09/18/19 03:56AM
RP Server & Manniping Feedback
Hey Hypnohubians! Hope you're doing well! :) I have 2 announcements:

I want to get into manniping a bit more in the near future and I'm a bit of a newbie so I'm hoping to use each of my future posts as a learning experience. I do try posting here but my last 3 uploads were immediately deleted so if you're looking for more FD themed posts you can see all of them on the <<hypnopics-collective.net/...n=gallery;su=user;u=57399|Hypnopics Collective>> as I upload there as well as here. Even if your not interested in my stuff it's still worth looking at the site if you want more hypno-smut as the posts there tend to be a little different to the ones uploaded here.

A few months ago I inherited a Discord server that aims to provide a curated but user-made fantasy-themed erotic tabletop-style RPG. It's called <<discord.gg/3ufKg8K|The Land of Hypnocia>> and we're always looking for new players, DMs (i.e. game hosts) and contributors (spectators and lurkers are also welcome!). It's designed to skew more towards the RP than anything else but it's also designed to be "modifiable" to your own tastes as well. It's currently in a kind of beta stage (if you want to call it that) but it's still perfectly playable as it is right now. We have a really chill chat there as well that I intend to keep that way so if you just want somewhere else online to hang out it's good for that too. Oh yeah, I'm known as James there.

Anyway, that's my advertising over with. I hope to see you soon! :D

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