08/19/19 01:27PM
Hub Politics! Our Hopefully benevolent Overlords.
Well, ladies, gentle, horrifying lovecraftian abominations, and someone named Ted, The time to vote is upon us.
With this decision you now make, changes the course of our very lives to come.
As you can see, there has recently been a picture uploaded, showing the three candidates for supreme overlords of everything ever (And everything ever includes the Hub haha) and we need to decide who becomes our tyrannical ruler. The picture in question, being this one: hypnohub.net/post/show/83...ss-cass_-misscass-dahypno

Firstly, there is Psych, a man who seems very talented in his craft and "Persuasive" to boot, showing a bold move, having a cutie with a dongle show up as their partner in this, I love it a lot, and hope to see more of this out of him in the future.

Secondly, there is Tiny Cow, a cow who somehow, through unknown means, keeps producing more cowgirls. Now this is a quality that I personally find very important in a candidate, cause it's due to him making these cowgirls that I have plenty of milk for my Captain Crunch. He has even showcased this, by bringing along Alison,

And Finally, DH, the man with a plan...and a seemingly lovecraftian monstrosity. He has taken an aggressive step in this, bringing along, not one, but two assistants with him. His relation to the "FemDH" still currently under investigation, he has shown himself many times to be a man of fine tastes, bringing along MissCass(Hey, that's me! I don't remember that, huh!) and the elusive Trippy. TRULY, he knows good taste!

08/19/19 01:49PM
Trippy: trippy votes for DH @-@
08/19/19 02:09PM
Aww man, can't I vote for all 3?

If not my vote goes to Psychic because futa girl is bold move.
08/19/19 04:25PM
I honestly thought that was a Fire Emblem pic and blew past it.
08/19/19 06:38PM
My vote is for DH
08/19/19 06:56PM
Honestly? While I said I'd vote for Psychic, I want to hear their election policies, and their answers to important hub related questions like:

What is their policies on free will?

What type of enslavement can hub citizens expect? Total loss of will? Some autonomy? Is there still a mind there or is it gone?

What polices can you enact that will make the average voter want to submit to your will?

What is your policies on less examined fetishes, for example futa (or add other ones of voter interest)?

And finally, how best can we serve the new masters?
08/19/19 07:39PM
Welp, since this garnered some actual attention, all three of us agreed to have a legit vote!

Vote for me because why the fuck not?

08/19/19 08:08PM
Well let's see.
I can't beat up pychic with ease.

DHs lovecraftian spawn isn't house trained

And tiny is my precious special boi. So I know where my vote is going.
08/20/19 12:18AM
TinyCow gets my vote. Cute mascot characters are always a plus.
08/20/19 12:27AM
I’ll take psyche, that looks like a leader who knows how to take care of the dongles!!!
08/20/19 01:49AM
Dude, tiny cow all the way. Thicc cowgirls and a never ending supply of smol lovins on a bad day.
08/20/19 06:30AM
Henry-killenger said:
Dude, tiny cow all the way. Thicc cowgirls and a never ending supply of smol lovins on a bad day.

the old one has spoken.

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