12/16/19 09:34PM
Mind Control Magic: D&D 5e
I might spend an afternoon cobbling together a D&D player character that specializes in MC. Before I do I wanted to see if anyone else did this before me/have access to any homebrews?

Here is one homebrew example

12/16/19 11:27PM
No homebrew, but I’ve definitely done this. Just make a college of Glamour bard and you’re basically set.
12/17/19 04:16AM
Great Old One warlock can also easily be built and themed around mind control with the right spells.
12/17/19 03:42PM
Hypno-Eretica said:
No homebrew, but I’ve definitely done this. Just make a college of Glamour bard and you’re basically set.

What spells did you have access too?
12/17/19 03:42PM
thedude107 said:
Great Old One warlock can also easily be built and themed around mind control with the right spells.

I have yet to try warlock! What spells does Old One offer?
12/17/19 04:21PM
hypnoahegao said:
I have yet to try warlock! What spells does Old One offer?

The interesting ones from the Old One should be Tasha's Hideous Laughter (kinda? I mean, it's good crowd control), probably Phantasmal Force (especially since the target believes whatever they see to be true, rationalizing any inconsistency as a mistake on their part), and Dominate Person (duh).

The pretty interesting things about GOOlock are their features though, imo.

At 1st lvl, you can establish a one-way communication with any creature or humanoid that understands at least any ONE language (not even one of YOUR languages!). Useful with friends, but take the Actor feat and you'd be able to mess with someone by making THEIR voice give THEM devious and strange suggestions. Like their inner consciousness attempting to break loose.

At 14th lvl, with "Create Thrall", well... Read it for yourself

At 14th level, you gain the ability to infect a humanoid's mind with the alien magic of your patron. You can use your action to touch an incapacitated humanoid. That creature is then charmed by you until a remove curse spell is cast on it, the charmed condition is removed from it, or you use this feature again.

You can communicate telepathically with the charmed creature as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence.

Funny thing, there is no upper limit on how long it stays your thrall. Or how many thralls you can create each days (you could swap a thrall that has outlived its usefulness). With a high enough Charisma score, you can probably make them do a lot of stuff.

Then, well... You probably know already most of the Enchantment spells all Warlocks have access to: Friends (cantrip), Charm Person (1st lvl), Crown of Madness (2nd lvl), Enthrall (2nd lvl, kinda MC? They can't take their eyes off you for the duration), Suggestion (2nd lvl), Enemies Abound (3rd lvl), Mass Suggestion (6th lvl), Feeblemind (8th lvl)

As for your pact, I personnaly really like Chain (invisible flying scout), but Tome would probably be more useful, especially with the Rituals added with Invocations.

Talking about Invocations, you'd probably want to pick up the at-will Disguise Self, maybe the at-will Silent Image (or just grab Minor Illusion? Not sure), and pact-specific EI.
12/17/19 04:53PM
I love this! Thank you

I am normally a DM, so I would like a players advice here

As a DM I genuinly avoid forcing players into sexual/uncomfortable situations (I do provide my players with NPCs they like and they have chosen to mess around).

Im worried that my literal fetish character will be a bit...much? How did you go about roleplaying yours so that no one was uncomfortable?
12/17/19 05:52PM
hypnoahegao said:
I love this! Thank you

I am normally a DM, so I would like a players advice here

As a DM I genuinly avoid forcing players into sexual/uncomfortable situations (I do provide my players with NPCs they like and they have chosen to mess around).

Im worried that my literal fetish character will be a bit...much? How did you go about roleplaying yours so that no one was uncomfortable?

Disclaimer : those were the only two times I ever played DnD as a player. I usually GM (and my characters ideas become NPC huhu)

Well, I tried playing this character twice. I mean, in two version. In one of them, he was a grumpy and paranoid halfling. In the other, he was an adventurous scholarly Kobold.

Small races in both cases because I wanted to make my flying familiar (Chainlock ftw) carry a Bag of Holding with my character inside for easy transportation. I should probably have picked some kind of skeleton version of those characters to avoid needing to breathe.

I didn't play them fetishly at all. Mostly using telepathy to communicate with allies, and I forgot to pick Actor. Mostly using the familiar for recon and spying. Since we were playing a One-Shot without much time, I didn't try to mess with the NPCs.

