02/01/20 06:38AM
Server move, report all bugs here.
Just moved the hub, if any bugs occur that didn't occur yesterday then let me know here. Don't post stuff about things that have been broken for a long time. Thx
02/01/20 06:53AM
When I log in, every picture on the site disappears. The only ones visible are profile pictures.
02/01/20 06:57AM
Defcon7 said:
When I log in, every picture on the site disappears. The only ones visible are profile pictures.

Can't reproduce that, try clearing cookies. Maybe blacklist bugged out?
02/01/20 07:04AM
slayerduck said:
Can't reproduce that, try clearing cookies. Maybe blacklist bugged out?

It was the blacklist. Thank You!
02/01/20 07:06AM
There's ants in my room
02/01/20 07:44AM
Recent mail isn’t loading, suggestions don’t pop up when adding tags or searching
Edit: I’m on mobile, if that makes a difference now
02/01/20 09:21AM
Well, I'm kinda hesitant to mention it because it seems to involve only me, but I figure since this only happened after the server move, from what I can tell...

There's a forum thread <<|here>> that I responded to (linked to the page) - for me, my response is showing up as entirely blank. It's not deleted, but there's no text, just the usual three "Edit, delete, quote" buttons.

I'll also mention that for a while now, the forum has been acting up - when I turn on uBlock (sorry, but I'm not a fan of virus-infested porn links at the bottom of the post pages), it seems that it hides certain responses from people (sometimes me) ; strangely enough, posting another response often doesn't hide it, it's just apparently arbitrary ones. No, my adblocker isn't turned on right now, and yes, I know you said not to post stuff that's been there for a long time, but because it might be linked, I thought I'd still report it. Haven't tried reactivating the adblocker for the new server, I can if you want me to.
02/01/20 09:23AM
TheMadPrince said:
Well, I'm kinda hesitant to mention it because it seems to involve only me, but I figure since this only happened after the server move, from what I can tell...

There's a forum thread <<|here>> that I responded to (linked to the page) - for me, my response is showing up as entirely blank. It's not deleted, but there's no text, just the usual three "Edit, delete, quote" buttons.

I'll also mention that for a while now, the forum has been acting up - when I turn on uBlock (sorry, but I'm not a fan of virus-infested porn links at the bottom of the post pages), it seems that it hides certain responses from people (sometimes me) ; strangely enough, posting another response often doesn't hide it, it's just apparently arbitrary ones. No, my adblocker isn't turned on right now, and yes, I know you said not to post stuff that's been there for a long time, but because it might be linked, I thought I'd still report it. Haven't tried reactivating the adblocker for the new server, I can if you want me to.

yeah, I’m seeing random people and my own forum messages as blank :(( it’s not just you! and i don’t even use a blocker, so it might not be related to that either

02/01/20 11:13AM
Autocomplete on the tag search seems nonfunctional, though the tag search itself seems fine - something up with the AJAX call somehow? (Dunno specifically how this booru code works of course...)
02/01/20 04:25PM
Just confirming that this server switch hasn't done anything to the "view all comments a user has made" function. That's still broken as always.
02/01/20 06:23PM
Browse mode will load the initial set of images fine, but appears to drop all images and return "No search results" when it needs to load the next set while you scroll.
02/01/20 06:38PM
auto tagging seems to not be working.
02/01/20 07:18PM
I'm noticing that when I try to Search for specific tags within my Favorites, the auto-suggest doesn't come up, making it very difficult to properly filter for specific tags within my Favorites.
02/01/20 07:25PM
Auto suggest is priority right now as its core functionality of the site functions. Can't find fault in mail and the forum thing is to vague. I think auto tagging = auto suggest?
02/01/20 08:09PM
slayerduck said:
Auto suggest is priority right now as its core functionality of the site functions. Can't find fault in mail and the forum thing is to vague. I think auto tagging = auto suggest?

Was about to mention this myself. I can confirm that the auto-suggest/auto-complete of tags in the search is not working properly. Had it pop up once with one suggestion but can seem to get it back. Seems like a bug too me.
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