08/08/19 03:10PM
[RPGM MV] Succubus Tales - Chapter 2: The Relic Version 0.7E by Senryu-Sensei
Cover image:

Second Chapter of my Succubus Tales serie.
As in the first chapter, you'll take the role of Nicci, a succubus possessing a nun's body;
this time you need to retrieve a relic beneath the city of Veisen while corrupting it's citizens.

Description of Gameplay:
This is an rpg-maker MV game where you need to corrupt everyone in the city using different methods and turn all of them into demons;
it takes heavily inspiration from Vilage of Nightmare series;
it has a suspicion system where if you do too much evil deeds in succession, the citizens will unveil your true nature, so be sure to balance your actions;
unlike the first chapter, I'll try a more open gameplay and less "on-rail".

Censorship: None
Developer / Publisher: Senryu-Sensei
Patreon Link:
SubscribeStar Link:
Platform: PC / Windows
Version: Chapter 2 v0.7E
Engine: RPG Maker MV
Language: English
2D, Futa, Corruption, Female Protagonist, Transformation, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, Lesbian, Mind Control, Tentacles, Adventure, Fantasy, Monster, Oral Sex, Tit-Job, Foot-Job, RPG

Version preview:

WARNING - As of Version 0.7, I changed the game's engine, from VX Ace to MV!


- Windows Version:

- Android Version:

Here are some images from the game:

If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on either Patreon or ( link in the description above)
08/08/19 03:14PM
Version 0.2A Available for Patrons and Subscriber from 5$ and above!

version preview:

WARNING - I had to change a script, so old saves won't work!


- Scripts: I've replaced the quest-log with a better one; this one should be bug-free.

- Interface: I've replaced the original window skin of the game with a custom-made one; if you don't like it, just open the game folder --> Graphics --> System , and delete, or just rename "Window.png"

- Maps: I've slightly changed the upper map of Veisen ( the one connecting to the church area and the graveyard), I've also added some animals around Veisen, like cats walking around, birds flying from roof to roof and such, and smokes coming out of chimneys; this should make the city a little more "lively" I hope ^.^

- To fix a little "plot hole", I've added a few sentences to the dialogue between Pheles and Nicci at the Capital's gates, where Nicci explains why the citizens of Veisen won't recognize her, even if the nun she's possessing was trained there.

- Added a standing picture of Kristy, a new succubus!

- Added 2 new standing pictures of Charlie, a new "character".

- I've added the first chain event for Kreiss, for a total of 14 images! + another interaction with him, with a different standing picture.

- I've added the first Juliette's event, with three variants, for a total of 12 images!

- I've added the first Theresa's event, with three variants, for a total of 12 images!

- Of course, all those events have additional sprites!

- Thanks to Hoboy for the usual great work at proofreaing the game!

Patreon link: link:

Public verion will be released on 18/08/2019
08/18/19 06:59PM
The time has come to drop version 0.2 to Everyone!

WARNING - Between version 0.1 and 0.2 I had to change a script, so old saves from 0.1 won't work!

Game's LINK:!pdExlSgC!Dp4jAV8ctwqcTuqWZjh0PcMQdkymXa320EGoewbJ6bQ
09/02/19 06:10PM
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello my Dear Supporters and Followers!
A new month has begun, so it's time for a new Progress Report!
Here's the list of what I did during august, After the release of chapter 2 - version 0.2:

- New Maps : Ruins Entrance - Done
Strairs leading from Entrance to the First Floor - Done
Ruins First Floor - Work In Progress

- New standing picture for Risa ( Yep, she'll be back in version 0.3!);
here's the comparsion from chapter one and chapter two:

- Images for a new event between Kreiss and Kristy - Done (for a total of 13 images!)

Annnd that's all, for now ;D
10/03/19 01:30AM
Monthly Preogress Report

Hello my Dear Supporters and Followers!

It's the start of a new month, so....
Yep, it's time for another report to let you know what I did so far!

