07/25/19 02:06PM
Guys, do you like fashion?
07/25/19 06:37PM
I subscribe to the Henry Ford school of color matching. Highly efficient.
07/25/19 07:50PM
I like the Paris level in Hitman, dunno if that counts though.
07/26/19 01:55AM
I make my own cowboy boots... maybe i like it.
07/26/19 08:11AM
I wear cargo shorts. I get yelled at by a friend and my sister constantly, for being a "visual nightmare" so...
07/26/19 02:10PM
I like to buy differrent fashion stuff like braclets and rings. For example, lately I bought some id mens baracelets on Next time I want to buy fertilty bracelets.
07/26/19 02:22PM
I have the fashion sense of a troglodyte, and I like that because it makes me feel free on what I want to look like.
07/27/19 05:46PM
DanieldervUniverse said:
I have the fashion sense of a troglodyte, and I like that because it makes me feel free on what I want to look like.

me too, I'll wear whatever I get out of the closet, even if the colors clash wildly... especially if they clash wildly and I'll be around those who care about such petty things
07/27/19 06:18PM
I mostly wear black or a mixture of dark greys. 90% of my stuff is hoodies and I wear a nice leather jacket.

I dont like wearing jeans, but wore them a lot when I was modeling.

Generally I wear stuff that makes sure people can't see when I go through anorexic periods.

Edit: forgot to answer the question, yeah. Ish. I was into it a bit then stopped when I decided modeling wasn't something I was passionate for.
07/27/19 07:57PM
I wear a cowboy hat and a black duster.

Besides that I really like jewelry.

I'm starting to see why people think I'm gay...
07/27/19 11:06PM
I don't keep up with too many fashion trends, but I do have some looks that I like. Most I've ever gotten into fashion was that fashion line that seemed based on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5. :P

I love outfits with gloves. For some reason black gloves are really cool to me.

Otherwise I tend to wear simple stuff more out of a lack of money than anything else. Black t-shirts, jeans, etc. I do very much like it when I fully dress up in a suit and tie though. I actually like fancy dress occasions.
07/27/19 11:24PM
Given my 7ft-plus stature and edge-of-the-bell-curve proportions, I'm more concerned with whether any given piece of clothing *fits* than whether it's fashionable.
07/29/19 06:28PM
I'm not against the idea of being fashionable, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it most days. To solve this problem I have like 5 identical copies of the same outfit to wear everyday, surprisingly though, hardly anyone ever asks about me wearing the same clothes everyday
07/30/19 06:53AM
renjisan said:
Guys, do you like fashion?

I like it, but I prefer some of his other songs.

<<|beep beep>>

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