01/06/20 01:08AM
What Percentage of This Site's Content Would You Say You Enjoy?
Title sums it up.
Please be honest and maybe offer further explanation as to why you enjoy (or don't enjoy) what you do (or don't).
01/06/20 01:39AM
Rough estimation for me personally would probably be like 40%.

I attribute it to me being particular about scenarios and artist style/quality. On top of that, I'm admittedly more vanilla compared to some others in this community.
01/06/20 01:53AM
The percentage that appeals to my taste plus what my sense of humor tolerates.

I'm not sure it's the right question to ask though. If I have a picture I enjoy, and a picture I just sort of don't feel anything about, that immediately sets the like 'like-dislike' ratio to 50%. Just because of the scale of asking about the entire site, I can say honestly less than 1% of the content I see. But that's including... a long history of viewing. The less than 1% is worth my sticking around for, and doesn't objectively show up without the 99.9...42% I don't enjoy (but don't feel a negative thing for).
01/06/20 03:22AM
It's really variable. I've noticed there's "fad" periods of fetishes or interests. If we're not in of those major fad periods, I'd say I get at least minor enjoyment out of like, 30% of the content here. Then it'll shift if I'm into or opposed to any of the fad content during a period. My mood also is a factor. Some days I'm much more selective than others.

Ultimately, I think the 30% estimate is widely applicable on a general scale.
01/06/20 04:04AM
About 40/50%. There are scenarios I sometimes like tied to other fetishes I don't. There are scenarios I can't enjoy because I don't know the source. There are things I just don't like.
01/06/20 06:10AM
I find these numbers particularly interesting if you take them literally. If there are a thousand images (still) on this site that you enjoy, that's only 1.5% of the site's content. 30% of the site is about 20,000 images at time of writing.

Obviously there are differing definitions of "enjoyment" but unless you're an easy mark, anything above 10% seems high.
01/06/20 06:12AM
I'd go as low as 5%, but wouldn't be surprised if as low as 1% of the pics here really get me going. Both in terms of scenario and aesthetic, I'm super picky lol.
01/06/20 07:09AM
Sir_Lurksalaot said:
I find these numbers particularly interesting if you take them literally. If there are a thousand images (still) on this site that you enjoy, that's only 1.5% of the site's content. 30% of the site is about 20,000 images at time of writing.

Obviously there are differing definitions of "enjoyment" but unless you're an easy mark, anything above 10% seems high.

For me, I'm basing my response on each day's uploads. When I get home and sit down to unwind, I check the hub, among many other things. I often take note of how many pics I find myself opening in a new tab to look at or download. More often than not, it's 1/4 - 1/3 of each day's pics, but also less. Rarely do I feel uninterested in at least looking at some of those pics, not to mention what I've black-listed.
In general, I'm not terribly picky, even though I'm selective. I just so happen to have a decent, wide overlap with a lot of other fetishes, or I don't mind them being in certain pics, as long as hypno/mc is the main focus.
01/06/20 07:35AM
This thread was approved by The Number Gang.
01/06/20 08:21AM
Numberologist said:
This thread was approved by The Number Gang.

A whole account, brand new, for one comment of approval... Thanks, Number Gang! You folks are alright in my book.
01/06/20 09:05AM
bullet said:
A whole account, brand new, for one comment of approval... Thanks, Number Gang! You folks are alright in my book.

Oh hey. You caught the gag? Nice. Now it's time to stick your eye on a pyramid and buy a pair of binoculars. Let's all head to area 51. I'll bring my fishing pole and you can supply the worms, bullst. >:]
01/06/20 09:52AM
... there has to be a prime number of binoculars and worms.It must be a twin prime greater than a hundred.
01/06/20 10:37AM
Honestly it seems like day by day people are moving past "the usual" more and more, classic dude with impure intentions capturing heroine forever, to the point that sometimes the only content i come back to in this site is my own (i hope that doesnt sound conceited lol).

Also I just noticed that there's way more femdom pics on the site than maledom as of writing this post, which is amusing because I've definitely seen some people on here complain about the prominence of maledom before.
01/06/20 11:44AM
Well without filters there are ~2260 pages, with "text pov_sub" as a filter there are about 60, which is ~2.5% so I'd guess about half of that? Alternatively I've voted on around 18 pages of pics which is ~0.8% of the images on the site.
01/06/20 11:49AM
A lot of what's on here is kind of same-y "slap a spiral on a random Pixiv image, it hypno now". If I like those images, it's invariably because the source image is just that good, not because the edit adds anything for me. I won't even count those when calculating which percentage of images I like.

A good story holds my interest far more than a random spiral edit, but again a lot of it is same-y "No means no, you bastard - yes master, I will suck you off, slurp slurp, I am a mindless fuckdoll". There are good manips on here, but I have to hunt for them.

Original Content is always good. I don't have time to look at it all and sometimes the subject matter is a turnoff, but overall the percentage of original content I like is far higher than the percentage of manips I like (text or otherwise).

With all that in mind, I like maybe 10-15% of what's on this site, as an optimistic estimate. That may seem harsh, but it does mean that at least 6685 images on here I went "Yeah, that's good".
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