01/24/20 05:49AM
a forum game
so this is somewhat based off of

so the idea is the give quirks to as many hub users/OCs as possible.
the catch: you cant come up with your own, you have to make up someone else's
if someone else comes up with your's, you can say whether you can see yourself/your oc using it. if yes, then that is the quirk. if not, someone else gets a shot at it. the game is over when everyone gets a quirk.
01/24/20 06:37AM
can the quirk be something the character already has?
01/24/20 06:46AM
so by 'quirk', are we talking personality trait or superpower (Like My Hero Academia)?

01/24/20 07:46AM
Argonis said:
can the quirk be something the character already has?

cant be it exactly, but can be somewhat related

Matthewmwps said:
so by 'quirk', are we talking personality trait or superpower (Like My Hero Academia)?

01/24/20 08:47AM
I guess brainwashing is a bit too obvious?
01/24/20 09:01AM
Somebody hit me with this and i'll get em back!
01/24/20 09:29AM
I would give Imasuky the quirk of turning any story she reads into illusions, but that kinda is something she already does, so that would probably be cheating.
01/24/20 09:34AM
Mindwipe said:
I would give Imasuky the quirk of turning any story she reads into illusions, but that kinda is something she already does, so that would probably be cheating.

Yeah my book just alters reality so it'd be a downgrade, I know that would be to strong for a Quirk though
01/24/20 09:44AM
Welp I got an idea for holly the dolly

Quirk: Dollifacation!
By placing both hands on a victims back and moving them clockwise, she can turn anyone she wishes into her own personal wind-up doll! Only one command can be given per wind up, and the duration depends on how many turns she makes.

Also before anyone adds, I did try to go full Present Mic on this.
01/24/20 04:28PM
bullet said:
Somebody hit me with this and i'll get em back!

Quirk: Sleepwave
Bullet can produce sleepwaves by swinging a pendulum, having a range of effects, putting adults to sleep, making animals lethargic, and making people younger than 18 believe themselves to be an animal.
01/24/20 04:34PM
I'll try it then. This one is for one of the Hub's biggest punching bags, Awake-san.

Quirk: Rise and Shine
Awake-San's body and mind get rested from sleep at impossible speeds, letting her get a full night's rest in just a few short minutes!
01/24/20 05:31PM
Flyman said:
Quirk: Sleepwave
Bullet can produce sleepwaves by swinging a pendulum, having a range of effects, putting adults to sleep, making animals lethargic, and making people younger than 18 believe themselves to be an animal.

LOVE IT. I would use the shit out of that ability. I'm already thinking about applicable scenarios.
Now to uphold my end...

Quirk: Fly on the Wall
Flyman can will into existence gadgets with unique uses. The smaller the object, the further it can travel from its point of origin, and the fewer uses it can have. The larger a created object is, the closer it must stay to Flyman, but can have many uses, or a few enhanced uses. Examples include minuscule, untraceable listening devices that can be placed in rooms for eavesdropping from miles away; or complex, stationary weapon emplacements for engaging in combat with particularly threatening foes.
Objects spawned by Flyman can exist for no longer than 48 hours, and can be dispersed on command.
01/24/20 05:53PM
I'll give <<| Maddy>> the one direction quark.

One direction is when you can move or teleport a short distance but only in one direction of your choosing and that includes up and down.
01/24/20 06:07PM
Let's get some Zko here shall we:

Quirk: Robot
Andra's body is fully mechanical, making her far stronger and more durable than most. She has an intuitive understanding of robotics and is able to design upgrades for herself, also, as a unique result of this quirk any damage she takes must be repaired as she is unable to heal.
01/24/20 07:13PM
LasterJoe said:
Let's get some Zko here shall we:

Quirk: Robot
Andra's body is fully mechanical, making her far stronger and more durable than most. She has an intuitive understanding of robotics and is able to design upgrades for herself, also, as a unique result of this quirk any damage she takes must be repaired as she is unable to heal.

That's just describing Andra as she is already. Sans the mind control abilities
1 2>>>

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