09/15/19 02:14AM
Hypnohub server
Hi guys. So I wanted to talk there but I'm kinda banned? Can I know who to talk to on that?
09/15/19 02:37AM
All things considered...since you have to dox yourself to get in, I might not even bother. I have zero interest in giving my phone to discord.
09/15/19 03:10AM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
All things considered...since you have to dox yourself to get in, I might not even bother. I have zero interest in giving my phone to discord.

Jesus christ. If you honestly think giving away your phone number is "doxxing yourself" you should probably get off the internet. I wonder how many websites and corporations you've doxxed yourself to. Assuming you've made even a single online credit card purchase, or so much as activated a prepaid card, you've doxxed yourself to who knows how many people.

Ya know, what, just to be safe you should probably never log onto the internet again.
09/15/19 03:25AM
Hrrrrm, well I mean that's not a good thing. Maybe I'll pass. Thanks.
09/15/19 03:49AM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
All things considered...since you have to dox yourself to get in, I might not even bother. I have zero interest in giving my phone to discord.

It's far from doxxing yourself but I agree, and that's why I'm not allowed on the server.
EoD said:
Jesus christ. If you honestly think giving away your phone number is "doxxing yourself" you should probably get off the internet. I wonder how many websites and corporations you've doxxed yourself to. Assuming you've made even a single online credit card purchase, or so much as activated a prepaid card, you've doxxed yourself to who knows how many people.

Ya know, what, just to be safe you should probably never log onto the internet again.

Telling someone to leave the internet for having a conflicting opinion, mature.
09/15/19 04:17AM
The phone verification is like any other thing you give your number to, like Facebook, or a Steam Authenticator or Google type of thing where you give it a number for extra account security. While there is information you are giving, it goes to Discord itself with phone verification like any of those, and people on whatever server with that setting doesn't get to actually have access to that information whatsoever.
09/15/19 04:25AM
Bobbette said:
The phone verification is like any other thing you give your number to, like Facebook, or a Steam Authenticator or Google type of thing where you give it a number for extra account security. While there is information you are giving, it goes to Discord itself with phone verification like any of those, and people on whatever server with that setting doesn't get to actually have access to that information whatsoever.

Right, and I trust Facebook and Google as far as I can throw them and then some. Same with Discord all things considered.
09/15/19 04:25AM
The hypnohub server is not affiliated with the hypno hub site
So unless an mod/admin from the server sees this thread there is nothing that we can do to help you.
09/15/19 04:27AM
Argonis said:
The hypnohub server is not affiliated with the hypno hub site
So unless an mod/admin from the server sees this thread there is nothing that we can do to help you.

I wasn't asking for help, just giving my opinion on the server. My overall negative opinion.
09/15/19 04:28AM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
I wasn't asking for help, just giving my opinion on the server. My overall negative opinion.

You were not asking for help

ngmez was.
09/15/19 04:28AM
Argonis said:
You were not asking for help

ngmez was.

Oh okay. Misunderstood ya, lol.
09/15/19 06:17AM
Honestly, you're better off not being on that server.
09/15/19 07:25AM
It's a common known fact that a certain mod on there is infamous for banning people unjustly and the other mods refuse to fix that, or kick his dumb ass off the team.
If fact, I'll say it, the chat just sucks. Bad leadership and unjust banning makes for a shit chat.
Seriously, you get on any of their mods bad side, regardless of whether you break a rule or not, guess who just got banned bucko? That's right, you did champ, have a fucking cookie.
09/15/19 07:34AM
Please remain civil.
09/15/19 07:37AM
:3 we all friends here.... I think
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