12/09/19 08:35PM
Underrated Fetishes
Hi all. I wanted to ask, what are some fetishes that're underused or otherwise not see in porn as often as you'd like them to be? Of course, this is subjective. Blah blah no kink shaming blah blah opinions.
I'll start it off I guess. I think lipstick marks on dicks are super hot. I wish there was more porn of that
12/09/19 10:03PM
As a tulpamancer, Tulpae, some of which can do a subset of possession.

Some Tulpae have needs, and they tend not to be used to the body's needs, so wacky hijinks can ensue without the Tulpa being malicious.

Mine figured how to put me to sleep with hypnosis and get into the driver's seat instead of riding shotgun in my body. She can't hijack my body, but apparently, she has no idea how I don't get crazy every time I have a random hard-on.

Without going into serious traumatic events, there is still a lot of possibility for stories both funny, sexy, and wholesome. Especially if the Tulpa is radically different from the host (according to her, she has played one of my games on my account with my custom kit, not changing a single thing, and has noticed she is extremely aggressive. She's just gonna dash on the enemy and put constant pressure on them, pushing them to make mistakes. Me, I'm defensive, and stall until the bad guy leaves an opening, and then capitalize on it. That's the one example I have since she hadn't possessed my body in a variety of situations) but still has some major commonalities (we both love buffs, debuffs, CC, and passive abilities).
12/10/19 12:01AM
Killing and revive the victim to become a puppet...just simple, but NOOOO.

Bimbo-shit, Hypno-Diughs in the brains or some weird things, but hey...i hate it but sometimes i like it xD!
12/10/19 12:05AM
12/10/19 08:22AM
Y’all talk about hypnotic cocks but let’s not forget the b r a i n m i l k
12/10/19 12:23PM
Dogeza, or prostrating is something I can't get enough of when paired with mind control, but it's not even an official tag in this site. In fact, I think I'm the only one who's submitted something like it.
12/10/19 01:43PM
I'm always complaining about the lack of parasites, so I guess I'll complain again, since I seem to be the only one willing to commission anything related to the subject. Then again, the squicky nature of it probably explains how niche it is.

And no, I'm not talking about tentacle porn - the Japanese have plenty of that, and I don't find it personally particularly arousing.
12/10/19 04:31PM
Hypnotic belly dancing, we see a lot of hypnotized people dancing but i haven´t seen that many people recognizing how hot it is outside of suechan.
Hypnotic dancing in general, a lot of people see the striptease as a submissive move but as the one thats holding your attention and getting money out of your desires i argue that they would be the dominants in this situation.

Also i know that i have ranted about this before but CHINESE PIPES Shin Mazinger gived me this fetish and i won´t be in peace until everyone suffers with me
12/10/19 05:03PM
TheMadPrince said:
I'm always complaining about the lack of parasites, so I guess I'll complain again, since I seem to be the only one willing to commission anything related to the subject. Then again, the squicky nature of it probably explains how niche it is.

And no, I'm not talking about tentacle porn - the Japanese have plenty of that, and I don't find it personally particularly arousing.

I do enjoy a good parasite myself, as well as hive mindy shenanigans. they can be fun, but if not done right can also be super offputting. I also like tentacles and messing with the brain.

Thing is, I often find a lot of it, but it's either in a langaue I don't speak so that gets rules out, or is loli or shota which also rules it out for me.
12/10/19 09:51PM
Girl raping another girl while she's sleeping, not just hypnotized, but also with eyes closed and completely out of it. Basically a ragdoll.
12/11/19 02:19AM
GrandDad said:
Dogeza, or prostrating is something I can't get enough of when paired with mind control, but it's not even an official tag in this site. In fact, I think I'm the only one who's submitted something like it.

Oh my yes, wasn't aware there is a tag for it!

I wanna add objectification in the sense that subs are literally dehumanized, using barcodes, being used as machinery and the like. Also I think free use is underrated.
12/11/19 08:53AM
Oh shit barcodes are probably almost as hot as crotch tattoos
12/12/19 06:46AM
Unaware. There can never be enough unaware.

...And female chastity belts...
12/16/19 09:30PM
You wouldn't think it's underrated, but hypnotic drooling.

In 3D porn, examples are so few and far between. When a subject is so out of it, they begin to let drool escape from their lips...THAT'S what I would love to see appreciated more.

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