11/30/19 07:04AM
Recent Reading?
What are you folks reading? Fiction or non? Fantasy or Sci-Fi? Is it a Murder Mystery or a Romantic Thriller set inside a Sausage Factory? Would you recommend it to others?
11/30/19 07:21AM
I finished re-reading Book of the New Sun and started reading the Dying Earth stories. Cool to see all the things that ended up "influencing" DND (I.e., DND basically lifted everything iconic about it straight from Dying Earth,) and the prose is mostly good, but man, some of these conclusions completely drop the ball. I'd still say it's worth reading but maybe just skip the T'sais/Etarr story because it's kinda long and that ending in particular is lame as shit. Book of the New Sun I recommend to everyone, though!
11/30/19 11:34AM
I'm re-reading a personal favorite of mine, Isaac Asimov's book "Of Robots and Empire"
11/30/19 11:58AM
Badgerguardsman said:
What are you folks reading?

I'm reading about this dude whose curious as to what I'm reading.
11/30/19 10:11PM
I've gotten into mysteries a lot more, as I'm currently reading a collection of stories of "Father Brown."
12/02/19 09:25PM
Re-reading Gotham academy since it’s one of my favourite comics and i’m trying to get a feel for when i start writing my own stuff.

It also holds a special place in my heart next to Persona 4 for crazy highschool adventures and fun character moments!
12/02/19 10:26PM
In terms of fanfiction, just finished a reread of a story I read a long time ago, Break Through the Limit, a Dragon Ball fanfic where Raditz turns good and that one divergence leads to a lot of other changes. It's a really good read and it's been really hard to not think of certain aspects of that when thinking of the main series.

Now in terms of novels, I just finished rereading the new Thrawn Trilogy from Timothy Zhan. Thrawn has always been one of my favorite villain characters and I highly recommend the series of books if anyone is a fan of Star Wars.
12/03/19 12:34AM
Manga counts!

I'm reading Jojo's part 7 Steel Ball Run.
12/03/19 12:34AM
Manga counts!

I'm reading Jojo's part 7 Steel Ball Run.
01/12/20 06:15AM
Badgerguardsman said:
What are you folks reading? Fiction or non? Fantasy or Sci-Fi? Is it a Murder Mystery or a Romantic Thriller set inside a Sausage Factory? Would you recommend it to others?

My turn eh?

I'm currently reading Sheppard of the Argonne, by G. William Weatherly. It's an alternate history naval romp about bla bla bla history...*sigh* yes i have very few hobbies, history, hypnosis, scale models, sue me...anyway, that follows the Captain of the USS Argonne as he prepares to meet a German force at sea. The AH aspect is very well done so far, only giving glimpses into the divergences from our own past, but the characters and detail also keep me from putting it down.
If you like warships, Alternate History, or meh, a why not book, check it out.
01/13/20 12:12AM
I just read Omega Men by Tom King and it was awesome! It's like Guardians of the Galaxy but way more twisted and brutal. I remember hearing online how everyone was sad to see it canceled, but I think it had a satisfying ending. Highly recommend it.
01/13/20 10:32PM
I'm doing a re-read of the Dresden Files series. By my estimation, if I take it reasonably slowly, that'll last me until the next installment comes out July 14th.
01/14/20 12:19AM
I can't go two months without re-reading the original Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but I've also been catching up to One Piece (I'm around volume 68) and saving up for the complete Dragon Ball manga.
01/14/20 08:01PM
the last book i finished was The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O. by Nicole Galland and Neal Stephenson. i was disappointed in it - Neal's books are usually such a cool glimpse into his brain, but this one, while being a decent story, was tempered by the collaboration. the usual Neal scientific or mathematical tangent was missing (though they did make a joke about it). relied on tropes too much, though the concept was pretty novel.

01/18/20 07:46PM
I recently got a PDF of Ormond McGill's writing "Hypnotism and Mysticism of India". It is a very fascinating work. The thing that jumps out at me the most is how different yoga is from the western version of yoga. We should really call western yoga fun stretches with names at this point.

It is not a difficult read and well worth your time.
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