08/06/19 10:29AM
Interest Check: Would Anyone Be Interested in NSFW Story/Script Writing Commissions?
I don't know, this is something some friends of mine in this community have insisted I should try. I want to see if anyone would even be remotely interested in that.

For what it's worth, I'm not just an inexperienced 'writer' trying to con a quick buck with sub-par messes: I've had my work published several times in literary magazines and have published an E-book (Though for the sake of keeping NSFW away from my career, I won't really be able to provide them as references unless someone would REALLY need proof), and I'm a few months away from getting my Creative Writing Bachelor's degree at my university, where I've done everything from short stories and short films to light-novels and television scripts, among other things.

Of course, I'll whip up some kind of an example story before I even consider opening up shop. It would be anything from writing short stories to assisting artists with scripts for comics, or anything in between. Again, this is more to gauge interest on if this is something people would even be remotely interested in, regardless of price.

Additionally, if anyone knows anyone who does NSFW writing and does make a decent bit off of it, I'd love to get in contact with them to ask some questions.
08/06/19 05:13PM
I think an equally important concern for most people is whether you'll *finish* a story, not just writing quality. A lot of writers in the past have wound up being fine in style and format, but didn't see all their commissions through to completion. Which could obviously burn a few people.
I think you should show people that you won't just write the first 2000 words and call a project "done".

That being said, I look forward to your example story, as I look forward to most authors' work here. Also feel free to check out the story thread for an idea of where the bar is.

Good luck!
08/06/19 07:57PM
I've been paid to do story commissions and I've paid people to do them as well. I think the most important thing is to have enough stories featuring the kinks people want to see more of that they're convinced you're going to write it the way they like it.

I'm honestly not sure what the best way to go about getting customers is, though. I just kinda posted for a while and some people eventually started asking about it. You might want to try writing some sample stuff you can post on emcsa/literotica and leave an author's note saying that you're accepting commissions, email me here, etc. (Not sure how much advertising those sites allow, but you can always try!)
08/06/19 09:18PM
If you want to satisfy the reader, you could send fragments in order to show them the story's progress, if the reader don't like something or have ideas about a scenario you can talk to him/her in order to modify certain elements.

Of course, if you're going to do non-free commissions, don't do that if the costumer haven't payed in advance xD.
08/06/19 09:34PM
IDPet said:
If you want to satisfy the reader, you could send fragments in order to show them the story's progress, if the reader don't like something or have ideas about a scenario you can talk to him/her in order to modify certain elements.

Of course, if you're going to do non-free commissions, don't do that if the costumer haven't payed in advance xD.

That's what I do I send samples of the story to be sure they like it and hold the ending until payment

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