12/28/19 12:26AM
New Hypno has joined in!
Greetings everyone!

Long time hypno-fetish fella here. I'm glad to see so many others with the same interest. I've been following the artist zko for a while now, and absolutely love his (or her) work! I can draw a little myself, and wanted to give my own contribution to the hypno community, so here's my very first "manga" release.

Here's the "manga" (It's +18, so beware. Nudity):

Hopefully i will improve with time, but I'm still taking all the feedback i can get.
I want to improve the stories, as well as the drawings!
I'm using photoshop, using only my mouse (and some times reference images for the poses). My wamboo broke a few months back, so, time to learn a new style!

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

I hope you all had a very nice christmas!
And i hope you all enjoy! ヽ(^◇^*)/

- Mause.
12/28/19 02:56AM
Very nice! The art was simple but you've definitely got talent. If that was with just your mouse that's impressive. I hope you do some more posting about the hub, cause it'll be great to see how you improve down the road.

Well done!
12/28/19 06:06AM
I like your art a lot~ Very nice and if that was on your mouse, I am indeed impressed. I hope you start posting more, because I can see you getting g a following.

Also, welcome to the community! It's always nice seeing someone come out of the shadows.
12/28/19 07:18AM
Welcome, and looks like a great foundation to start drawing even better art! You have a pretty good hand to get that all done with just the mouse. Can't wait to see how you improve and how you do with something like a tablet. Keep at it and you'll have your mark on this community in no time.
12/28/19 08:21AM
Solid foundation, I can see you really getting great

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