- New Maps :

Ruins First Floor - Done;

Ruins Second Floor - Done;

(I've placed a Lot of spike traps, collapsing floor and moving boulders riddle in those two maps, I hope you'll like it ^.-);

Tweaked some details here and there on Veisen;

While doing some test, I've noticed something that was bugging me, This
as you can see the merchants weren't really Behind the stalls;
well, that's now fixed!

- New Images:

Images for the event between Risa and Elda - Done (9 images);

Naked and Standing images for Penelope (Veisen's seamstress) - Done;

Images for the event between Risa and Penelope - first set Done (3 images);

Uhm, I think that covers all I did so far.

The only things left to do for version 0.3 are the remaining images for the event between Risa and Penelope, and the images for a last event between Kreiss and Kristy.
12/01/19 10:34PM
I've just released version 0.3C for tiers 5$+

Cover Image:

Here's the change-log:

New maps:

- The Mausoleum
- The Stairs leading to the Ruins
- The Ruins' First Floor
- The Ruins' Second Floor
- Veisen Clothes Shop Second Floor

New events and pics:

- New standing image for Risa, Tirnambeo's seamstress.
- Second Event between Kreiss and Kristy (13 images!).
- New Event between Risa and Elda (9 images + sexsprites).
- Third Event between Kreiss and Kristy (23 images + sexsprites).
- New Standing image for Kristy, in her Human form.
- Standing picture for Penelope, Veisen's seamstress during her first meeting with Nicci (image available in the CG-Room, you don't need to unlock it)
- New Event between Risa and Penelope (10 images + sexsprites).


- Tweaked some old maps' details
- After Risa arrives in Veisen, you can make her work in the clothes shop, lowering the Suspicion.
- After you've fully corrupted Kreiss, ask him about the relic and discover the ruins beneath Veisen!
- enhanced the dialogue system :
a Lot of people asked for you'll see the avatars of the main characters when they talk to Nicci, on the right side of the screen.

fixes from 0.3A to 0.3C:

- there where a couple of places in the ruins where you could go inside the wall --> fixed

- fixed an issue with the torches in the mausoleum and secret passage.

- while talking to Celie, if you choose No about giving a lesson, the standing avatars won't disappear --> Fixed

Patreon link

SubscribeStar link
12/10/19 04:37PM
The time has come to drop version 0.3C to Everyone!

Game's LINK:!BAUGEC5Y!S_2bFkS8xQYl1qhGot_qOvlp-ix0yvaYgJ0RL_gCPcU

Enjoy! ;D
12/11/19 05:47PM
Succubus Tales - Chapter 2: The Relic -- Version 0.3d - Yet another bugfix

Yeah...another bugfix...sorry T.T
- If you enter penelope's bathroom, you'll get stuck inside ---> FIXED!QBllRS5T!bxZaWZzDqLAcvVC5olv77m4PbWsEXDnp52PwHwLV6TM
01/05/20 04:50PM
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello my Dear Supporters and Followers!

Are you enjoying the new year?

Here's the list of what I did so far after the release of version 0.3 (considering that version 0.3D was released at the 11 of december and there were xmas holydays as well):

- Standing Pictures of Harriet (dressed and naked);

- First new sex event with Michella, the florist ( for a total of 16 images!);

- Celie - Second (more revealing) Outfit.

- After some complaints I've also reduced the number of times you need to repeat certain event in order to progress ( for a detailed list, you can check the Trello linked at the top of the page).
02/05/20 05:18PM
Monthly Progress Report!

Hello my Dear Supporters and Followers!

The time has come to write down a list of what I did so far during january:

- Second New sex event, between Celie and Nicci - Done - 17 images!

- Sister Theresa - Second (more revealing) Outfit!

- Third New sex event, with Sister Theresa - Work in progress - 8 Images done so far

Now I just need to finish a couple more images for the thrid event and I'll be done with drawing for version 0.4.
03/16/20 02:54AM
The time has come to drop version 0.4C to Everyone!

