01/29/20 09:21AM
How would you want a HypnoHub themed gacha game to work?
I'm thinking about making a prototype of this, and wondered what kind of activity there would be for the characters. Making a pool of sprites and pull banners would be easy enough, but what to do with the characters once they're acquired?
Would the player make teams of characters to fight MC themed bosses for dominance? Would the player use individual characters in 1v1 situations?
Would it just be a MC themed knockoff of Fire Emblem Heroes or Granblue?

Give me your thoughts! Not in that way. Unless...
01/29/20 09:58AM
Saimin Shashinya brought this sort of thing up on their twitter a good while ago.
"It'd be nice if a hypnosis-themed social game came out. Some that come close exist, but just losing eye highlights isn't satisfying.
If you strengthen? them, it could be something like N (Normal pose) -> R(Empty-eyed pose) -> SR(CG of them doing something while hypnotized).
On the home screen you could have vacant voices, repeating orders, or abnormal voices."
I don't think I could tell you much as far as gameplay would go, but I definitely agree that characters changing when you level them up can really make a game better. A character's image getting more lewd/more hypnotized as you strengthen it can make getting new characters or versions of characters more interesting.
I can also definitely say that having to have multiple copies of a character in order to evolve them is annoying, it essentially kills any interest I have in rare characters because there's no way I'm going to randomly pull the five or so I would need to actually fully level one up in most of these games. Puyo Quest has had the best system for that in my experience, with everything but the absolute highest level of evolution possible with generally easy to obtain evolution items. Even the highest level has wild cards, so you never actually need to get five or six copies of a character to actually appreciate them.
01/29/20 06:33PM
I would probably like to do something like that, but more based on leveling them up, rather than ranking up. Perhaps their poses or outfits get more lewd as they rank up.
As for limit breaking/needing multiple copies of the same character, yeah, screw that! I hate that as much as anyone else. This game won't be a cash grab for pull attempts.
I think I'd definitely have the pity pull option, to put it bluntly.

And I'd love to do a sort of 3v3 hypno battle system against a friend's team, but not player controlled so it doesn't have to be real time.

I like the home screen idea, but that'd also require me to get full voices for the game, which is more than I'd want to do unless it took off somehow.

I do appreciate the ideas and contributions! Link to the tweet is helpful, too.
01/29/20 07:02PM
I am not an expert on gatchas but a thing that could be good would be the ability of training your subs, like when you level up as a master/mistress you will be able to train your subs more eficiently.

It would be a good progression system that even if you are unlucky you will be able to beat newer players thanks to your skills.

As story goes it would be fun to have a mind/controller war going on and you are ramdonly assaulted and if you defeat the opponent you have a chance of capturing the opponents subs.

It could be fun
01/29/20 07:39PM
Motorata said:
I am not an expert on gatchas but a thing that could be good would be the ability of training your subs, like when you level up as a master/mistress you will be able to train your subs more eficiently.

It would be a good progression system that even if you are unlucky you will be able to beat newer players thanks to your skills.

As story goes it would be fun to have a mind/controller war going on and you are ramdonly assaulted and if you defeat the opponent you have a chance of capturing the opponents subs.

It could be fun

Oh, something like...
the more the player's account level goes up, the more experience their characters gain under them? Sounds like a really good idea to avoid tedious grinding for EXP or upgrade materials!

Also really like the stealing chance, too. Definitely removes some of the reliance on pull banners!
01/29/20 08:49PM
bullet said:
Oh, something like...
the more the player's account level goes up, the more experience their characters gain under them? Sounds like a really good idea to avoid tedious grinding for EXP or upgrade materials!

Also really like the stealing chance, too. Definitely removes some of the reliance on pull banners!

And if you have diferent types of characters. you could have like skill trees related to each character type that helps controlling/training/upgrading them.
For example if you are good at hacking you would be good training with characters like androids/IA/people with smartglasses.

This would be more work but it may help specialize each player and even if a character ends up too powerfull it may not break the whole game since not everyone would be able to use it at his full potential
01/29/20 09:11PM
What to have them do? Expand your reach! There's a world out there waiting to submit! Of course, people will object. The real question is what the battle system should be. Standard RPG? Strategy-based? A DDR knockoff? Action's likely completely out right now. Although a platformer of some sort could be...odd...Zelda, perhaps?

...Spiral Clicker's about halfway there, to be honest....
01/29/20 10:36PM
Bloodly said:
...Spiral Clicker's about halfway there, to be honest....

Only halfway. Tbh a GTA-style open world game where you can just do stupid shit and find random people and use a proper in-game hypnosis system to take them away and then raise them up like we've been saying, that could be fun. Doubly so if we want to throw realism firmly out the window and turn your little slaves into Pikmin or Katamari Damacy of some kind- literally throw them at your problems, have them interact while controlling all their personalities like a movie director, even having them run for mayor with bullshit speeches and hypno propaganda. The one thing that this site doesn't play up enough is the potential for humor in the more unrealistic circumstances. Let's go laugh riot with this!
01/30/20 05:16AM
I'm suddenly reminded of the Persuadatron from 'Syndicate'. Get people to work for you by mind control. The more you had, the more control you had. Start with civilians, move to police, then enemy agents(This was how you got more agents to use; you started with 4 and could have 8 total).

01/30/20 05:48AM
I guess I'm the weird one who thinks that the way to go isn't actually a hypno-themed gacha game but a gacha-esque game that is trying to hypnotize you into playing it, or whatever else its makers desire.
01/30/20 05:49AM
I would stay take notes from things such as FGO and Granblue fantasy. How they balance it to it's at least a 'good' gatcha, such as fair and a decent amount of free stuff, and different events as well. Not to mention compelling battle systems and game balance so you don't have to whale for the top tier characters.
01/30/20 06:08AM
I would say you pull different classes of Hypno themed stuff say for my example I would say my base non-varrent form would be under the corruption class. Kinda like how FGO has each character will have 2-3 skills to affect the course of the battle.

I would say it would be more fun if the characters were made to fight normally but against enemies who use Hypno/mind control attacks to knock your characters out.

For events we will have characters in different classes like how FGO/FEH does it. say, bimbo, robotized, greybot versions of characters.
01/30/20 07:10PM
low low spawn rates
02/06/20 06:12PM
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the feedback and ideas, serious or otherwise. Also I apologize for making this thread seem like baiting, as I *was* planning on starting this up as a side project... But life just got in the way, so I'll have little time to work on this for at least 6 months now. Thus, it sits as nothing more than a discussion point for the time being :(
02/06/20 09:12PM
bullet said:
Hey everyone! Thanks for all the feedback and ideas, serious or otherwise. Also I apologize for making this thread seem like baiting, as I *was* planning on starting this up as a side project... But life just got in the way, so I'll have little time to work on this for at least 6 months now. Thus, it sits as nothing more than a discussion point for the time being :(

Aw, don't sweat it pal. Take all the time you need.
1 2>>>

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