12/10/19 12:21AM
Don't know if any of you have been on footfetishbooru lately.
I apologize if this isn't proper to do, but I've felt the need to vent.

So I don't know if any of you have been there lately, but the community there has turned totally sour. Mass downvoting of images is getting out of hand, people treating their opinion of fetishes like the correct one, etc.

It really sucks because it's affecting good art too, and the way it works there is that if an image is downvoted to a certain threshold, which is -1 by default, you can't even see the image.

It's getting really bad, and people there have turned really negative, many refusing to accept criticism for how their acting too.
12/10/19 12:32AM
You might want to take this to the "vent room" thread just in case
12/10/19 01:03AM
I figured that was better fit for discussing HH itself, whereas I'm talking about a different site.
12/10/19 01:39PM
Nah, the Vent Room is about any personal vent, regardless of subject. People regularly bring up stuff that has nothing to do with Hypnohub.

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