11/06/19 08:23PM
I'm Considering Making A HypnoHub Visual Novel
Hello everyone on the Hub,

You might remember that I've actually said this before so to avoid being repetitive (or more lame T_T') I want to say this right this time.

To put it bluntly, I'm unofficially leaving the Hub, so to speak. I'll be making another go at creating a more hypnosis centered and exclusive booru.

I want to show my appreciation and warm regards for all the time I've spent here.
Which is also a pretty good opportunity and reason to mention that I'm interested in making a HypnoHub VN!

I've been mostly lurking for the longest time, even back in the beginning when I was a mod.
I'd mostly accredit that to my lack of interest with the site's general sort of content explicit in posts and topics in general. It became somewhat boring after the beginning and since I never quite got the site I wanted I thought I'd try again.

With that being said there are still a lot of things the site has to offer that I do personally like and I wanted to make game to show as such. This isn't necessarily a dating sim but I do want it have various romantic elements to it.

My main reason for posting this thread is that I wanted to ask for permission to have some of the OCs on this site featured in this game.

I would currently like to include the following:

Hypno-tan (Pretty sure I don't need permission for her but I thought I'd ask)
Crystal (Zko)
Erika (Er-ikaa)
Crimson (Stepford Crimson)
Jacklyn (Corruption Princess)
Mesmistriss (Ming)
Imusky Lomae (Imusky)
Punky (whisper)
Princess Caelia (Kachopper)
Queen Lindabelle (Hawkeye)
Helen (Changer - Spiral Clicker)
Amber (Changer - Spiral Clicker)
Nanshee (Cypress Z - OverWhored)
Rubatee (Cypress Z - OverWhored)

Any information and permission for these characters would be most appreciated.
On a slightly related note, does anybody else think our site could use a wiki for these characters?

11/06/19 08:28PM
Tell us more about the game idea
11/06/19 08:33PM
Ooo, I'm always honored when people want to use Caelia, go ahead~
If you have any questions let me know.

Good luck though, making games, even visual novels, can be challenging and time consuming.

LillyTank said:

On a slightly related note, does anybody else think our site could use a wiki for these characters?

I've seen that suggested before but people have never really gotten it off the ground.
11/06/19 08:39PM
I'm in :D
11/06/19 08:52PM
Well, the first step is to be certain what the thing's going to be about. Are you trying to court someone? Trying to escape? Are you going to these hypno-people for training?

Are they friends, foes, neutral? Does the game intend to be free-form, or directed? For all we know it could be a shoot-em-up or beat-em-up with this bunch as bosses/enemies/allies.
11/06/19 09:29PM
Be prepared for all the headaches and work that comes with a venture like this. You'll need art along with the code (which isn't *too* hard if you use something like Ren'py, Unity, or RPGmaker), and optionally, sound.
I know from experience how annoying and troublesome it can be if it's your first, or close to first, time around the block with this sort of stuff. Staying on track and not cutting corners are the biggest challenges, IMO.

Whatever you do, DON'T become the dumpster fire that is Yandere-dev, if you can actually call him a developer.
11/06/19 09:49PM
I'm in if you want to add Lara and/or Sara to the list.

Anyways im curious qbout the format that you will use.
11/06/19 09:52PM
I would be using Tyranobuilder or Visual Novel Maker. The game would mostly involve varying scenarios with all the different characters involved.
11/07/19 12:49AM
LillyTank said:
On a slightly related note, does anybody else think our site could use a wiki for these characters?

No. Character sheets like the ones Zko made for some of his characters and Erika make sense. But an entire wiki dedicated to people’s OCs feels unnecessary.
11/07/19 02:36AM
LillyTank said:
I would currently like to include the following:

Hypno-tan (Pretty sure I don't need permission for her but I thought I'd ask)
Crystal (Zko)
Erika (Er-ikaa)
Crimson (Stepford Crimson)
Jacklyn (Corruption Princess)
Mesmistriss (Ming)
Imusky Lomae (Imusky)
Punky (whisper)
Princess Caelia (Kachopper)
Queen Lindabelle (Hawkeye)
Helen (Changer - Spiral Clicker)
Amber (Changer - Spiral Clicker)
Nanshee (Cypress Z - OverWhored)
Rubatee (Cypress Z - OverWhored)

Any information and permission for these characters would be most appreciated.
On a slightly related note, does anybody else think our site could use a wiki for these characters?

You have my permission, absolutely. Frankly I'm flattered she was on the list given how relatively new she is.
11/07/19 03:08AM
any room for more characters?
11/07/19 05:07AM
You has my blessing ^_^
11/07/19 02:15PM
someguy231 said:
any room for more characters?

Definitely, feel free to ask.
11/07/19 07:38PM
It's times like this for as big in the community as I maybe used to be....
I kind of really now wish I had made, created, or pushed more for a specific OC for the purposes of being more of a mascot for this fetish, myself.

Because then I would probably then have more reason to ask to also be included in this. But oh well. I guess it's on me for never really having tried to make a Crystal or an Erika type of character myself that personify an overall hypnosis concept. :/ hm.

Times like this, I feel like maybe that bit me pretty hard in hindsight. Iconic characters meant to represent something like this are more memorable, in general. Wish I'd done more of that, now that I think of it.
11/07/19 07:41PM
I often wish I'd have stayed more consistent with Solaris stories/art for this reason. It was easy to be passive back in the day because there wasn't much of a community. These days it's grown so much, lots of us old-timers have fallen by the wayside if we haven't stayed as active XD
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