09/27/19 11:42PM
Crimson's Guess That Game Contest (NOW CANCELLED)
So lately I've been kinda stumped on making up an idea for a commission for myself. So to try something different and maybe try to give back to all of you being my fans for so long, I've decided I'll let one of you pitch in an idea~ But I'm not just gonna pick a random person, I'm gonna make you earn it >:3 How do you do that? Win my contest~

Here's your objective: I'm gonna give a series of one sentence clues that will reference a video game. And if you guess them all correctly (not just some or most of them, every single one correctly) and you win~ Simple as that~

[spoilers=Other rules]
Other rules:
1) You can either submit your answers in the comments or by DMing me here on DA or HypnoHub.
2) If you do submit your answers in the comments, you can't collaborate with anybody else. Do not directly reply hints or answers with each other, or else both of you will be disqualified.
and 3) Your answers must be as precise as possible, all of these answers will be a specific game, not just a series in general.

EDIT: Due to people complaining this is too hard and giving up, I've decided that if nobody can guess all twenty, I'll settle for the first person who found out at least half of them. BUT ONLY IF NOBODY GUESSES ALL 20 BY OCTOBER 1ST And I'll allow multiple tries as long as subsequent guesses are in DMs only

If you win, your prize will be to submit to me one commission idea with me in it of your choosing and I'll cover all expenses~ And you can do almost anything~ Any idea, include up to two other characters of your choosing from any artist you want~ As long as the idea still follows these guidelines:
1) The artist you choose must be easily available, I'm not gonna wait 2-3 months to wait for an opening
2) The commission idea does not exceed a maximum price of $90, I'm not made of money you know
and 3) your idea does not include scat (diapers are okay though), vore, gore, gender-swapping and I still have the right to say no to other ideas if they pertain to fetishes or reference a series I do not like. But those things I listed are the only major no-noes, so anything else should be fair game

This contest will go on from Friday, September 27th to Tuesday, October 1st

So with all of those out of the way, let's get to the clues!~ Good luck!~

[spoiler=Start the contest!]
1) A muscle-bound guy tries to stop a fat guy from getting healthier by making sure he doesn't get his potassium

2) You and your band of buddies go to hell and back to help a lady who knows where to find a nice ring for the guy she's about to spend a lot of time with

3) You try to fight a guy who’s trying to kill everyone because he got punched in the face one time. Yet he's somehow nowhere near as bad as your ally robot who doesn't know how to shut up

4) After finally deciding to move out of your mom’s basement, you’re now free to make your own life, but people constantly try to attack you, not caring if you’re a saint or a terrorist

5) Angry Tim the Toolman wants his tools back so he goes to his neighbor's backyard to find and fight his ex and ends up pissing off her sisters

6) You free one bird from her cage and another bird will chase you all across the sky to be with her again

7) An old man decides life shouldn’t be just black and white and takes the night off to paint the town red

8) You lead a big army to fight off a bunch of jerks using the powers of the rainbow

9) Your mom told you to behave yourself today, but instead you end up causing multiple lifetimes worth of trouble for yourself

10) A parent reminds their son that they should never run with scissors, so the entire game he does exactly that

11) You and your friends head off to try to find Atlantis, but not before getting owned by a catfish

12) A guy in blue tries to save the world by making sure a black shadowy guy doesn't get a belt, which he does by going really fast

13) A mean old lady shows you how horrible photography is as a career choice

14) Everyone has less than a month to live, but all they care about is fashion trends and beating up frogs and dogs

15) I think there was something to do with some mining or archaeology stuff or science experiments or something like that? But you don't care, because you had such a bad day you wanna rip someone's head off

16) A guy is so pissed that some other people tried to get his daughter to move in with them that he can punch people so hard he breaks not only them, but also his own arms

17) The story of a man who gains supernatural powers to become the leader of the mafia. His power is to ravage the world with tentacle hentai

18) A young fighter from the future travels to the past to seek out a boy who could help change the past and aid a resistance group in the future

19) After making a godawful movie, a guy has to stop the world from being turned into a video game so he could get his annoying friend to finally stop spamming him

20) You started in the red but after some trust issues, everything’s now gone pink for everyone
09/28/19 12:47AM
I've played video games all my life

I have no idea what a single one of these are
09/28/19 01:03AM
I might know one or two but, I'm not gonna say on count of being other people seeing them.

I assume there's no limit on release date or consoles?
09/28/19 01:19AM
pajamas said:
I've played video games all my life

I have no idea what a single one of these are

Edit: Oh holy shit I actually figured one out.

Okay, so these aren't literal descriptions of the actual in-game scenarios, they're more like riddles?
09/28/19 01:50AM
YuuToo said:
Edit: Oh holy shit I actually figured one out.

Okay, so these aren't literal descriptions of the actual in-game scenarios, they're more like riddles?

Yes x3 Descriptions in the worst/vaguest way possible
09/28/19 01:59AM
I think I might have half
09/28/19 02:11AM
I only can figure 6 of em atm.
09/28/19 02:23AM
I think I've got 13 of them so far.

#18 might be a little too vague. I can think of a couple of games that would fit.
09/28/19 05:46AM
ive got 14 15 and 17. and 6
09/28/19 10:54PM
Nobody has guessed all twenty games list, so the prize is up for grabs.

