08/27/19 09:08PM
Leaving patreon, of course
Rewriting this here in case some of my patrons don't use HF or Twitter. Sorry for the flood but it's the only way I have to contact as many people as I can on the matter :

So, yeah , as you noticed, my patreon page is now deleted. Long story short, they finally reached out to me to remove most of my NSFW pics. Which I'll do by literaly not working with them anymore.Another site I've heard of is SubscribeStar.That's probably where I'm heading

Luckily, all the rewards have theorically been processed. If you're a patreon and didn't recieve your latest reward, please feel free to let me know in DM (I kept the pseudos and nickname so don't try to cheat me on this you silly gooses è_é ).

Anyway, I'll let you know as soon as my SS page is launched. In the meantime, my discord is open to anyone who follows the rules ! Here's the invite! discord.gg/SjUvFSP That won't last of course. But for the time being, feel free to join for free !
08/27/19 09:25PM
Sorry to hear about that. Hope you'll be able to bounce back from it right away.
08/27/19 09:29PM
Damn well best of luck

With as popular as you are I'm sure everyone will move over pretty fast.
08/27/19 09:35PM
It's "geese" you silly goose :P

In all seriousness, sorry to hear that man. Hope things turn out better soon.
08/27/19 10:16PM
Ooof, that's rough. Sorry to hear about that, but I did hear rumor that Patreon was cracking down on some NSFW pages. Seems there's some truth to that.

I hope SubscribeStar works out better for you. I really enjoy your work.
08/27/19 11:26PM
Patreon has turned into a piece of crap
08/28/19 11:23AM
thank you people for your kind words!
09/02/19 12:50AM
Best of luck Seb, love your work <3

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