09/08/19 07:18PM
Any translation requests?
Hi, long time lurker first time poster here.
Speak a decent bit of japanese so rather than just browse the request tag I would like to take requests.
Originally learned japanese to talk to my uncle in his native tongue so 99% of my practise is from sitting round a dinner table, because of that i dont know much in the way of sex words but I can try.
Only requirement is that its posted on the hub.

09/08/19 07:52PM
What's the scale of projects you're willing to take on?
09/08/19 08:15PM

I'd love to have these pics translated, but if that's not realistic, then the last one with text would be enough
09/08/19 08:57PM
There's still the old translation request tag and thread, is there not? Try scrolling through those and give 'em a go!
09/09/19 02:47AM
LillyTank said:
What's the scale of projects you're willing to take on?

Id like to start with small things to get a feel for it but i might like larger things later
bullet said:
There's still the old translation request tag and thread, is there not? Try scrolling through those and give 'em a go!

Many of those have very little demand to be translated and id like to take individual requests from people, feels more fulfilling that way y'know

GrandDad said:

I'd love to have these pics translated, but if that's not realistic, then the last one with text would be enough

Ill start with this, dont know how to work the hub translation adding thing so if theres a tutorial somewhere a link would be great

Also your username... Fleentstones?
Is that how you do spoilers?
09/09/19 02:59AM
09/09/19 04:05AM
IDPet said:
Oh nice, Let me see...

first ones a bit iffy but i had a good go.

GrandDad said:

Did the first one, will get round to more later but I need to sleep for the night.
In the morning I will be back at work I promise!
09/09/19 08:06AM
09/09/19 01:44PM
Seriously appreciate it

Weebnotist said:

Also your username... Fleentstones?
Is that how you do spoilers?


Also to add translations you can press shift+click on the picture then drag to the desired size of the text box
09/09/19 07:09PM
GrandDad said:
Also to add translations you can press shift+click on the picture then drag to the desired size of the text box

If i do that i get denied access

TheGrandOleRuski said:

Can anyone translate?

Also this just gives me a 403
09/09/19 07:17PM
Anything with this tag that's in a language you can translate. hypnohub.net/post?tags=translation_request+ There's over 2000 images with the tag, which is over 2000 too many, in my opinion.
09/09/19 07:22PM
Weebnotist said:
If i do that i get denied access

Also this just gives me a 403

Shit, that's what I thought. I'll try and find a way to post it here.
09/09/19 07:23PM

Okay here's a link to the Pixiv page directly. If you have an account there, you can see it.
09/09/19 08:12PM
GrandDad said:

I'd love to have these pics translated, but if that's not realistic, then the last one with text would be enough

Okay, all finished, learned some new sex words as well!
Turned out i just wasnt logged in last time I tried to add the translations, sorry im such a dumpass

TheGrandOleRuski said:

Okay here's a link to the Pixiv page directly. If you have an account there, you can see it.

Will give it a go and post the translation here.
With the speech bubbles in the order you read them, should be obvious by the amount of text in each one

1:Please let me go, this is pointless
2:No matter what you do, I wont let anyone control me
5:What is this?
6:My body is so hot
7:Stop churning up my brains
8:This is disgusting but... Why does it feel so good...
9:No... Leave my head alone...
10: senpai...
11: save me...
12:Finally, I understand <3
13: I was born in order to be master's seedbed... Let me service you as much as I can
Not sure about line 13, but hey theres a reason im not asking for money lmao

Definitely hub material, upload it on here and we can slap a translation on the image itself

Anon_3.141 said:
Anything with this tag that's in a language you can translate. hypnohub.net/post?tags=translation_request+ There's over 2000 images with the tag, which is over 2000 too many, in my opinion.

Weebnotist said:
Many of those have very little demand to be translated and id like to take individual requests from people, feels more fulfilling that way y'know

I know its a bit selfish to only be doing direct requests, but in addition to the above quote, it helps me focus when I have a solid objective
09/09/19 08:52PM
omg I love you

You have no idea how long I've been waiting for a translation of it
1 2345>>>

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