09/04/19 11:33AM
social media
Areyou active user of socila media? Can you imagine your life without instagram?
09/04/19 02:41PM
I don't have to imagine my life without Instagram, I'm livin' it! :D
09/04/19 03:08PM
The only "social media" I frequently use is Reddit. Never really understood the appeal of Facebook or Instagram, although the fact I know basically no one in real life might explain it.
09/04/19 03:34PM
I have a twitter but i can't keep up with it.
Social media goes by really fast and i can't even think about keeping up with like 3-4 different sites worth of media.
09/04/19 05:52PM
Have Facebook and Twitter, but it's only for family contact and artist stalking respectively.

I'm of the opinion that social media is ultimately detrimental, seeing as how it 'simplifies' human interaction.
09/04/19 06:10PM
Facebook, Instagram and rarely tumblr for me. I enjoy keeping up with old friends on FB, Insta is just for aesthetic and tumblr is worse for wear, but not horrible
09/05/19 10:00AM
I use my nsfw twitter more than my regular one, not that i like the site at all. No instagram, i find that site pointless and stupid. I do have facebook, and i find it incredibly useful, as a communication tool and an easy means of keeping up to date with people (i filter heavily who and what i see or add on there, so... The site does the work for me after that). And i have tumblr, but rarely used it, until i made a second account, shared with my GF, to recount our hypno adventures online (we had actually gotten pretty successful with it and met some really cool people through it, before life got in the way for ua :( ).
09/08/19 10:57AM
Truly say I am active user of instagram and many dating apps. Because I like to meet and interact with other people. I want to try to find some cool girls through that apps too. I like to use tinder and new dating app which I browsed on one review
09/13/19 08:31PM
I dont really get social media.
I listen to music on youtube, which some people count.
Cant stand reddit, instagram or twitter myself.
Sometimes talk to people on facebook messenger.
I haven't got a single pic of myself online, and I take a weird pride in that
09/13/19 10:21PM
Weebnotist said:
I dont really get social media.
I listen to music on youtube, which some people count.
Cant stand reddit, instagram or twitter myself.
Sometimes talk to people on facebook messenger.
I haven't got a single pic of myself online, and I take a weird pride in that

I think posting pics of yourself is something a lot of people avoid. I use social media a lot, but not for the attention or posting aspect of it. I basically never post a pic of myself unless it's updating my profile picture(s). Otherwise, all pics of me are posted by friends. So I get that, and you keep your pride up.

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