10/29/19 02:15AM
Trying to figure out Patreon, commissions, and other ways to exchange money for written hypno-porn.
Hello everyone! Most of you probably don't remember me but I was fairly active, making brain drain related content, for a brief period a few years ago. At the time, I had been ramping up to start taking commissions and see if I could earn a modest profit. However, IRL intervened and I had to step away from writing porn/erotica for a while.

Now I'm back in a good place in my life and I'm looking to try this again. It might be a bit before I start turning this writing into money but I want to learn what I can before I start that process. I was wondering if anybody had any tips on how to go about getting money for writing porn online.

I'm looking at Patreon at the moment. I'd heard they supposedly cracked down a bit on hypnosis related content but it looks like there is still a lot of hypno content on the site, so I take it that was overblown? Can anyone confirm, or suggest a better alternative? At the moment it looks like my best bet.

If Patreon works, I'll welcome any tips on how to make a good Patreon page and good benefits to offer patrons. I would love to someday be making even $100-$200 a month off writing porn to supplement my income. So, any help figuring out the process is appreciated! I hope making a thread asking for advice on this isn't an issue, I just figured this site would be the best place to ask.
10/29/19 02:19AM
Hey, welcome back! I remember your captions from awhile back; Good stuff.
Ko-fi seems to be a relatively lax place, but yes, Patreon has made it harder to do what you do, unless you're more... subtle about it. Alternatively, maybe Gumroad is an option, though I don't know if they allow/support non-visual media (meaning, anything other than video and images).
10/29/19 03:27AM
Alright, good to know, thank you! I'll look into Ko-fi and Gumroad. Any advice on how to be more subtle in ways Patreon approves of? A lot of my stuff focuses more on the mental transformation and less on explicit sexual encounters. I wonder if just keeping the more directly-related-to-sex stuff off the Patreon page would be enough.
10/29/19 04:24AM
I think you'll probably have more luck just starting commissions at first anyways. You don't need Patreon for that, just PayPal or something. Patreon itself is pretty selective in its enforcement of its policies - I follow some authors who write nothing but hypno, and they're still on there, but I think they're on borrowed time until their pages get too big. But PayPal tends to work well enough, anyhow.
10/29/19 04:25AM
If you can keep your advertisement subtle, that might be enough. There's still plenty of nsfw stuff on there despite the crackdown. Alternatively, you could make your tiered rewards links instead of the images themselves, assuming you can find somewhere to host the images privately such as a throwaway google drive.
10/29/19 04:41AM
You may find Subscribestar a worthy alternative to Patreon, one which currently (and in the planned future) has no bans on otherwise-not-illegal hypno content. It also allows Ko-fi style direct tipping in addition to subscription support.

I know a few people are already taking advantage of it, including Changer.
10/29/19 04:43AM
I had been planning on posting things primarily to my wordpress, and I could link to that if you think that might work? I'm not likely to be working in images at all for anything related to Patreon, anyways. Just writing. I'll consider google drive, but I had wanted to mostly focus on things like early-postings and polls as tiered rewards rather than paygate content entirely.

As for Paypal I'd heard they were even worse for cracking down on erotic content. By a significant margin, even. So I'd been thinking to avoid relying on them as a method of making monetary exchanges.

Alright, I'll look into subscribestar too!
10/29/19 05:03PM
Succubunny said:
As for Paypal I'd heard they were even worse for cracking down on erotic content. By a significant margin, even. So I'd been thinking to avoid relying on them as a method of making monetary exchanges.

Alright, I'll look into subscribestar too!

I've used PayPal for every NSFW art/writing transaction on both the buying and selling sides, and following a lot of furry artists, I can tell you that it's used for even larger transactions than the ones I've done. Yes, they randomly ban some smaller accounts who go and write articles rallying people against them, but the fact of the matter is that it's basically all people use for this stuff anyways. Even just moving to ko-fi, there's a dramatic dropoff in the number of people who will put money in. Subscribestar is in an even worse place - there's a really good Pokemon artist named Tricksta who's been trying to get people to subscribe to his for like a year and is I think going to shut it down because he's not making more than like $50 off it after all that time. Glacierclear has trouble getting people to even pay with, which is a huge app. You're free to try whatever, but the crowd is still solidly with PayPal, unfortunately.
10/30/19 01:23AM
Alright, good to know PayPal might not be as bad as I'd been told by others. I'd heard they were pretty strict about banning you the moment they figured out you were using them to trade erotic content. Also, yeah now that I've had time to look over Subscribestar it looks like a backup plan at best, most of the pages on there barely had any subscribers.

So another question has come to me. I've got a wordpress site set up for posting my stories to, but is it a good idea to also cross-post to places like Deviant Art and Furaffinity? I suspect that both sites help a lot with making you easier to notice and gather a fanbase.
10/30/19 02:03AM
So, paypal doesn't ban NSFW, right? I had the same question xD
10/30/19 02:23AM
IDPet said:
So, paypal doesn't ban NSFW, right? I had the same question xD

We don’t permit PayPal account holders to buy or sell:

Sexually oriented digital goods or content delivered through a digital medium. Downloadable pictures or videos and website subscriptions are examples of digital goods.
Sexually oriented goods or services that involve, or appear to involve, minors.
Services whose purpose is to facilitate meetings for sexually oriented activities.

Sexual preferences and viewpoints aren’t factors in determining what our policy prohibits.
10/30/19 02:46AM
So... Paypal doesnt allow to buy or sell +18 stuff like downloadable pictures. Then the thing for what succubunny wants to use it is against its policy. But akaede says that dont happens, inwas confused reading that xd
10/30/19 02:48AM
See, that is what I had thought and was why I was trying to avoid Paypal.
10/31/19 08:05PM
I'm no expert on the subject, and I've been away from the whole Patreon drama, but what I think might be the case is that, as akaece wrote "Patreon itself is pretty selective in its enforcement of its policies" ; in other words, there's some chance you might get banned, but the website still allows a bunch of stuff, and as a whole it's a worthwhile gamble. This is possibly because they're trying out some new rules and haven't gotten down the enforcement to go along with it yet, or perhaps they're still iffy on their own intentions themselves, or maybe the ways they have of detecting and/or banning disallowed content aren't foolproof (and maybe still even involve some human enforcement, which tends to vary in the ways it actually enforces rules) ; or, more probably, it's some mixture of all of these factors, which results in a system that while, on paper, seems to discourage certain types of content, in practice doesn't actually follow through some, or even most, of the time.
10/31/19 10:15PM
IDPet said:
So... Paypal doesnt allow to buy or sell +18 stuff like downloadable pictures. Then the thing for what succubunny wants to use it is against its policy. But akaede says that dont happens, inwas confused reading that xd

PayPal basically only looks for specific terms to issue bans, stuff in the transaction description - they don't check that, say, Jimryu is taking money in return for hypno-ecchi, but if someone sent money to him with the NOTE "for hypno-ecchi" he could get in trouble unless he rejects the payment.

In other words: The minimum, automatable, due diligence. Any serious investigation isn't going to our kind of fap material, but to stuff like money laundering.

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