08/10/19 06:50PM
Commandit 1.2

Wow, it's been a while.
I've received some messages about not being able to access the game since the download time has expired. That's when I remembered that there's a newer version that I didn't upload (Or I have, it's been a long time lol).

First of all. I want to thank Zelamir for his great work on Angle (and redrawing Hitomi)! Thanks to Zko for his support!

I doubt there will be another update, so version 1.2 is the last.

What is Commandit? Basically it's a game where you can choose a character and using commands - you can control them. Either hypnotize and strip all those clothes or break their mind and turn them into an obedient slave that will do everything you ask. (Although the things you can ask are limited...)

Now time for update log :

• Added eye customization app - You can choose which eyes do you want for them : Spiral Eyes, Glowing eyes, Empty eyes or Ring Eyes. Also you can choose the color using the RGB values.
• Updated the command documentation in the game directory. Use if needed.
• Updated Chloe's sprite

Please read before playing

•Any command should be written in lowercase letter since the game was written in C#, you need to write the command EXACTY as it is, even caps.
So if you'll name two variables "Num" and "num" then the program will see them as two different variables.
• All the commands must end with a semicolon - ";"
• If you need help with the game, feel free to PM or comment on this post.
• Every character in the game is already 18 years old and more.

Download link (Hopefully it'll stay for a while):

Have fun y'all
08/10/19 06:56PM
1) Again, why not just rename one of your other 2 posts on this game? Why make another one?
2) Why does the DL link work for only 12 hours?
3) Did you mean Angel or is her name actually Angle?
08/10/19 07:12PM
Hypnosis-guy said:
1) Again, why not just rename one of your other 2 posts on this game? Why make another one?
2) Why does the DL link work for only 12 hours?
3) Did you mean Angel or is her name actually Angle?

08/10/19 07:12PM
Hypnosis-guy said:
1) Again, why not just rename one of your other 2 posts on this game? Why make another one?
2) Why does the DL link work for only 12 hours?
3) Did you mean Angel or is her name actually Angle?

1) Because it's a new version. Whenever releasing a new version I add (at least I try) more features and I think it's already another topic.
2) It's 14 days. Sorry my bad.
3) Angle. It's Zelamir's OC
08/10/19 07:26PM
I think it would be better if you just updated your existing topic on this game as its the same game just updated.
08/10/19 08:10PM
Me4X said:
1) Because it's a new version. Whenever releasing a new version I add (at least I try) more features and I think it's already another topic.

Argonis said:
I think it would be better if you just updated your existing topic on this game as its the same game just updated.

just like all the other games have one thread that gets updated like spiral clicker, do we really need to make a new thread every single time
08/10/19 10:35PM
Any screenshots or previews to check out?
08/10/19 11:09PM
RedCollarBlackCollar said:
Any screenshots or previews to check out?

Here are the screenshots if you're interested :

Sophia said:
just like all the other games have one thread that gets updated like spiral clicker, do we really need to make a new thread every single time

I thought that it's okay if for every new version I will open a new thread. But if I won't, then how people supposed to know if a new version is out?

08/10/19 11:14PM
Me4X said:
I thought that it's okay if for every new version I will open a new thread. But if I won't, then how people supposed to know if a new version is out?

You can change the title of the thread.
08/11/19 12:23AM
Man, I really love the idea of this game, but... man! Is it giving me 'nam flashbacks to that time I failed a coding course. It took me, no joke, 20 minutes of trial and error just to get the character on the screen. Man, I suck at coding, lol.

Edit: also, I've been putting in the code


on Angle but it keeps giving me the error. I'm typing it as is above, so is that the wrong command? Did you change it or something?
08/11/19 12:37AM
averageguy17 said:
Man, I really love the idea of this game, but... man! Is it giving me 'nam flashbacks to that time I failed a coding course. It took me, no joke, 20 minutes of trial and error just to get the character on the screen. Man, I suck at coding, lol.

Edit: also, I've been putting in the code


on Angle but it keeps giving me the error. I'm typing it as is above, so is that the wrong command? Did you change it or something?

Copy this code, paste it into the command section anytime you need help:;

Also, you have to include "app" into it.;
08/11/19 12:47AM
Hypnosis-guy said:
Copy this code, paste it into the command section anytime you need help:;

Also, you have to include "app" into it.;

that's probably it. Thanks!

Yeah, i tried looking into the help menu, but I still couldn't figure it out.
08/11/19 01:20AM
Is it just me, or do literally none of the commands work?
08/11/19 02:04AM
MingusKingus said:
Is it just me, or do literally none of the commands work?

I guess it's just you, how did you wrote the command?
08/11/19 08:55AM
The UI of this game seems to get it metaphors mixed.
help is a exe and is run via;
characters are also exe's but are run via run.character();
Why do the next and page2/3 commands not require semicolons?
Why does the shell say command not found when the problem is a unterminated statement?
1 234>>>

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