10/22/19 11:59PM
Your Halloween Costumes!
Halloween is almost a week away so I'm interested to hear what costumes people have planned for the big night. It'll be fun to hear from anyone who has a hypno related costume in mind!

To start the topic off, for my costume I'm going out as Shego from Kim Possible. I'm tempted to make the outfit hypno related by making my own LED microchip but I dont have the knowledge or skill to make it in time.
10/23/19 12:27AM
My wife and Husband wants me to wear again the "Wonder Woman" costume, Or the "Amazon" wear.

I have so many halloween costumes i can use, but i think i'm gonna use my Wonder Woman costume.
10/23/19 12:43AM
Red Hood.
10/23/19 01:13AM
I'm going to be real life explorer Percy Fawcett!
10/23/19 01:18AM
Plate Armored Knight
10/23/19 05:42AM
Johnny Bravo~

B) Man I'm pretty~
10/23/19 06:55AM
A Youmacon vendor >_>

Sleepyhead97 said:
To start the topic off, for my costume I'm going out as Shego from Kim Possible. I'm tempted to make the outfit hypno related by making my own LED microchip but I dont have the knowledge or skill to make it in time.

This sounds like a job for Legos and like a penlight or something.
10/23/19 06:59AM

hes trash but he sure knows how to rock a suit
10/23/19 07:04AM
A student studying for four tests that week. As in, I’m too busy for fun :(
10/23/19 08:36AM
A bush as I do every year.
10/23/19 01:38PM
I'm in France, Halloween's not really a huge thing over here. Trick or treat is not something my tribe knows of.
10/23/19 11:57PM
myself, nothing more terrifying than looking at me any time of day lol

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