And to maybe help out a little I'll give some extra hints to the ones nobody's gessed right or even tried to answer

For clue 5, one of the the key words is "backyard"

For clue 2, the clue says "lady who knows about a ring"

For clue 18, the main character starts his adventure at the circus

For clue 19, I can tell you that the main character wears a mask and never wears a shirt
09/30/19 03:03AM
Wow, can't believe a lurker like me still has an account alive.

Pardon the small question but where's your deviantart by the way?

Edit: Did anyone guess ten by the way? Just finalizing my guess here and I want to know if the contest is still active.
09/30/19 11:15AM
Not sure if double posting is against the rules or something buuuut I submitted my guesses by the way~ o3o
09/30/19 02:15PM
Okay well.... after putting some thought into this.... I have unfortunately decided to cancel my "Guess that game" contest. The reason being a lot of people not trying or giving up or complaining that all of my clues are too hard to solve and after thinking about it, yeah that really was a problem. But to be fair that was kinda the point, I didn't want anybody to win so easily, but alas I did that TOO well and ended up making people not try anymore.

Now for those of you who did legitimately put in a lot of effort to win (pretty much just 3 or 4 of you) I'll personally message you and maybe we can try to work something out because I can tell you really wanted that commission of me. Who knows, maybe I can still get you something for your troubles or we can do a collab commission or something. Ill let you all know soon. But still sorry for all of this. Maybe someday I can do something like this again but actually do it right.

And for those who did try, here were the answers I was looking for. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE COMPLAINTS LIKE "Oh how the hell was I supposed to know the clue was for THAT game?" or "I never played this, how was
I supposed to know?" I mean I already cancelled this whole thing, please don't make me feel worse about this >.<

[spoiler=Answers]1) Answer: Donkey Kong Country
Explanation: King K. Rool stole all of Donkey Kong's bananas.

2) Answer: Halo: Reach
Explanation: Your "band of buddies" is Noble Team who is sent to extract Cortana who has located the Halo construct. All of Noble Team dies in the end.

3) Answer: Borderlands 2
Explanation: Jack got punched by Lilith at the end of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The robot who doesn't shut up is Claptrap

4) Answer: Undertale
Explanation: In the beginning of Undertale you are offered to live with Toriel, but when you leave you can befriend or commit genocide on the monsters of the Underworld

5) Answer: Guilty Gear 2: Overture (will accept Guilty Gear as an answer)
Explanation: Sol Badguy is trying to find the race of "Gears" and his quest brings him to an alternate dimension known as "The Backyard" and the main villain is Valentine, a clone of his former girlfriend, and her sisters, Ramlethal and Elphelt Valentine cause trouble in Guilty Gear Xrd

6) Answer: BioShock Infinite
Explanation: The caged bird pertains to Elizabeth and the other bird is Songbird, and you are chased through Colombia, a city literally in the sky

7) Answer: MadWorld
Explanation: Jack Cayman is an old marine participating in the DeathWatch competition and the game's art style is literally only black, white and red blood

8) Answer: The Wonderful 101
Explanation: Your team are colorful Power Rangers-like heroes off to fight the aliens known as "GEATHJERK"

9) Answer: Chrono Trigger
Explanation: As said, your mother tells you to behave yourself at the beginning of the game, and the "lifetimes worth of trouble" alludes to your time travel adventure

10) Answer: Clock Tower
Explanation: The main villain is the "Scissor Man" a child who literally never runs

11) Answer: Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City
Explanation: The goal of Etrian Odyssey III is to locate a sunken part of the city. The catfish is the game's unfair first boss

12) Answer: F-Zero GX
Explanation: Captain Falcon wears blue, the main villain is called Black Shadow and the game is a fast racing game

13) Answer: Fatal Frame II: The Crimson Butterfly (will accept Fatal Frame as an answer)
Explanation: The mean old lady is Sae Kurosawa and the game's combat revolves around photography

14) Answer: The World Ends with You
Explanation: The games takes place over the course of three weeks and at the third week, Shibuya will be destroyed. Trends are a main mechanic in the game and enemies include frogs and dogs

15) Answer: DOOM
Explanation: The Doom Slayer cares about nothing except killing demons

16) Answer: Asura's Wrath
Explanation: Asura's daughter, Mithra, is kidnapped by Asura's former comrades for her power and more than once Asura ended up destroying his own arms

17) Answer: The Darkness
Explanation: Jackie Estacado has become head of the Franchetti family mafia with the help of tentacle monsters known as "The Darkness"

18) Answer: Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle
Explanation: The protagonist, Max, meets Monica, a girl from the future and they both embark on a quest to change time and help the resistance group in Monica's future fight an evil ruler

19) Explanation: Strong Bad made the movie Dangeresque 4 and to when trying to escape an angry mob, he accidentally breaks his arcade game and merges his world with the video game world. Also, Homestar constantly talks to Strong Bad while this happens

20) Answer: Red Dead Redemption 2
Explanation: The Van Der Linde gang has failed to secure money they stole and are chased down by the Pinkerton Detective Agency
09/30/19 02:18PM

QwQ GGWP tho
09/30/19 02:25PM
dragonair500 said:

QwQ GGWP tho

Don't feel bad. I messaged you a few minutes ago if it makes you feel better
1 2>>>

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