08/17/19 02:21AM
Update: This event is now concluded with $400 raised for El Pueblo Mississippi! Thank you, everyone!

Original announcement text follows:

It's a fundraiser stream!
Yeah, I'm raising money for a good cause again. Read on to find out more, but be forewarned, there's talk of child abuse, police brutality, and general politics discussed from here on out.

On August 7th, Immigration and Customs Enforcement conducted a large mass-arrest of allegedly undocumented immigrants. Men and women who ICE believed were in the country without the proper paperwork were descended upon while they were at work by armed officers and detained.

I understand people have many different opinions about what I've described, and about the broader issue of US immigration in general, particularly from Mexico and Central America. I even think that a lot of those varying viewpoints are quite reasonable and valid.

But there's more to the story. Again, content warning, because the below video deals with traumatized children and will be hard to watch for, I hope, frankly, most people. Nevertheless, I encourage you to watch this brief news snippet if you think you can stomach it, and you want to get a sense of why I'm hosting this fundraiser.

Many of the people detained in this raid were parents, and their children were at school while they were being arrested. That means that those children came home to find no one was there to take care of them. In some cases, they couldn't even get inside their locked homes and were left out on the street.

I'm asking everyone, regardless of what you think of the greater political issues at play here, to recognize that the well-being of these kids is in everyone's interests, and that we can help.

Here's the plan:

- Beginning Monday, August 19th, and until the following Monday, August 26th, I will be accepting commissions! You can send me your commission idea at any point during that time by reaching out through this website, or sending me an e-mail at [email protected]. Depending on the volume of commissions that come in, some of them may be completed after this week-long window.

- All of the money from people who commission me during this time will go to El Pueblo Mississippi, a local organization involved in the immediate work of making sure the kids have food and shelter.

- I will be <<|streaming>> as much of the work that goes into these commissions as I possibly can! As such, these streams will replace the next two usual Monday request streams.

- The money will be donated anonymously, to avoid any awkwardness that might arise given the nature of the material that will be generated to raise it.

- Commission rules are as follows! Must be limited to one character. Can be SFW, lewd, hypno or not, whatever! But the <<|usual blacklist>> applies. Prices are $5 for a sketch, $20 for inked linework, and $50 for a full-color, shaded drawing. Make sure to send your payment, with your name and/or a comment specifying which commission you're paying for, to the <<|GoFundMe page for this fundraiser>>. Payments that don't specify an associated commission will be considered non-transactional donations!

- Obligatory legal protection notice: Please understand that you commission at your own risk! Refunds will not be issued for any reason!

So that's my pitch. I hope everyone can see where I'm coming from. Many hands have been wrung over the "politically divisive" times we live in. But all sides of the argument, I think, claim to want what's ultimately best for people. That's why I believe that no matter what flag, label, or color you identify yourself with, no one should be able to convince you that these children don't deserve at least basic shelter. That's what this fundraiser is about. There were other organizations I could have tried to raise funds for, but I chose El Pueblo Mississippi because it specifically is organizing to take care of the kids. Nothing more or less.

It might seem strange for some weirdo who draws smut on the internet to put something like this together, I believe we can all fight evil in our own small ways. And if enough of us do it, it just might add up. To that effect, I'm inviting any and all artists who might also be interested in taking commissions for this fundraiser to get in touch with me! Again, you can message me on this site, or shoot me an e-mail at [email protected]. Artists of all mediums welcome! And of course, to everyone else: get your commission ideas ready! I'll be working hard to prepare myself mentally and emotionally for a week of streaming, so make sure to give me plenty to do!

See you there~.
08/17/19 06:28AM
Try saying this to the commenters who posted under the video... many of them are all about "these are children of illegal immigrants and Mexicans, rapists and criminals, they don't deserve sympathy". Utterly disgusting.
08/17/19 07:07AM
Just going to say to be careful with this.

Keep things civil and polite.

I'd like to have enough faith in our community that this warning will not be needed.
08/18/19 02:32AM
Thank you for doing this.
08/18/19 07:36PM
Any way you can prove you're going to be sending the money to the Mississippi organisation? If so, I'm all for this.
08/19/19 03:39AM
MingusKingus said:
Any way you can prove you're going to be sending the money to the Mississippi organisation? If so, I'm all for this.

Yeah, the money will go through gofundme. I was still working out the details, but I'll update the main post with the info.

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