09/01/19 12:20AM
Gift: Three Fonts
I just had a discussion with Sophia about fonts and intellectual property and all, and realized that for anybody who wants to add a bit of a fantasy flair to their images, it can be difficult sometimes to navigate the waters surrounding copyright on typefaces.

So, I am offering all of my personally-created typefaces (currently I have three) to anybody here who would like a way to safely and legally add some fantasy (or a puzzle) to their images:

I created these fonts for languages I created for my own fantasy world. My license terms are: "Don't sell them, or any typeface derived from them, without my explicit permission. Attribution is requested, but not required."

I'll be adding more as I have the opportunity, but it's not exactly a trivial task to make a typeface.

Finally, if you use any of my fonts in one of your images, please post a link to it here. Not required, but very much appreciated.
09/08/19 09:06AM
To clarify, the license terms are thus:

Usage and Embedding: You are free to use these fonts in any project you like -- for profit or gratis. This includes embedding them in software, PDF, or other forms.

Attribution: You are not required to identify me as the creator of this font, though you may not edit the font file itself to remove any attribution it may include. I would appreciate being attributed for the font composition, but I don't require it.

Derivation: You are free to modify these fonts to fit your needs, to make your own fonts derived from them (please retain the essential name of the font in your remixes, the fonts initially posted should be named Adin or Semeric with some descriptor), and to create your own languages using them as a script.

Profit: I retain the exclusive right to profit off these fonts, including derivative fonts. If you would like to sell a font you base on one of these, please contact me about it. If you want to distribute a derivative font freely, I'd appreciate knowing about it, but you don't need to let me know.

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