01/05/20 04:57AM
Does anyone remember Virtual Hypnotist?
No idea where i got it from or where it originated, but like, half the features are broken and I barely know how it works.
01/05/20 01:40PM
I think I remember this. Is this the thing where you can choose a spiral, and a robot voice tries to do an induction on you? I remember it not being very effective, but there were some interesting scripts you could download for it.
01/05/20 04:20PM
Mate, that program is old. It is quite broken because it was designed to interact with early Windows XP systems. That said, Dolly is right that there were some fun scripts for it back in the day... Most of which were probably lost in the recent Yahoo Groups purge, now that I think about it. (Which is another sign of how old this program was!)

Closest modern equivalent I'm aware of is the Mind Melting Machine, but it has next to no scripts yet.
01/05/20 07:10PM
I still have a copy of that somewhere. Works okay when I goof around with it. Making scripts for it is frustrating though, just because you have to manually punch in all the pauses and punctuation behaviors. But it was an awesome start to something greater.

Its effectiveness. however, was something else entirely.
01/07/20 09:47PM
darsh said:
Closest modern equivalent I'm aware of is the Mind Melting Machine, but it has next to no scripts yet.

I know I'm like 3 days late but what's Mind Melting Machine?
01/08/20 03:16AM
Dunkle_G said:
I know I'm like 3 days late but what's Mind Melting Machine?

Hypnosis program. Originally being developed for VR headsets, but expanded to include non-vr as well. You can find the patreon page here:

or the steam page (minus kink, I think?) here:
01/09/20 02:51PM
Yes, a little bit

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