New Map:
- Sister Theresa's bedroom.
- Abandoned Mines.

- New sprite set for Harriet, to fit her appearence.
- New sprite set for Michella's plant to fit its "evolved" appearence.

New events and pics:
- Stading picture for Harriet, Celie's stepmom; you can unlock it by talking to her in her (and Celie's) house.
- New outfit for Celie.
- New outfit for Sister Theresa.
- New sex event with Michella (16 images).
- New sex event with Celie (17 images).
- New mini chain quest to find a "Magic Stone" for Sister Theresa.
- New sex event with Sister Theresa ( 13 images).

- After some complaint I've decided to reduce the grind to advance with someone's corruption:
- I've changed the number of times needed to get Mia from lvl 0 to lvl 1 from 5 to 2;
from lvl 1 to lvl 2 is already 3 times, I guess that's enough;
- after you bring the dick-plant to Michelle, you need to repeat the event only 2 times now;
- kissing lesson with Celie: you'll need to do the full tongue-action-kiss only 2 times instead of four;

- Thanks to Hoboy for the usual great work at proofreaing the game!

Fixes from 0.4A to 0.4C:
- If you finish Sister Theresa's events first, you'll get stuck with Michella's --> FIXED
- I left a variable check in Emily's house (used for testing purpose) --> Removed
- I was told that the skeletons in the Abandoned Mine were too slow --> Speeded them up a bit ( let me know if they're too fast now, but I doubt it, since I've increased their speed only by 1)

Game's LINK:!4N9XXYjL!W5IfJLPOWywrSCvaWqJtXJelt6wqn5hUbUwJbqbZj2k

Enjoy! ;D
05/06/20 04:19PM
Monthly Progress Report!


First off, how are ya all doing? Are things getting better over there?

It's not been a month since the last "Monthly Report", but last time I was Really late with it ;P

Anyway, here's what I did so far from the lar report (15th of april):

- Second new event, starring Nicci: 13 images done so far, still need to do a couple more before it's finished;

- Set up a new mini-game, a stealth run; because of certain..."circumstances", you'll need to walk through Veisen while avoiding being seen by other people.
06/08/20 10:25PM
Monthly Progress Report!

Time for a Monthly report!

What I did so far during the previous month?

- Second new event, starring Nicci: is now Done (for a total of 24 images!)

- Third (and last) new event, starring Emily and Nicci:
first set- Done ( 3 images)
second set - On Going (2 images done so far)

Just a couple more images, and then I'm done with drawing, so I'll start to pack everything together and code events ingame! ;D

Just a little reminder that if you want to check out the current progress toward the next version, there's a trello link ( (which is also listed on the top of my patreon and subscribestar pages).
07/11/20 10:41PM

Succubus Tales - Chapter 2: The Relic -- Version 0.5a Release!

Version 0.5a is Finally OUT for Uncommon Tier (5$) and above !

Here's the changelog:

New Map:
- Ruins' third floor
- Ruins' fourth floor
- Hidden meadow
- Florist's second floor (after corruption)

- New sprites for tentacle beasts (2)
- New sprites for Nicci (5)
- New sprites for Emily (4)

New events and pics:
- First new sex event - with Michella - 31 images
- New standing pictures for Michella naked human and demon form
- New, non-sexual event - fixing the broken bridge in the ruins
- Second new sex event - with Nicci - 24 images
- New, non-sexual event between Nicci and Emily
- Third new sex event - with Emily and Nicci - 17 images
- New standing pictures for Emily naked human (futa), human (normal) and demon form

- Added a little hint during the tutorial, stating that you can rest to recharge your Dark energy
- Added a "-1 to suspicion level" while sleeping

- A Great thanks to Hoboy for proofreading the game!

You can get the game either on
Public Release in 15 days!
07/26/20 09:46PM
The time has come to drop version 0.5E to Everyone!

Game's LINK:

Enjoy! ;D
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