09/08/19 08:43PM
TF, RP & Character Management Discord Bot - users, testers, and contributors wanted!

Some of you might have seen an art piece from a community I'm in drift by <<hypnohub.net/post?tags=digos+|once or twice>> (the sharkbot there is me :3), but what you probably don't know is that we have a custom Discord bot that I've written, which allows users to interactively transform each other into various species, genders, and colours on a piece-by-piece basis. Want a shark tail? The bot's got you covered. Does your friend look like they need their face swapped out for a wolf muzzle? No problem! Got a sub who needs a good, brainwishywashy drone dome on their head, and a pretty little set of internal squirmy tentacles to keep them zonked out? Yeah baby.

Beyond this, the bot also has character management - summaries, descriptions, bios, swapping between characters and discord nicks & roles on the fly - and roleplaying facilities that lets you dynamically create channels as needed and save your roleplays for later playback or export (PDFs, anyone?).

Our bot has been mostly used in our community for a while, but I would love to get some other users trying out the TF module (and the bot's other features too, of course!) and helping me make it even better. This post is both a bit of an advert to let others know that it exists, and me asking for your help - I need people testing, breaking, using, and playing with the bot for it to improve :)

So without further ado, let me present Amby - the DIGOS Ambassador, here for all your Discord TF needs.

# Wait, what?

To recap, Amby is a Discord bot which allows you to have a menagerie of characters, which you and your friends can transform into various species using commands in Discord. You get instant feedback and handwritten TF descriptions, augmented with information just for you. You can generate complete character descriptions, and transform yourself and others on a granular level.

# How does it work?

Pictures say more than a thousand words.


# Okay, cool. How do I use it?

To try out the bot without having to add it to your own server, you can join the bot's own dedicated server and play around with its features.


I've written a quickstart guide for new users, and I'm pretty much always on Discord if there are any questions.


# Inviting Amby to your own server

<<discordapp.com/oauth2/aut...45074530305&scope=bot|Click here!>>

# Finally, a short call for help

So, while the bot is fairly well developed and has a ton of useful and fun features, it is lacking slightly in terms of content. This post is, as I said at the start, not just to share something I'm quite proud of - it's also a minor call for help. The bot's selection of species is, at the moment, relatively small. Many common species are missing, and while the ones that are in place are high quality, it makes for limiting fun.

If you think the bot looks cool and you have fun with it, I would love love love it if you considered pitching in and adding a new species to it. It'll become available for anyone to use and play with, and I would be immensely grateful. If that sounds like something you'd be up for, I've written a guide on how to write transformations for the bot <<github.com/Nihlus/digos-a...i/Writing-Transformations|here>>.

Thanks for taking the time to read the post, and good TFing!

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