09/12/19 04:19AM
World of Warcraft stuff
I've been seeing a bunch of WoW hypnostuff ever since Classic got it back in peoples' minds. Any of you guys do anything fun in retail or classic? I haven't tried it for years, just resubbed to retail and I'm having a pretty good time with it. (So far; I hear there are problems with it but I'm enjoying the Diablo 3 rift style of grinding via mythics.)
09/12/19 04:53AM
akaece said:
I've been seeing a bunch of WoW hypnostuff ever since Classic got it back in peoples' minds. Any of you guys do anything fun in retail or classic? I haven't tried it for years, just resubbed to retail and I'm having a pretty good time with it. (So far; I hear there are problems with it but I'm enjoying the Diablo 3 rift style of grinding via mythics.)

Haven't played much retail for a while, but when BFA came out I loved spending time going around pick-pocketing everyone cause there's something fun about that ability. Besides, random toy/grey item chance! :P
09/12/19 05:40AM
I still have alot of dub with retail, and am sad with how much hate it gets in the WoW community. As for fun things I do, Raid, Run old content, Me and another hub member used to RP hypnostuff in the game.
09/12/19 05:42AM
Pieman754 said:
I still have alot of dub with retail, and am sad with how much hate it gets in the WoW community. As for fun things I do, Raid, Run old content, Me and another hub member used to RP hypnostuff in the game.

What server does said RP stuff happen on? I'm on Sargeras and I'm having trouble finding any sort of guild, let alone a roleplay sort of community.
09/12/19 05:56AM
akaece said:
What server does said RP stuff happen on? I'm on Sargeras and I'm having trouble finding any sort of guild, let alone a roleplay sort of community.

Best place for RP is, and will always be Moonguard. Even with it's many, many, downsides. It's the best place for roleplay.
09/12/19 06:21AM
BFA bored me to tears.

I'm loving classic so much. I'm on deviate delight as Jaclyn (human warrior)
09/12/19 06:43AM
CorruptionPrincess said:
BFA bored me to tears.

I'm loving classic so much. I'm on deviate delight as Jaclyn (human warrior)

I couldn't sit through classic again, atleast not for long. Not to down talk it, I definately get the appeal, it's just not for me. I got my fill of vanilla back in 2004. It's literally the opposite for me where classic bored me to death, lol.

09/12/19 07:58AM
I played it a little a few years ago. I wanted to get into it, but I wasn't ready to commit to it.

I really wanted to get into it when vanilla was announced. A lot of my coworkers are hardcore WoW players so I wanted to join them. Unfortunately, school and work eat up most of my free time and I had to make a lot of big purchases recently, so I don't think I'll be able to play anytime soon.
09/12/19 08:48AM
Oh yes! Maybe Jaina being hypnotized/brainwashed (via spell obviously) into Arthas' Lich Queen. :)
09/12/19 06:31PM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
Oh yes! Maybe Jaina being hypnotized/brainwashed (via spell obviously) into Arthas' Lich Queen. :)

I think there is a hearthstone card like that.

Would like to see more legion corrupted. Kinda my fav part of the exspantion
09/12/19 07:37PM
CorruptionPrincess said:
I think there is a hearthstone card like that.

Well sort of, the Death Knight Hero Cards that represent corrupted versions of regular classes. Some of them don't sound much more evil than their "good" counterparts, though, such as Bloodreaver Gul'dan compared to the (famously evil) Gul'dan.

I like the Gnomish mind-control stuff, personally :) Much more exciting than boring ol' Priests and their body-jumping powers, imho
09/12/19 09:31PM
TheMadPrince said:
Well sort of, the Death Knight Hero Cards that represent corrupted versions of regular classes. Some of them don't sound much more evil than their "good" counterparts, though, such as Bloodreaver Gul'dan compared to the (famously evil) Gul'dan.

I like the Gnomish mind-control stuff, personally :) Much more exciting than boring ol' Priests and their body-jumping powers, imho

Love the spiral helmets gnomish engineering can make. One of the reasons I always pick gnome engineering. (That, and it was just better for PvP)
09/24/19 11:48PM
BTW, if anyone ever wants to Rp in game, I'm down.
11/12/19 09:08PM
Pieman754 said:
BTW, if anyone ever wants to Rp in game, I'm down.

I'd also be down to rp in game, if anyone else is interested or wants to try let me know.
11/30/20 03:47AM
Bumping this. Anyone started playing in Shadowlands? Is it any good?
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