03/15/14 04:11PM
Hypno/MC Game Ideas Thread
A thread for people who have game ideas, but lack the ability to program or create the images for it. Maybe somebody who can do those things will be interested enough to help you out.
03/15/14 07:07PM
I would absolutely love to make an MC game. I am able to make flash games, but lack the wrist endurance to make art. (dog bite on my hand flares up if I draw more than about half an hour to an hour a day) I'll have to think on an exact idea though, as I have many that are only half constructed from daydreams. :P
03/15/14 07:22PM
Changer said:
I would absolutely love to make an MC game. I am able to make flash games, but lack the wrist endurance to make art. (dog bite on my hand flares up if I draw more than about half an hour to an hour a day) I'll have to think on an exact idea though, as I have many that are only half constructed from daydreams. :P

I didn't know you could make flash games. I've been interested in them for a long time. I had a few ideas but I'll have to mull them over before posting.
03/16/14 08:14PM
One idea I had was an RPG kind of thing to have the end goal eventually be control someone of importance--superheroine, diva, etc.--and make the game about the different methods you use to control people on the way. Go for quick with a pendulum, or try or stronger control by using your slaves to bring people to your laboratory to make them into bots. Just a suggestion, of course.
03/16/14 09:52PM
LillyTank said:
I didn't know you could make flash games. I've been interested in them for a long time. I had a few ideas but I'll have to mull them over before posting.

Yeah, I've been doing it a couple years, but haven't made anything really impressive yet. I did make a game where you build a base in real time while zombies attack in waves. The goal being to develop a solution to the zombie problem while also making various weapons to fight the zombies with. You start with a pistol and could unlock a shotgun, flame thrower, bee gun, ice ray, shrink ray, and exploding rubber duckies. (and one of the three endings was taking over the world by using mind control implants to pacify the zombies.)

It flopped though because the graphics were eye bleedingly bad.
03/17/14 12:08AM
Changer said:
It flopped though because the graphics were eye bleedingly bad.

I bet it still isn't worse than 'Uncharted Waters Online' xD
03/17/14 12:37AM
A game I thought of would be for your character to find a remote one day and while messing with it hit a button and a dart shoot out and hit someone. The removers screen suddenly tells you subject (what ever number) is online that the person is a blank machine that will follow all your commands when the remote is on and when it's off they have no memory of anything hapening.

As you expats ment with the remit you eventually lern you can hook it to a computer and use it to "edit" subjects in anyways you can imagine from metally to physically.

I know a game like this or at least how I'd want it to be is impossible. It'd have to be some kinda visual novel with choices on what you do. But how I'd love to see it is with randomly generated people in a sand box style area that you am choose from like city to rural areas and set a base idea of the people in the area for the generation. And have it where you literally can do anything with the edits and such.
03/17/14 01:37AM
Mistress_Marea said:
A game I thought of would be for your character to find a remote one day and while messing with it hit a button and a dart shoot out and hit someone. The removers screen suddenly tells you subject (what ever number) is online that the person is a blank machine that will follow all your commands when the remote is on and when it's off they have no memory of anything hapening.

As you expats ment with the remit you eventually lern you can hook it to a computer and use it to "edit" subjects in anyways you can imagine from metally to physically.

I know a game like this or at least how I'd want it to be is impossible. It'd have to be some kinda visual novel with choices on what you do. But how I'd love to see it is with randomly generated people in a sand box style area that you am choose from like city to rural areas and set a base idea of the people in the area for the generation. And have it where you literally can do anything with the edits and such.

Ah, I tried to write a customizable, sandboxy porn adventure once. Even without images, it was way hard and surprisingly easy to get tripped up in the web of possibilites. You'd probably have to crowdsource a lot of the content for that, too, and if that happened organization would be a total mess. Would be a cool program though if someone really competent was in charge of the graphics.
03/17/14 01:51AM
TakyonH said:
Ah, I tried to write a customizable, sandboxy porn adventure once. Even without images, it was way hard and surprisingly easy to get tripped up in the web of possibilites. You'd probably have to crowdsource a lot of the content for that, too, and if that happened organization would be a total mess. Would be a cool program though if someone really competent was in charge of the graphics.

As I said probabaly never going to happen least not with me as I have no idea how to program, don't even know the first thing.

But was just an idea ice had for a long long time that would,IMO be the greatest MC game ever
03/19/14 02:37AM
One idea I tossed around I mentioned in another thread, however I made some adjustments, its basically a game where you are an alien (highly customizable in a wide variety of ways to satisfy various fetishes (hypno, tech, squick, etc.), and you land on a planet of humans ( also highly customizable, so you can have realistic populations, or something as wonderful (at least for me) as a planet of gorgeous women), and basically you need to subvert the entire population into your hive,you can accomplish this by commanding your slaves to assimilate other people, covertly or overtly, or run around and do it yourself in a first/third person manner. You could then enjoy the fruits of your labor however you wish at your hub (which you would need to protect).
03/28/14 04:01AM
Hey! Coder and hypno-lover here!

I'm actually kind of interested in making a game. Something small and simple - along the lines of Demon Girl or a rudimentary Slave Trainer.

Thing is, I suck at art. Anyone want to discuss?

Reply or email me at [email protected]. I'm looking for artists and (maybe) designers. If you're interested let me know and maybe send me a sample.
03/28/14 04:11AM
I've recently tossed around the idea of making an MC Slave Trainer in the RAGS game engine, myself. I think an MC Slave Trainer is definitely needed. :P

Just saying.
03/29/14 09:55PM
If the point of the game were to be at least somewhat erotic, I imagine the best thing would probably be mostly text-based with a kind of "here's your options pick one" virtual pet gamefeel. A little like a visual novel but without a locked-in story arc or character set.
03/30/14 05:05AM
I make one and I'm interested in helping others learn. Tell me what you want to learn and I'll hook you up with resources to help get you started.

04/05/14 10:48AM
cypress_z said:
I make one and I'm interested in helping others learn. Tell me what you want to learn and I'll hook you up with resources to help get you started.

Cool! What game is yours? What engine/module do you make it in

I'm honestly interested to get started but am not sure what I'd like to do. I thought there would be less coders and more artists looking for a coder.
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