11/14/19 01:02AM
Ban appeal for the Hypnohub discord
Hi, I'm making this post to appeal my ban on the hypnohub discord server. I was banned back in September and refrained from making an appeal because I wasn't given the chance to (consequent communication between the mod team was completely cut off shortly afterward). I was banned from the server due to my dispute/argument with a moderator I had over a kick I had received just before. I didn't feel the kick was fully deserved, but I wanted to discuss it with him calmly to figure out why I had been kicked in the first place.

As it turned out the kick was for a different dispute I was having with another user, but the issue was that I had already resolved that argument and made up with that user fifteen minutes before. When I pointed this out, the moderator instead of continuing the discussion, outright banned me, simply for defending myself and trying to defuse the situation.

In all fairness, back in September I was having real world issues, and I believe it was leaking into a hostile attitude toward people around me, real life relatives included. I've since solved those problems, to say the least, and I will apologize to anyone who feels they've been insulted by me in any way, or feel I've wronged them somehow. With that said, I'd like to rejoin, and prove that I can be a positive member of, the community.

Thank you for your time in advance,


Edit: It has occurred to me I should provide my discord ID, in case one of the moderators wishes to contact me privately, as well: DragonManipulator372#5981. Thanks again, as always.
11/14/19 01:13AM
The Hypnohub website is not affiliated with the hypnohub discord server so there is nothing that we can do about that.

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