01/02/20 02:06PM
does anyone have the original hypno-tan picture? before the logo change
I've been looking everywhere but I can't seem to find, if anyone has it can you link it?
01/02/20 07:16PM
Well, there is this one but she has empty-spiral eyes.\

I think this is about the closest the site still has.
01/03/20 02:23AM
At the end of the comments on that pic, someone mentions that the original was lost in the great Tumblr purge. I probably have the original somewhere. If so, it's buried DEEP in my archive and I don't have the time to dig for it right now :/
01/03/20 03:32AM
01/03/20 06:00AM
megahellreaper said:
I think I found it.

No, it's an upload from approximately the same time as the one above, but definitely not the original. At least from what I remember.
01/03/20 06:09AM
bullet said:
No, it's an upload from approximately the same time as the one above, but definitely not the original. At least from what I remember.

No, that was definitely the pic we used for the old banner.
01/03/20 02:58PM
bullet said:
No, it's an upload from approximately the same time as the one above, but definitely not the original. At least from what I remember.

I think you're misunderstanding. He wants the original logo pic, not the original hypno-tan pic.
01/03/20 04:46PM
Mindwipe said:
No, that was definitely the pic we used for the old banner.

Agreed, that's the banner we want back. (source: plugin for restoring old banner that I had broke qq)
01/04/20 01:01AM
old Hypno-Tan is vastly superior to this weird loli ripoff we have for the banner nowadays.
01/04/20 01:55AM
01/04/20 02:50AM
the evil has been vanquished as the old logo is back
01/04/20 03:09AM
Going as far as spending actual time into replacing the logo for yourself, on a page you spend less then 1 second on per visit (or none if you fav'ed post/list) is pretty obsessive. But whatever floats your boat, you're welcome

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