09/18/19 09:53AM
Writing a story - Interest Check
Okay, so around Halloween last year I wrote my first Erotic Story ever,and a few people seemed to like it. I want to write a continuation, or maybe just another Halloween themed story this October, but before then, I'm playing around with a couple ideas and I think around the end of this month I should put another one out there, maybe see how I do in the eyes of the community?

That in mind, I was wondering which of the following stories people would be interested in seeing first:

*A College student manages to steal a Kitsune's two tails in a mix-up and goes wild on Campus.

*A sort of slice-of-life, Ranma 1/2 style story where everything and everyone are just a little crazy and just a little sexy, with more focus on teases and hijinks than shmexy times.

*A reverse-harem, where several girls all take turns with a single sub, maybe they know about each other, maybe they don't.

*A symbiote (Think Marvel's Venom) attaches itself to a host and begins reproducing all over the host's hometown

*... of course, I'm open to special requests too, specific scenarios/subjects/methods and the like, I just can't get motivated to write without someone there to read.

Thanks lots in advance~
09/18/19 10:35AM
Hypno-Eretica said:
That in mind, I was wondering which of the following stories people would be interested in seeing first:

*A reverse-harem, where several girls all take turns with a single sub, maybe they know about each other, maybe they don't.

I'd definitely like to see an idea like this come to life. I'd like to see it be something like, the sub gets hypnotized on a dare or something, and the group present agrees to each take the sub on a day of the week, on a schedule, and they each have different things they do with the sub.
So maybe one makes them a maid, another makes them a cook, another likes to make them a dancer, another has them fill in an absent parent's role, etc... all in some sexy form.
But that's just my interpretation of it.
Hope you gain enough interest to write out any of your concepts, though! Good luck!
09/20/19 02:28AM
Honestly I 'm sure any one of these would be great. Even the symbiote one, when that's not even my fetish.

/Not helpful post

... athough I guess I'm endorsing the symbiote one saying this.
09/20/19 02:46AM
reverse Harem, the comedy potential with them all being unaware of each other is hilarious to me; definitely like the ideas bullet had for it

makes me think of Neo Whyachi's Hypno-town over on McStories
09/23/19 01:53AM
Alrighty, I'm writing it now, keep an eye out for me on the Story Thread in the next few days.

I'll be doing the three dommes/one sub story, set in a cabin over winter break and focusing on four teenagers.

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