09/22/19 10:16AM
Any good hypno erotic games?
Is there any good games that are erotic/ non erotic with hypnosis? Could be flash game, RPG type game idrc anything?
09/22/19 11:48AM
You can spend the next year on the <<|mental changes tag at TFGamesSite>> trying several games each day. The site's main focus is male-to-female transformation, though, so you might have to work a bit to dodge it if you don't like it. Also, you'll need to register to read it, but the <<|games forum of Hypnopics Collective>> has a lot of stuff.

Or, if those are a bit too much, you could try these earlier threads on this forum:
- <<|The Erotic Hypnosis Games Recommendation Thread>>
- <<|Hypnosis Sub Games>>
- ... and actually those two are the only threads that I could find that are about porn games where more than a few games actually come up; there's plenty of smaller ones, and threads about hypnosis in general media, though

Would be nice if there was a better curated, more consistent gallery of MC games than those, but if there is, I don't know about it. There's probably plenty of really good games that I've just never heard of because they don't come up in these threads.
09/22/19 04:20PM
You can always play my game, but you need to like pet play.

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