08/05/19 06:21PM
Other niche places to find Manips etc, not nec' hypno
I've been looking for other sites to find old and unseen lewds, files, and imagedumps.

Anyone got any they'd like to share? Go on, hop on your VPN and just get digging through some trash!

I've found that the Image function on XHamster yields a swath of imagedumps over 200 in population at times. Some cute stuff on there, but their UI left much to be desired.

Also, if you ever find yourself really digging part 1 of a file, but not seeing part 2 and not wanting to skip to part 3? Do a search for the exact formatting and you might end up on a repost site. Now, you may not be able to watch it bc of the bullshit, but if you find it there and not on the main site you may end up with a "unavailable in your country" deal. Then just change your country you're using and bam!

Any other stories? Btw we all know about the #chan hypnosis threads with all those awesome coded links right? Hush hush.

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