01/31/20 11:56PM
Hello to Hypnohub! How y'all doing? I've noticed plenty of recurring threads here, some that've been going for years, all about common themes or simple concepts that'll never not be relevant (venting, happy venting, post hunting, Minecraft, none of these things will ever die). But here's one that I feel we all need at some point, the existence of which is actually supported by the one potential downside people could throw at it:

Ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, and that Technicolor rainbow in between, I coyly dub this "r/tooscaredtoask"!

This thread is dedicated to those questions that might seem too weird, too obscure, or too basic, the kind you'd be too scared to ask, for fear of the demeaning responses. Well worry no more! Here, ask 'em all! Some nice folk'll clear the air.

Our inaugural question comes from yours truly:
"Um, what exactly is the absurdes tag and what does it mean?"
02/01/20 12:00AM
sleeperhit said:
Hello to Hypnohub! How y'all doing? I've noticed plenty of recurring threads here, some that've been going for years, all about common themes or simple concepts that'll never not be relevant (venting, happy venting, post hunting, Minecraft, none of these things will ever die). But here's one that I feel we all need at some point, the existence of which is actually supported by the one potential downside people could throw at it:

Ladies, gentlemen, boys, girls, and that Technicolor rainbow in between, I coyly dub this "r/tooscaredtoask"!

This thread is dedicated to those questions that might seem too weird, too obscure, or too basic, the kind you'd be too scared to ask, for fear of the demeaning responses. Well worry no more! Here, ask 'em all! Some nice folk'll clear the air.

Our inaugural question comes from yours truly:
"Um, what exactly is the absurdes tag and what does it mean?"

it's absurdres and it refers to the resolution of a picture; Absurd Res
02/01/20 12:32AM
godzillahomer said:
it's absurdres and it refers to the resolution of a picture; Absurd Res

Makes you wonder why there isn't normally a space between those words.
02/01/20 12:58AM
My mind is blown, my knowledge increased, and the boot has dropped. Let the thread floodgates open...
02/01/20 01:18AM
If you wanted to know what absurdres meant, you could have just clicked the question mark next to the tag and it would have told you (I use this feature often when tagging posts), sadly not every tag has a description but absurdres does.
02/03/20 12:09AM
One thing I wondered : is there a "Most popular posts of all times" setting somewhere? It's possible to browse "Most popular posts each month/week/day", but I haven't been able to find something more "general".

Maybe I haven't been looking in the right place?
02/03/20 01:37AM
LillyTank said:
Makes you wonder why there isn't normally a space between those words.

Pretty sure its just an artifact from other imageboards. That exact tag is on every one I've ever been too.
02/03/20 02:21AM
AnnoyinGoblin said:
One thing I wondered : is there a "Most popular posts of all times" setting somewhere? It's possible to browse "Most popular posts each month/week/day", but I haven't been able to find something more "general".

Maybe I haven't been looking in the right place?

Type "order:score" into the search bar without the quote marks
02/03/20 11:04AM
hyp321 said:
Type "order:score" into the search bar without the quote marks

Aand... no surprise, Zko's helmet gif is first place. Love seeing that thing from time to time.
02/03/20 10:04PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
is there a lore explanation (canon or otherwise) for Count Dooku's lightsaber turning off after Anakin cuts his hands off?

Well, seeing as it turns on again just before Anakin's fingers have the opportunity to properly grab and activate it, I'm going to assume Anakin used the force to precisely push the "on" button before the thing went flying, as a safety precaution (can't just let a lightsaber fly around randomly), and when he realized he could catch it, he did and force-activated it again.
02/04/20 12:11AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
is there a lore explanation (canon or otherwise) for Count Dooku's lightsaber turning off after Anakin cuts his hands off?

My theory is that Count Dooku's lightsaber (which is canonically custom-made to Dooku's specifications) was sensitive to the dark side of the Force, and therefore could only be used by someone with that kind of dark power inside them, which is why Anakin was able to reactivate it when he touched it. His anger and aggression in those moments made him able to wield it.
02/04/20 02:47AM
sleeperhit said:
Well, seeing as it turns on again just before Anakin's fingers have the opportunity to properly grab and activate it, I'm going to assume Anakin used the force to precisely push the "on" button before the thing went flying, as a safety precaution (can't just let a lightsaber fly around randomly), and when he realized he could catch it, he did and force-activated it again.

Something like that. Basically, you're a space wizard with a laser sword and the easiest thing to do in order to win is to turn your opponent's sword off. It's assumed that opponents are always trying to do this in combat because you never know when someone's going to fall for the oldest trick in the book.
02/04/20 02:58AM
ZeldaIsHot said:
is there a lore explanation (canon or otherwise) for Count Dooku's lightsaber turning off after Anakin cuts his hands off?

sleeperhit said:
Well, seeing as it turns on again just before Anakin's fingers have the opportunity to properly grab and activate it, I'm going to assume Anakin used the force to precisely push the "on" button before the thing went flying, as a safety precaution (can't just let a lightsaber fly around randomly), and when he realized he could catch it, he did and force-activated it again.

geekgirl8 said:
My theory is that Count Dooku's lightsaber (which is canonically custom-made to Dooku's specifications) was sensitive to the dark side of the Force, and therefore could only be used by someone with that kind of dark power inside them, which is why Anakin was able to reactivate it when he touched it. His anger and aggression in those moments made him able to wield it.

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Something like that. Basically, you're a space wizard with a laser sword and the easiest thing to do in order to win is to turn your opponent's sword off. It's assumed that opponents are always trying to do this in combat because you never know when someone's going to fall for the oldest trick in the book.

Sir_Lurksalaot said:
Something like that. Basically, you're a space wizard with a laser sword and the easiest thing to do in order to win is to turn your opponent's sword off. It's assumed that opponents are always trying to do this in combat because you never know when someone's going to fall for the oldest trick in the book.
02/04/20 07:49PM
ZeldaIsHot said:
wow. somehow i only noticed this with dooku's saber, but seeing that it happens with everyone's i suppose it's a much less interesting question

it's star wars, there is an answer to literately everything you could ever think to ask...though a lot is now legends.

Like the fact that Jar Jar's father tried to kill his son and himself out of sheer hate and embarrassment
02/27/20 04:14PM
You know how there are AIs using machine learning to create face of people or cats that don't exist, after being fed a sufficiently big amount of "real" pictures?

Well, I've been wondering: in the hypothetical case where someone here could get their hands on an AI of that kind, and feed it pics from one artist with a distinct enough style (Sebastian, Zko, Polmanning, bluebullpen, darkhatboy, etc...), so that it can eventually create original pictures mimicking that artist's drawing style (and maybe preferred hypnosis types).

Would those pictures be considered "theirs" (classified under their artist tag and not discriminated from their "real" work), be considered "the AI's" (and the AI would have its own artist tag), or would it be in a unclassified void?

I know it's stupid and far-fetched, but it's been bugging me for the last few days.
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