02/13/20 12:01PM
Do you like cooking?
I love it. It's my favourite way to relax and one of my favourite hobbies. It's also a way I like to show affection; Do you have a favorite recipe?
02/13/20 08:48PM
Part of me wants to learn to cook, but all the prep work leaves me daunted. I'm also a very "follow the directions" guy so I'd be stunted in that regard.

My dad did teach me the right way to brown beef for things like burgers or spaghetti, so I've got one of the basics at least.
02/13/20 08:51PM
I like cooking, but I don't like having to keep up with buying ingredients all the time. I finally got a spice rack, which is nice, but reminding myself to get actual cookable food is a chore, especially when there's 4 restaurants I love right near my place, and the nearest Target or Jewel is a few blocks further away. I've become ironically lazy thanks to city life.
02/13/20 10:32PM
Way cheaper than the alternative, so hell yes. A little lifehack for bachelors btw; cook in bulk. Making a week's worth of meals in one go saves you a ton of time, if you don't mind eating the same thing for several days in a row. Plus, you can always use different seasoning for a little variety, though salt and black pepper will take you far.

Also, pay heed to what they've got in the frozen foods aisle, you should be able to find cheap veggies in there. They're not particularly chemical-filled compared to the fresh stuff (at least over here), and typically come pre-cut be it wok or soup ingredients or anything in between.

And also also, best-by dates are guidelines. Depending on your gut, even slightly soured milk can be used for pancakes and the like.
02/13/20 10:35PM
As a Stepford housewife who’s aced Home Ec with a perfect A+ (one of the only A graded I ever got in high school) I can say I LOVE cooking~ Sure funding for ingredients is a bit limited but I still cook dinner every day and take great pride in it, and regularly follow and study cooking styles of other chefs like the great Gordon Ramsay and Wolfgang Puck and Binging with Babbish. My favorite dishes including any kind of steak or large piece of meat or fresh curry~
02/13/20 11:04PM
I like cooking, but severe depression and difficulty getting fresh ingredients on short notice makes it difficult to do so on a regular basis. One of my housemates got an instant pot for Xmas so I've been able to at least throw some things into that now and then.
02/13/20 11:13PM
I love to cook! One of my favorite things to make is just... Stew. Throwing together that many ingredients and coming up with something that can last for a good while, and also stay tasty both hot and cold.... It's nice. ^^
02/14/20 02:19AM
I make a pretty good burger. It's always a pleasure to eat. :)
02/14/20 11:38AM
Cooking is relaxing to me. I like it.
02/14/20 03:31PM
I like cooking, but I'm more of a baker. I inherited it from my mom.
But for cooking, the best dishes I've cooked are chicken alfredo and homemade chicken noddle soup. Made both of them from scratch. They were hard, but fun.
03/20/20 05:46AM
Nobody touch my cuisine, that's all i have to say.
03/20/20 11:14AM
A bit yeah, make a pretty good burger if you don't mind a tiny bit of bragging. :)
03/20/20 11:19AM
TheGrandOleRuski said:
A bit yeah, make a pretty good burger if you don't mind a tiny bit of bragging. :)

Looks like you forgot what you posted about a month ago, lol. Unfortunate side-effects of necroing threads :D
03/21/20 01:50AM
TheMadPrince said:
Looks like you forgot what you posted about a month ago, lol. Unfortunate side-effects of necroing threads :D

Aw crap, you're right! That's what I get for not checking the top posts.... XD
03/24/20 02:44AM
Not too much, but now have a lot of time for this, because stay home
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