The only time I cast Suggestion was to calm the target of our investigation, a boy cursed by a fey to become some kind of crazy Minotaur (was kind of a homebrew'd monster). I kinda summoned C'thulhu and forced him to sell his soul in exchange for lifting the curse with a crit success? (no character in party able to do that, end of the session, Nat 20, rule of cool).
Don't ask about the Kobold, he died in a Maelstrom because of his negative Strength modifier (woops ?).

Notable mention : the first one where I really used him was pretty light-hearted, and the more "serious" one was an attempt at horror. Those weren't really settings encouraging fetishy behavior, and even then, it didn't cross my mind as I'm not usually really horny.

Either way, I guess the best advice I could give you is... try shaping your character so that it isn't a walking fetish? You could make them a harmless trickster that loves to mess with people. Or a complete and thorough asshole with no sense of empathy, consider others as mere tools, and cooperating with the party because theystands to benefit from it. Or they could be some kind of cultist willing to spread his eldricht gospel. Go crazy with it!
12/18/19 07:08AM
Thanks for all the advice.

I think I might go for a secretly evil character that aims to decieve the party but wont actively undermine the party's efforts; they will instead genuinly grow to like them while hiding their true nature as a completely awful person
12/20/19 07:12AM
If your DM permits Unearthed Arcana, there's also the Diplomat feat. It gives +1 Charisma, grants Persuade proficiency or doubles your proficiency bonus on Persuade checks if you already have it, and (the important part) lets you charm people by spending one minute talking to them and making a Persuade (Cha) vs. their Insight (Wis). The target stays charmed as long as they're within 60' of you and for one minute thereafter. Technically a Great Old One warlock could probably do this via telepathic whispers from concealment or whatnot, and you could probably also use it through your familiar with Voice Of The Chain Master.
12/20/19 07:37PM
That is a VERY cool idea thank you
12/21/19 01:16AM
Oh, here's a fun one: Hex is a first-level warlock spell that most people use for bonus damage, and it's respectable for that purpose. However, its other effect is to give the target disadvantage on checks against one ability score of your choice for the duration - concentration, up to an hour with longer durations at higher levels. It does not alert the target that they've been hexed, and it doesn't have a saving throw. In other words, you can quietly give someone disadvantage on all their Insight checks against your Deception and Persuasion for up to an hour.

By comparison, Charm Person gives you advantage on Charisma checks for an hour, but has a saving throw and the target knows they were charmed when the duration expires. Charm Person does have the advantage of making the target friendly to you automatically and not requiring concentration, but for a longer con Hex is about as good at making the target subject to your whims and is more subtle and reliable.
12/21/19 02:52AM
Benly said:
Oh, here's a fun one: Hex is a first-level warlock spell that most people use for bonus damage, and it's respectable for that purpose. However, its other effect is to give the target disadvantage on checks against one ability score of your choice for the duration - concentration, up to an hour with longer durations at higher levels. It does not alert the target that they've been hexed, and it doesn't have a saving throw. In other words, you can quietly give someone disadvantage on all their Insight checks against your Deception and Persuasion for up to an hour.

By comparison, Charm Person gives you advantage on Charisma checks for an hour, but has a saving throw and the target knows they were charmed when the duration expires. Charm Person does have the advantage of making the target friendly to you automatically and not requiring concentration, but for a longer con Hex is about as good at making the target subject to your whims and is more subtle and reliable.

Oh that’s delightfully devilish, Seymour!
02/15/20 09:36PM
"Roll a Perception Check"
"Roll a Wisdom or Intelligence Save"

(If the Player Fails both: They don't notice the changes to their body, and they believe that they have always been that way if someone else were to point the changes out to them. Subtract 1d4 for the next checks. Add effects, or number of phases until final results at the DM’s discretion.)

I don't know how balanced this particular situation is in the meta context of D&D 5e, but the very concept and applications for how that baseline can be tweeked and re-applied, make me feel happy feelings. ~

Edit: In the context of creating a player character with MC abilities, try brainstorming specific elements to this baseline with the DM, if you wanna homebrew an ability or two.
02/16/20 02:52AM
hypnoahegao said:

Holy shit that class is broken
1 2>>>

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