09/13/19 06:17PM
Anywhere you go when hypnohub isn't enough?
self-explanatory title. Is there anywhere else people tend to go when the new pics on Hypnohub aren't enough to get you going?

Or, are there any old pictures you just love going back to?
09/13/19 07:35PM
Well, I generally have a set list of websites I visit for this fetish - when I'm in the mood for a session, I'll got to the same three sites (Hypnohub, E-Hentai Galleries with the "mind control" search, and DeviantArt) ; I've also got the Hypnohub Forum, MC Forum and Hypnopics Collective that I visit every day, because threads that interest me tend to pop up regularly ; and finally, there's a few websites that aren't updated as regularly but that I visit from time to time - namely the Mental Block Wiki, a blog by a Japanese guy called "Triggerrock" that lists mind-control scenes in manga, among other things, and some Youtube channels I'm subscribed to that collect clips from the media. Oh yeah, and there's a forum named (originally that collects scenes of "Good girls charmed by bad girls" - unfortunately, that one's pretty inactive right now.

I dunno, this might seem like an extensive list, but it covers pretty much all the bases I need for when I have the itch.
09/13/19 09:39PM
TheMadPrince said:
I dunno, this might seem like an extensive list, but it covers pretty much all the bases I need for when I have the itch.

nah dude this is good, thank you! these are the kinds of posts im looking for from folks, keep it coming
09/14/19 03:09AM
Before it went all puritan I loved tumblr.
09/14/19 08:35AM
Deviantart lol. I know it's full of garbage but it's also full of fetish artists and when you're desperate, you're desperate.
09/14/19 08:50AM
The Collective, Deviantart, the EMCSA,, sometimes even Youtube. Depends on my mood, really.

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