to type in something like : "run(hypnosis.exe);" and she's hypnotized now. When she's hypnotized, you can command her to strip, kneel, make silly face and etc

If you want to actually animate these things, it's going to need way more than just a few sprites. For instance, even just a "silly face" has a number of frames going into it, as you need to show a clear evolution of the face if it's in 8-bit. Even if you don't want to animate it (after all, it's perfectly possible to do some sort of picture series for each girl, with no animation), you'd still need at least one image for each of these actions, which really does start adding up, especially if you intend to have different girls.

One last thing is that it sounds like you want your own custom art, and that's going to require artists actually creating the images. And, as I explained, you're going to need a reasonable number of images for a project like this. Drawing/painting/creating something, even in 8-bit, requires time and effort, and both are things that very few artists are willing to put in for free, especially for series of images - which is why we're suggesting commissioning someone. Emulating 8-bit is not necessarily simple, depending on how you want to go about it (hell, I would have no idea how to create something even close to the quality in Zko's post there).
07/15/19 06:38PM
TheMadPrince said:
It's not that we don't believe you, it's that what you're asking for seems unreasonably large for just random contributions. And, if you ask for random people to contribute, then the GIFs risk seeming very disjointed, as RedCollarBlackCollar pointed out - since people will have different styles, as they create things in different ways, your stuff is going to look weird. If someone designs, for instance, Crystal (by ZKO) kneeling, it's not going to look like how someone else designs her stripping, even in 8-bit.

For instance, here:

Having four different sprites for the hypnosis is definitely not enough to emulate the GIF you posted in the opening post. Perhaps I misunderstood and your intention is not to make GIFs, though ; obviously, you can make more of a "slide show" with just a few pics simulating it, but it's not going to be a GIF, or feel smooth.

And then you have this:

If you want to actually animate these things, it's going to need way more than just a few sprites. For instance, even just a "silly face" has a number of frames going into it, as you need to show a clear evolution of the face if it's in 8-bit. Even if you don't want to animate it (after all, it's perfectly possible to do some sort of picture series for each girl, with no animation), you'd still need at least one image for each of these actions, which really does start adding up, especially if you intend to have different girls.

One last thing is that it sounds like you want your own custom art, and that's going to require artists actually creating the images. And, as I explained, you're going to need a reasonable number of images for a project like this. Drawing/painting/creating something, even in 8-bit, requires time and effort, and both are things that very few artists are willing to put in for free, especially for series of images - which is why we're suggesting commissioning someone. Emulating 8-bit is not necessarily simple, depending on how you want to go about it (hell, I would have no idea how to create something even close to the quality in Zko's post there).

Just for now, it's going to be a slide show and maybe it's going to stay that way. When I was talking about that I took inspiration from Zko's work, I meant that I want to create that "Programming humans" thing.
I think that this game should give it's player the feel of control

Edit : Also I think that if I would have different artist helping me, then everyone of them will work on different character. Every character will have it's own style and I think it's a great idea (Yeah, I'm planning on adding more characters)
08/08/19 04:44AM
Ooo this is neat. Slideshow is a good idea, the animation needed otherwise would require essentially full time work or a long term commitment from an artist, which isn't recommended to do for free.
If this is your first game project don't forget to make a nice GDD to keep on track of everything you need =u=

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